Chapter 25.  XmlStatistics

#include <DbXml.hpp>

XmlStatistics::XmlStatistics(const XmlStatistics&)
XmlStatistics &operator = (const XmlStatistics &)
virtual XmlStatistics::~XmlStatistics()

The XmlStatistics class encapsulates statistical information about the number of keys in existence for a given index. Statistics are available for the total number of keys currently in use by the index, as well as the total number of unique keys in use by the index. Use XmlStatistics::getNumberOfIndexedKeys and XmlStatistics::getNumberOfUniqueKeys, respectively, to retrieve these values.

Be aware that the number the number of keys maintained for an index is a function of the number and size of documents stored in the container, and of the type of index being examined.

XmlStatistics objects are instantiated by XmlContainer::lookupStatistics. This object is free threaded, and can be safely shared among threads in an application.

XmlStatistics Methods