Building Tcl with Visual Studio

  1. Set the include directories. Choose Tools -> Options -> Projects -> VC++ Directories. Under the "Show directories for" pull-down, select "Include files". Add the full pathname for tcl/include , then click OK. Th is the directory that contains tcl.h.

  2. Set library files directory. Choose Tools -> Options -> Projects -> VC++ Directories. Under the "Show directories for" pull-down, select "Library files". Add the full pathname for the tcl/lib directory, then click OK. This is the directory needed to find tcl85.lib (or whatever the library is named in your distribution).

  3. Set the build type to Release or Debug (or other appropriate configuration) in the drop-down on the .NET tool bar.

  4. Right-click on db_tcl and select Build. This builds the TCL support library for Berkeley DB, which is required for Berkeley DB XML, and compiles all the files, placing the result into bin/debug/libdb_tcl61d.dll or bin/libdb_tcl61.dll.

  5. Right-click on dbxml_tcl and select Build. This builds the Tcl support library for Berkeley DB XML, placing the result into bin/debug/libdbxml_tcl60d.dll or bin/libdbxml_tcl60.dll.

If you use a version different from Tcl 8.5.x you will need to change the name of the Tcl library used in the build (for example, tcl85.lib) to the appropriate name. To do this, right click on db_tcl, go to Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional dependencies and change tcl85.lib to match the Tcl version you are using.