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Oracle® Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Metric Reference Manual for Non-Oracle Middleware Management
Release 12 (12.0)
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6 Microsoft Active Directory Metrics

This chapter provides descriptions for all Microsoft Active Directory metric categories, and tables list and describe associated metrics for each category. The tables also provide user actions if any of the metrics for a particular category support user actions.

Address Book Metrics

The Address Book is a client for the Active Directory database. It performs lookups and search operations on the Active Directory database to look for details such as account email ID, and so forth. The metrics in the Address Book category provide information regarding these operations.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-1 Address Book Metrics

Metric Description

Address Book Browse/Sec.

Shows the rate at which Address Book clients perform browse operations on the Active Directory.

Address Book Client Sessions

Shows the number of connected Address Book client sessions.

Address Book Lookups/Sec.

Shows the rate at which proxy clients perform search operations on the Active Directory.

Address Book Matches/Sec.

Shows the rate at which Address Book clients perform find operations on the Active Directory.

Address Book Property Reads/Sec.

Shows the rate at which Address Book clients perform property read operations on the Active Directory.

Address Book Reads/Sec.

Shows the rate at which Address Book clients perform read operations on the Active Directory.

Address Book Searches/Sec.

Shows the rate at which Address Book clients perform key search operations on the Active Directory.

All Errors from the Directory Service Event Log Metrics

This metric category shows all the errors currently listed in the windows event log file. It shows both system errors as well as application errors. Due to the bulk of data these metrics can show, these metrics are only shown as real-time metrics, and their data is not stored in the repository.

Default Collection Interval — Real-time only

Table 6-2 All Errors from the Directory Service Event Log Metrics

Metric Description

Error Message

Description text of the error that is mentioned in the event log file.

Event Type

Indicates whether this is a warning or an error.

Record Number

Every error generated has an event ID or record number. You can search more information on the web and the MSN technet website using this event ID.

Source Name

Component that generated the error or warning, such as NTDS Inter-site messaging.

Time Written

Date and time when the error was generated.

Database Log Files Metrics

All the events (whether search, lookup, update, and so forth) performed on the Active Directory database are stored in log files. Four standard log files are created when Active Directory is installed. Over a period of time, these log files can become larger and need to be cleaned for maintenance. The metrics in this category provide information regarding these log files, consisting of their current size and the free space remaining in the drive where they are installed.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 6-3 Database Log Files Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Log Drive Free Space

Free space remaining on the drive where the log files are stored.

Database Log Drive Free Space (GB)

Free space (in GB) remaining on the drive where the log files are stored.

Database Log File Size (GB)

Size of the log file in gigabytes.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements for the adequate file size.

Database Log File Size (MB)

Size of the log file in megabytes.

Database Log File Size Bytes

Size of the log file in bytes.

Database Log Files Location

Path of the log file on the operating system drive.

Directory Database Metrics

The metrics in this category show the size of the Active Directory database in bytes and MBs, and also shows the free space remaining on the operating system drive where the Active Directory database file is stored.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 6-4 Directory Database Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Drive Free Space

Free space remaining on the drive where the Active Directory database file is stored.

Database Drive Free Space (GB)

Free space remaining (in GB) on the drive where the Active Directory database file is stored.

Database File Name

Name of the Active Directory database file.

Database File Size (Bytes)

Database file size in bytes.

Database File Size (MB)

Database file size in megabytes.

Database File Size (GB)

Database file size in gigabytes.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements for the adequate file size.

Directory Replication Monitoring Metrics

The metrics in this category show the status of the Active Directory replication monitoring by depicting the bytes replicated, errors that have occurred, and so forth. The replication subsystem maintains data consistency across all domain controllers in a domain of Active Directory.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-5 Directory Replication Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Highest USN Committed (High Part)

Shows the high-order 32 bits of the highest update sequence number (USN) committed on the directory system agent (DSA).

Highest USN Committed (Low Part)

Shows the low-order 32 bits of the highest USN committed on the DSA.

Highest USN Issued (High Part)

Shows the high-order 32 bits of the highest USN issued on the DSA.

Highest USN Issued (Low Part)

Shows the low-order 32 bits of the highest USN issued on the DSA.

Inbound Full Sync Objects Remaining

Shows the number of objects remaining until the full synchronization is completed (while replication is done).

Inbound Object Updates Remaining in Packet

Shows the number of object updates received in the current directory replication update packet that have not yet been applied to the local server.

Inbound Objects Applied/Sec

Shows the rate at which replication updates received from replication partners are applied by the local directory service. This counter excludes changes that are received but not applied (because, for example, the change has already been made). This indicates how much replication update activity is occurring on the server because of changes generated on other servers.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements. If the current value is less than the warning and threshold value you define, the replication for objects applied per second is slow.

Inbound Objects Filtered/Sec

Shows the number of objects received from inbound replication partners that contained no updates that needed to be applied.

Inbound Objects/Sec

Shows the number of objects received from neighbors through inbound replication. A neighbor is a domain controller from which the local domain controller replicates locally.

Inbound Properties Applied/Sec

Shows the number of properties updated because of the incoming property winning the reconciliation logic that determines the final value to be replicated.

Inbound Properties Filtered/Sec

Shows the number of property changes received during the replication that has already been seen.

Inbound Properties Total/Sec

Shows the total number of object properties received from inbound replication partners.

Inbound Values (DNs Only)/Sec

Shows the number of object property values received from inbound replication partners that are distinguished names (DNs) that reference other objects. DN values, such as group or distribution list memberships, are generally more expensive to apply than other types of values.

Inbound Values Total/Sec

Shows the total number of object property values received from inbound replication partners. Each inbound object has one or more properties, and each property has zero or more values. Zero values indicate property removal.

Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites After Compression)/Sec

Shows the compressed size of inbound compressed replication data (size after compression from DSAs in other sites.)

Inbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites Before Compression)/Sec

Shows the original size of inbound compressed replication data (size before compression from DSAs in other sites).

Inbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site)/Sec

Shows the number of incoming bytes replicated that were not compressed at the source (that is, from DSAs in the same site).

Inbound Bytes Total/Sec

Shows the total number of bytes replicated in. This counter is the sum of the number of uncompressed bytes (never compressed) and the number of compressed bytes (after compression).The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements. If the current value is less than the warning and critical threshold value you defined, the replication traffic over time is slow.

Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites After Compression)/Sec

Shows the compressed size of outbound compressed replication data (size after compression from DSAs in other sites.)

Outbound Bytes Compressed (Between Sites Before Compression)/Sec

Shows the original size of outbound compressed replication data (size before compression from DSAs in other sites.)

Outbound Bytes Not Compressed (Within Site)/Sec

Shows the number of bytes replicated out that were not compressed (that is, from DSAs in the same site).

Outbound Bytes Total/Sec

Shows the total number of bytes replicated out that were not compressed (that is, from DSAs in the same site).

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements. If the current value is less than the warning and critical threshold value you defined, the replication traffic over time is slow.

Outbound Objects Filtered/Sec

Shows the number of objects that were determined by outbound replication to have no updates that the outbound partner did not already have.

Outbound Objects/Sec

Shows the number of objects replicated out.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements. If the current value is less than the warning and critical threshold value you defined, the replication traffic over time is slow.

Outbound Properties/Sec

Shows the number of properties replicated out.

Outbound Values (DNs Only)/Sec

Shows the number of object property values containing DNs sent to outbound replication partners. DN values, such as group or distribution list memberships, are generally more expensive to read than other kinds of values.

Outbound Values Total/Sec

Shows the number of object property values sent to outbound replication partners.

Pending Replication Synchronizations

Shows the number of directory synchronizations queued for this server but not yet processed.

Pending Replication Operations

Shows the number of directory operations not yet processed.

Synchronization Failures on Schema Mismatch

Shows the number of synchronization requests made to neighbors that failed because their schema is not synchronized.

Synchronization Requests Made

Shows the number of synchronization requests made to neighbors.

Synchronization Requests Successful

Shows the number of synchronization requests made to neighbors that were successfully returned.

Directory Service Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about the Active Directory services.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-6 Directory Service Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Client Binds in the Last Interval

Client bind operations performed since the last agent upload.

Directory Client Binds/Sec

Shows the number of ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this domain controller.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Directory Client Translations/Sec

Shows the number of ntdsapi.dll name translations per second serviced by this domain controller.

Directory Name Cache Hits/Sec

Shows the percentage of directory object name components lookups that are satisfied from the DSA's name cache.

Directory Percentage Reads by DRA

Shows the percentage of reads on the directory by replication.

Directory Percentage Reads by KCC

Shows the percentage of reads performed by the knowledge consistency checker on the directory.

Directory Percentage Reads by LSA

Shows the percentage of reads performed by the Local Security Authority (LSA) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Reads by NSPI

Shows the percentage of reads performed by the Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Reads by NTDS API

Shows the percentage of reads performed by the name service directory APIs on the directory.

Directory Percentage Reads by Others

Shows the percentage of reads performed by other components on the directory.

Directory Percentage Reads by SAM

Shows the percentage of reads performed by the Security Authentication Server (SAM) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by DRA

Shows the percentage of searches performed by the replication service on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by KCC

Shows the percentage of searches performed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by LDAP

Shows the percentage of searches performed by Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by LSA

Shows the percentage of searches performed by the Local Security Authority (LSA) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by NSPI

Shows the percentage of searches performed by the Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by NTDS API

Shows the percentage of searches performed by the NTDS API on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by Others

Shows the percentage of searches performed by other components on the directory.

Directory Percentage Searches by SAM

Shows the percentage of searches performed by the Security Authentication Server (SAM) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by DRA

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by the replication service on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by KCC

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by LDAP

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by LSA

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by the Local Security Authority (LSA) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by NSPI

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by the Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by NTDS API

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by the NTDS API on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by Others

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by other components on the directory.

Directory Percentage Writes by SAM

Shows the percentage of write operations performed by the Security Authentication Server (SAM) on the directory.

Directory Reads in the Last Interval

Number of read operations since the last agent upload.

Directory Reads/Sec

Rate of directory reads per second.

Directory Search Sub Operations/Sec

Rate of directory search sub operations per second.

Directory Searches in the Last Interval

Number of search operations since the last agent upload.

Directory Searches/Sec

Number of directory searches per second.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Directory Security Description Sub Operations/Sec

Shows the number of security descriptor propagation suboperations per second. One security descriptor propagation operation is comprised of many suboperations.

Directory Server Binds/Sec

Shows the number of domain controller-to-domain controller binds per second that are serviced by this domain controller.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Directory Server Name Translations/Sec

Shows the number of domain controller-to-domain controller name translations per second that are serviced by this domain controller.

Directory Writes in the Last Interval

Number of write operations on the directory since the last agent upload.

Directory Writes/Sec

Rate of directory write operations per second.

Monitor List Size

Shows the number of requests to be notified when objects are updated that are currently registered with the DSA.

Notify Queue Size

Shows the number of pending update notifications that have been queued but not yet transmitted to clients.

Percent Reads from NTDS API

Percent of read operations on the directory by the directory service APIs.

Search Sub Operations in the Last Interval

Search Sub Operations in the Last Interval.

Server Binds in the Last Interval

Server Binds in the Last Interval Server bind operations performed since the last agent uploaded.

Threads in Use

Shows the current number of threads in use by the directory service.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Event Log File Information Metrics

Event Log files contain the errors, warnings, and information about the messages generated for the various components. The metrics in this category provide information about the general windows event log files, such as SYSTEM.

Default Collection Interval — Every 48 hours

Table 6-7 Event Log File Information Metrics

Metric Description

File Size (MB)

Event log file size in megabytes.

File Size Bytes

Byte Event log file size in bytes.

Last Accessed

Time when the file was last accessed.

Last Modified

Time when the file was last modified.

Max FileSize Allowed (MB)

Maximum file size allowed by the OS for the event log file in megabytes.

Max FileSize Allowed Bytes

Maximum file size allowed by the OS for the event log file in bytes.


Current status of the event log file.

Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) Metrics

The metrics in this category provide the names of the various domain controllers in the forest and their role.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 6-8 Flexible Single Master Operations Metrics

Metric Description

Domain Controller

Domain controller performing that role. (This is the DSN name of the machine.)


Role played by the domain controller.

Important Services Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about all the important services that Active Directory depends upon.

Default Collection Interval — Every 11 minutes

Table 6-9 Important Services Metrics

Metric Description

Display Name

Display name of the service.


Path of the executable to invoke the service.


Current state of the service, such as Running.


Indicates whether the status of the service is "OK" or not.

Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC), which is part of the replication subsystem.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-10 Knowledge Consistency Checker Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

KDCA Requests

Shows the number of Authentication Server (AS) requests serviced by the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) per second. The client uses AS requests to obtain a ticket-granting ticket.

KDCA Requests in the Last Interval

Shows the number of KDCA requests since the last Agent upload.

KDCA Requests/Sec

Rate of KDCA requests per second.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

KDCTGS Requests

Rate of KDCTGS requests per second. Shows the number of Ticket Granting Server (TGS) requests serviced by the KD C per second. The client uses TGS requests to obtain a ticket to a resource.

KDCTGS Requests/Sec

Rate of KDCTGS requests per second.

Kerberos Authentication in the Last Interval

Kerberos authentications since the last agent upload.

Kerberos Authentications

Shows the number of times per second that clients use a ticket to this domain controller to authenticate to this domain controller.

Kerberos Authentications/Sec

Rate of Kerberos authentications per second.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Latest Errors and Warnings Metrics

The metrics in the this category provide information regarding the latest errors and warnings generated in the windows event log since the last agent upload time.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 6-11 Latest Errors and Warnings Metrics

Metric Description


Error under a category type, such as a system error.


User under whose ID the error was generated.

Windows Event Severity

Severity of the error or warning.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Metrics

The metrics in the this category provide performance information for the directory LDAP server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-12 Lightweight Directory Access Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Active Threads

Shows the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local directory service.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Client Connections in the Last Interval

LDAP connections made since the last upload to the repository.

Client Sessions

Shows the number of currently connected LDAP client sessions.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

LDAP UDP Operations/Sec

Shows the number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) operations that the LDAP server is processing per second.

LDAP Client Connections/Sec

Shows the number of client connections made using the LDAP protocol per second.

LDAP Directory Searches/Sec

Shows the rate at which LDAP clients perform search operations.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

LDAP Directory Writes/Sec

Shows the rate at which LDAP clients perform write operations.

LDAP New Connections/Sec

Shows the rate at which new client connections are made per second.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

LDAP Server Binds/Sec

Shows the rate of server bind operations per second.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

LDAP Writes in the Last Interval

Shows the write operations performed on the directory using LDAP since the last Agent upload.

New Connections in the Last Interval

Shows the new connections made on the directory using LDAP since the last Agent upload.

Searches in the Last Interval

Shows the search operations performed on the directory using LDAP since the last Agent upload.

Server Bind Time (Sec)

Shows the number of milliseconds taken for the last successful LDAP bind.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Server Binds in the Last Interval

Shows the server bind operations since the last Agent upload.

UDP Operations in the Last Interval

Shows the UDP operations since the last Agent upload.

Local Security Authentication Server (LSASS) Metrics

The Local Security Authority (LSA) is a protected subsystem that maintains security for the local computer. The metrics in this category provide information about this process, such as the bytes used by the LSA.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-13 Local Security Authentication Server Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Handles Count

Number of current handles.

Input/Output Data Bytes per Second

Number of bytes input/output by this process.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.


Name of the LSASS process.

Percent Processor Time Used

Shows the percentage of CPU time used by this process.

Private Bytes Used

CPU memory used by the process in bytes.

Private Bytes Used (KB)

CPU memory used by the process in kilobytes.

Private Bytes Used (MB)

CPU memory used by the process in megabytes.

Threads Count

Number of current threads.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Local Security Authentication Server CPU Overload Metrics

LSASS is the most memory-intensive process of Active Directory. If you calculate the CPU usage of this process, it is almost equivalent to calculating the overall load of Active Directory on the machine on which it is installed. The metrics in this category provide the percentage of load applied on the machine by the Active Directory.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 6-14 Local Security Authentication Server CPU Overload Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

CPU Load Percentage

Percentage of CPU memory consumed by the LSASS process.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Lost and Found Objects Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information the number of objects in the Lost and Found container of Active Directory.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 6-15 Lost and Found Objects Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Lost and Found Objects Count

Number of objects in the Lost and Found container.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

NT File Replication Service (NtFrs) Metrics

The metrics in the NT File Replication Service category provide information about the NT file replication service process.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-16 NT File Replication Service Metrics

Metric Description

Handles Count

Number of current handles.

Input/Output Data Bytes per Second

Number of bytes input/output by this process.


Name of the NtFrs process.

NtFrs CPU Usage %

Percentage of CPU used by the NtFrs process.

NtFrs Memory Usage (KB)

CPU memory used by the process in kilobytes.

NtFrs Memory Usage (MB)

CPU memory used by the process in megabytes.

Percent Processor Time Used

Shows the percentage of CPU time used by this process.

Private Bytes Used

CPU memory used by the process in bytes.

Threads Count

Number of current threads for this process.

Response Metrics

The metrics in this category provide the overall status or health of the Active Directory.

Default Collection Interval — Every minute

Table 6-17 Response Metrics

Metric Description and User Action


Indicates whether the Active Directory is in a healthy state or is down.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to 1. If the value is 0, the target is down, and if the value is 1, the target is up and running. If the value is anything other than 0 or 1, the target is either unavailable or unreachable.

Security Accounts Manager (SAM) Metrics

The metrics in the this category provide information about the performance of the Security Accounts Manager.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 6-18 Security Accounts Manager Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Account Group Evaluation Latency

The time taken by SAM to evaluate an account group.

Computer Creations in the Last Interval

The computer create attempts since the last Agent upload.

Computer Creations/Sec Inc Req

Number of SAM create machine attempts per second.

Display Information Queries/Sec

Number of SAM query displays per second.

Enumerations in the Last Intervals

SAM enumerations since the last Agent upload.

Global Catalog Evaluations in the Last Interval

SAM global catalog evaluations in the last interval.

Global Catalog Evaluations/Sec

Number of SAM global catalog evaluations per second.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Global Group Member Evaluations/Sec

Number of SAM account group membership evaluations per second.

Machine Create Attempts/Sec

Number of SAM create machine attempts per second.

Member Changes in the Last Interval

SAM member changes since the last Agent upload.

Member Changes/Sec

Number of SAM membership changes.

Non Transactional Member Evaluations/Sec

Number of SAM nontransitive membership evaluations per second.

Password Changes in the Last Interval

SAM password changes since the last Agent upload.

Password Changes/Sec

Number of SAM password changes per second.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

SAM Enumerations/Sec

Number of SAM enumerations per second.

Successful User Creations/Sec

Number of users successfully created per second.

Transactional Member Evaluations/Sec

Number of SAM transitive membership evaluations per second.

Universal Group Members/Sec

Number of SAM universal group membership evaluations per second.

User Create Attempts in the 1st intv

SAM user create attempts since the last Agent upload.

User Create Attempts/Sec

Number SAM create user attempts per second.

Trust Information Metrics

Under Active Directory, various levels of trust can be defined between different domains in a forest. This trust can be unidirectional or bidirectional. The trust defines the boundary for the resources that can be accessed, or operations that can be performed between different domains in a forest. For instance, if a user from wants to access some documents in, a trust can be defined for this.

Default Collection Interval — Every 17 minutes

Table 6-19 Trust Information Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Trust Direction

Indicates whether the trust is unidirectional or bidirectional.

Trust is OK

Indicates whether the current status of the trust is OK or not.

Trust Status

Indicates the current status, such as running, stopped, and so forth.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.