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Oracle® Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Metric Reference Manual for Non-Oracle Middleware Management
Release 12 (12.0)
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3 IBM WebSphere MQ Metrics

WebSphere MQ (formerly MQSeries) is IBM's Message Oriented Middleware offering that allows independent and potentially non-concurrent applications on a distributed system to communicate with each other.

This chapter provides descriptions for all IBM WebSphere MQ metric categories, and tables list and describe associated metrics for each category.

Channel Current Status Metrics

This category provides metrics about the current status of the channel.

Default Collection Interval — Every 3 minutes

Table 3-1 Channel Current Status Metrics

Metric Description

Bytes Received

Shows the number of bytes received.

Bytes Sent

Shows the number of bytes sent

Delta Bytes Received

Shows the number of bytes received since last collection

Delta Bytes Sent

Shows the number of bytes sent since last collection

Delta Messages Sent/Received

Shows the number of messages processed since last collection

Messages Sent/Received

Shows the number of messages processed


Shows the current status.

Channel Saved Status Metrics

This category provides metrics about Channel Saved Status.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 minutes

Table 3-2 Channel Saved Status Metrics

Metric Description

Last Seq Number

Shows the sequence number of the last message sent


Shows the status of the channel


Shows the type of the channel

Xmit Queue

Shows the transmission queue used by sender channels

Channels Metrics

This category provides metrics related to the channels.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 3-3 Channels Metrics

Metric Description

Alteration Date

Shows the date on which the definition was last altered

Cluster Name

Shows the name of the IBM WebSphere MQ Cluster to which this channel belongs

Cluster Name list

Shows the cluster name list

Connection Name

Shows the name of the channel connection

Max Msg Length

Shows the maximum length of the message that can be processed by the channel


Shows the type of the channel

Xmit QName

Shows the name of the transmission queue used by the sender channels

DynamicQs Metrics

This category provides metrics related to Dynamic Queues.

Table 3-4 DynamicQs Metrics

Metric Description

Definition Type

Shows the type of queue definition


Shows the type of the queue


Shows information about the usage (normal/transmission)

Local Queues Metrics

This category shows metrics related to local queues.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 3-5 Local Queues Metrics

Metric Description

Cluster Name List

Shows the cluster Name List

Definition Type

Shows the type of the queue definition


Shows the number of messages on the queue

Max Depth

Shows the maximum number of messages on the queue

Max Message Length

Shows the maximum length of the message can be processed

Open Input Count

Shows the number of open input handles, that is the total handles open for input on this queue. This gives you an idean on the number of applications that are currently connected to the queue to put messages on the queue

Open Output Count

Shows the number of open output handles, that is the total handles open for output on this Queue. This gives you an idea on the number of applications that are currently connected to the queue to get messages from the queue

Percent Usage

Shows the space used (in percentage)


Shows the type of the queue


Shows details about the usage, which can be "Normal" or "Trasmission")

Xmit QName

Shows the name of the transmission queue

QM Cluster Metrics

This category provides metrics related to IBM Websphere MQ Queue Manager Cluster, mainly the details about the channel used, the queue manager within this cluster, and the type of queue manager that is within this cluster.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 3-6 QM Cluster Metrics

Metric Description

Queue Manager Name

Shows the name of the IBM Websphere MQ Queue Manager that is within this IBM Websphere MQ Queue Manager Cluster

Queue Manager Type

Shows the type of the IBM Websphere MQ Queue Manager (full/partial repository)

QM General Metrics

This caterogy provides metrics related to QM General.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 minutes

Table 3-7 QM General Metrics

Metric Description

Command QName

Shows the name of the local queue that is used for accepting commands

Dead Letter QName

Shows the name of the local queue that is to be used for undelivered messages

Default Xmit QName

Shows the name of the default transmission queue that is used for the transmitting messages to remote queue managers, if there is no other indication of which transmission queue to use

Max Handles

Shows the maximum number of handles that any one job can have open at a time

Max Message Length

Shows the maximum length of message that can be processed


Shows the platform on which the queue manager is running

Repository Name List

Shows a list of clusters for which this queue manager provides a repository service

QMLoad Metrics

This category provides metrics about the load on IBM Websphere MQ Queue Manager.

Table 3-8 QMLoad Metrics

Metric Description

Bytes Received

Shows the bytes received since last collection

Bytes Sent

Shows the bytes sent since last collection

Messages Sent/Received

Shows the messages sent or received since last collection

Queue Status Input Handle Metrics

This category provides metrics related to Queue Status Input Handle.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 3-9 Queue Status Input Handle Metrics

Metric Description

Appl Tag

Shows the name of the application that is using this queue

Appl Type

Shows the type of the application that is using this queue

Channel Name

Shows you the channel used for the message input

Connection Name

Shows the name of the connection used by the channel

Open Options

Shows the open options for the queue

User Identifier

Shows you the user ID of the application

Queue Status Output Handle Metrics

This category provides metrics related to Queue Status Output Handle.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 3-10 Queue Status Output Handle Metrics

Metric Description

Appl Tag

Shows the name of the application that is using this queue

Appl Type

Shows the type of the application that is using this queue

Channel Name

Shows the name of the channel used for the message output

Connection Name

Shows the name of the connection name used by the channel

Open Options

Shows the open options for this queue

User Identifier

Shows the user ID of the application

Queues Metrics

This category provides metrics related to Message Queues.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 3-11 Queues Metrics

Metric Description

Cluster Name List

Shows the list of clusters with which the queue is shared


Shows the current depth (number of messages) of the queue. For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each "QName" object. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "QName" object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

Max Depth

Shows the maximum depth (number of messages) of the queue

Max Message Length

Shows the maximum message length allowed on a queue

Open Input Count

Shows the number of open input handles, that is the total handles open for input on this Queue. This gives you an idea on the number of applications that are currently connected to the queue to put messages on the queue

Open Output Count

Shows the number of open output handles, that is the total handles open for output on this Queue. This gives you an idea on the number of applications that are currently connected to the queue to get messages from the queue

Remote QManager

Shows the name of the remote queue manager (only for remote queues)

Remote QName

Shows the remote queues with which this queue interacts


Shows the queue type. It can be one of the following: Local, Remote, Model, Alias Queue, or Read-only


Shows how the queue is being used. The usage types can be "Normal" or "Tramission"

Xmit QName

Shows the transmission queue associated with this queue (only for remote queues)

Response Metrics

This category provides status metrics.

Table 3-12 Response Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the current status of the Queue Manager. The evaluation and collection frequency is 1 minute. The upload frequency is after every 5 samples.

Sender Channel Qs Metrics

This category provides metrics related to the Sender Channel Queues.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 3-13 Sender Channel Qs Metrics

Metric Description

Xmit QName

Shows the name of the transmission queue