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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Oracle Fusion Middleware Metric Reference Manual,
11g Release 1 (
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8 Forms

This chapter describes Oracle Forms metrics.

Forms Resource Usage

This metric measures the resources consumed by all the Forms sessions.

CPU Usage (%)

This metric specifies the percentage CPU usage of all the Forms sessions.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text
All Versions Every 60 Hours After Every Sample >= 80 90 2 cpu.component is %value% and has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

User Action

Navigate to the host Home page in the Fusion Middleware Control and review the top processes to see if you can identify which processes are consuming the most CPU. Or, navigate to the host Performance page in the Fusion Middleware Control and view the processes that are consuming the most CPU and take appropriate action.

Total CPU Time (millisec)

This metric specifies the total CPU Time (in millisec) consumed by all the Forms sessions.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours

User Action

No user action required.


The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours

Total Private Memory (KB)

This metric measures the total memory (in KB) consumed by all the Forms sessions. This is not the actual private memory on Linux but the Resident Set Size (RSS). RSS is the number of pages the process has in physical memory, minus three for administrative purposes.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text
All Versions Every 60 Hours After Every Sample >= 80 90 2 totalprivateMem is %value% and has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

User Action

Navigate to the host Home page in the Fusion Middleware Control and review the top processes to see if you can identify which processes are consuming the most Memory. Or, navigate to the host Performance page in the Fusion Middleware Control and view the processes that are consuming the most Memory and take appropriate action.

Forms Application Deployments

Shows information about the forms application deployments deployed in various WebLogic Server instances.

Forms Application Context Root

This metric specifies the Context Root of the Forms application deployment.

User Action

No action required.


Forms Application Internal Name

This metric provides the Forms application name including the version information.

User Action

No user action required.

Number of User Sessions

This metric indicates the number of forms sessions running per Forms application deployment.

User Action

No user action required.

Application State

This metric describes the current state of an application. An application could be in various states such as Active, Prepared and so on.

User Action

No user action required.

Application status

This metric specifies the status of Forms application deployment.

User Action

Check whether the WebLogic Server instance has been started and if so whether the application formsapp.ear has been deployed successfully.

Forms Application Version

This metric specifies the Forms Application Version.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides information such as resource usage, connection time, and so on of individual Forms sessions.


This metric specifies the name of the forms application that is deployed in the WebLogic Server instance. This is the deployment name in whose servlet the forms session is running.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric specifies the Configuration section the Forms Session is using. The configuration parameters are picked up either from the default section or the selected configuration section of formsweb.cfg.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provide information on the client connection time. This is the time at which the client connected to the Forms Runtime process.

User Action

No user action required.

CPU Usage (%)

This metric specifies the percentage of CPU Usage consumed by individual Forms sessions.

User Action

Navigate to the host Home page in the Fusion Middleware Control and review the top processes to see if you can identify which processes are consuming the most CPU. Or, navigate to the host Performance page in the Fusion Middleware Control and view the processes that are consuming the most CPU and take appropriate action.

CPU Time (millisec)

This metric specifies the CPU Time (in millisec) consumed by individual Forms session.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides the Database name to which the Forms session is connected.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides the Forms Runtime Engine executable name.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric specifies the name of the form module that is active.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides the name of the application server instance where Forms is configured.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric specifies the IP Address of the client machine.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides the Jsession ID that is used by the Forms Servlet for session management.

User Action

No user action required.

Private Memory (KB)

This metric specifies the Private memory consumed by the Forms session. This is not the actual private memory on Linux but the Resident Set Size (RSS). RSS is the number of pages the process has in physical memory, minus three for administrative purposes.

User Action

Navigate to the host Home page in the Fusion Middleware Control and review the top processes to see if you can identify which processes are consuming the most Memory. Or, navigate to the host Performance page in the Fusion Middleware Control and view the processes that are consuming the most Memory and take appropriate action.


This metric provides the name of the WebLogic Server where Forms servlet is deployed.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides the Thread ID of the Forms process that is used for tracing on Windows platforms.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides the TNS alias that is used by a running form to connect to Database. This is used to get Database specific information to be displayed on the Database Sessions page.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides the name of the Trace file in which the trace statements are written.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric provides information on the trace group that contains the trace events that are being traced. This may not reflect the accurate trace group if dynamic tracing built-ins have been used to enable or disable selective events.

User Action

No user action required.


This metric specifies the Database user that is connected to the Forms session.

User Action

No user action required.

JVM Controllers

The JVM Controllers category provides information about all the JVM controllers.

CPU Usage (%)

This metric specifies the percentage of CPU Usage consumed by the JVM Controller including child JVM processes.

User Action

Navigate to the host Home page in the Fusion Middleware Control and review the top processes to see if you can identify which processes are consuming the most CPU. Or, navigate to the host Performance page in the Fusion Middleware Control and view the processes that are consuming the most CPU.

CPU Time (millisec)

This metric specifies the CPU Time (in millisec) consumed by the JVM Controller process including child JVM processes.

Number of JVMs running for this JVM Controller

This metric specifies the number of JVMs running for this JVM Controller.

User Action

No user action required.

Private Memory (KB)

This metric specifies the Private Memory (in KB) consumed by the JVM Controller including child JVM processes. This is not the actual private memory on Linux but the Resident Set Size (RSS). RSS is the number of pages the process has in physical memory, minus three for administrative purposes.

UP Time (millisec)

This metric specifies the UP Time (in millisec) of the JVM Controller.

User Action

No user action required.

Number Of Sessions

The number of sessions category provides information about all the sessions.

Number Of Sessions

This metric measures the total number of Forms sessions of all Forms application deployments deployed in various WebLogic Server instances.

User Action

No user action required.


The Response category provides information about the default Forms application deployment 'formsapp' in WebLogic Server WLS_FORMS


The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours


This metric shows the status of the Forms Application 'formsapp' running inside WebLogic Server WLS_FORMS. By default, this metric has a critical threshold of 0 indicating that the Forms Servlet is unreachable and therefore Forms instance is not accessible. A critical alert is generated when the metric value reaches the critical threshold value once. It is recommended that this threshold is set at the default value.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text
All Versions Every 60 Hours After Every Sample =
Not Defined 0 1 The Forms instance is not accessible.

The value of this metric is obtained by measuring the availability of the Forms application.

The current value of this metric can also be seen from the Deployments table on the Forms Home Page.

User Action

Check whether the WLS_FORMS instance has been started and if so that the application formsapp.ear has been deployed successfully.

Servlet ResponseTime

Average response time (in millisec) of Forms Servlet.


This metric provides the name of the instance where Forms Servlet is configured.

Average Response Time (millisec)

This metric measure the average response time.


The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours

Servlet Name

This metric specifies the name of the servlet.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours

User Action

No user action required.

Response Time (millisec)

This metric measures the average time per task taken by the servlet to serve requests. By default, this metric has a warning threshold of 500 millisec and critical threshold of 1000 millisec indicating that the Forms Listener Response time is unacceptable. A critical alert is generated when the metric value reaches the critical threshold value once. It is recommended that this threshold is left at the default value

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text
All Versions Every 60 Hours After Every Sample > 500 1000 1 The Forms Listener response time is unacceptable.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of "Application Deployment Name" and "Server Name" objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of "Application Deployment Name" and "Server Name" objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of "Application Deployment Name" and "Server Name" objects, use the Edit Thresholds page. See Editing Thresholds for information on accessing the Edit Thresholds page.

User Action

No user action required.

Number Of Tasks

This metric specifies the total number of requests served by Forms Servlet.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours

User Action

No user action required.

Total Time

This metric specifies the total time spent (in millisec) on serving completed requests by Forms Servlet.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours

User Action

No user action required.

Web Module Name

This metric specifies the name of the Web Module.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 60 Hours

User Action

No user action required.