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Oracle® Enterprise Manager HP Operations Manager Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 11 (
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B Integrating OMU with Enterprise Manager

This appendix provides detailed steps for setting up OMU for use with the Oracle Enterprise Manager OMU Connector. The steps required depend on the version of OMU involved in the integration.

Perform the steps in one of the following sections based on your version of OMU:

Setting Up OMU Version 8

Perform the following steps to set up OMU version 8 for integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager. You need to perform these steps from the administrative console and the account must have administrative permissions.

  1. Create a Message Group to be used exclusively by Oracle Enterprise Manager:

    1. From the Root window, select Message Group Bank from the Window menu.

      The Message Group Bank window appears.

    2. Select Message Group from the Actions menu, then select Add...

      The Add Message Group window appears.

    3. Enter OracleEnterpriseManager for the Name and Label fields, as well as an optional description.

    4. Click OK.

  2. Create a new user or select an existing user that the OMU Agent will use to connect to OMU.

  3. Give the user access to the Message Group from step 1:

    1. From the Root window, select User Bank from the Window menu.

      The User Bank window appears.

    2. Click on the user selected in step 2.

    3. Right-click and select Modify…

      The Modify User window appears.

    4. Click Responsibilities…

      The Responsibilities for Operator window appears.

    5. Locate the name of the new Message Group and click on it to enable access to the user.

    6. Click Close.

      The Modify User window appears.

    7. Click OK.

  4. Create a Message Source Template for the new Message Group:

    1. From the Root window, select Message Source Templates from the Window menu.

      The Message Source Templates window appears.

    2. Select an existing Group or create a new group to contain the template. To create a new group, perform the following steps:

      • Click in the left pane on the location where you want to create the new Group. This can be [Toplevel] or an existing Group.

      • Click on the arrow on the Add LogFile… button and select Add Group… from the list.

        The Add Template Group window appears.

      • Specify a Template Group Name and a description. The Template Group Name can be whatever you choose.

      • Click OK.

    3. From the Message Source Templates window, click on the arrow on the Add LogFile… button and select Add Message… from the list.

      The Add OMU Interface Messages window appears.

    4. Provide input for the Template Name, Description, and Message Group fields, then click OK.

      Message Group must be set to the name of the Message Group you created in step 1. You can set the Template Name field to whatever you choose.

    5. Click in the right pane on the message that was just created, then click Conditions ...

      the Message and Suppress Conditions window appears.

    6. From the Message and Suppress Conditions window, click Add…

      The Condition No. 1 window appears.

    7. Provide the following input:

      • Enter the Description

      • Select Warning, Minor, Major, and Critical in Condition:Severity.

      • Set Condition:Message Group to the message group created in step 1.

      • Set Actions:Automatic:Node to <$OPC_MGMTSV>

      • Set Actions:Automatic:Command to /opt/oem/scripts/dummy <$MSG_ID> .


        The script referenced above does not need to exist. This is simply a required parameter that you must specify to forcibly activate the automatic action.

    8. From the the Condition No. 1 window, click OK.

      The Message and Suppress Conditions window appears.

    9. Click Close, then close the Message Source Templates window.

  5. Create a node to be used exclusively by Oracle Enterprise Manager:

    1. From the Root window, select Node Bank from the Window menu.

      The OMU Node Bank window appears.

    2. From the Actions menu, select Node, then select Add…

      The Add Node window appears.

    3. Specify a Label and a Hostname of OracleEnterpriseManager.

    4. Select non IP from the Net Type list.


      An error message appears indicating that the host name cannot be resolved. This is a normal response, so just ignore this message.

    5. Make sure that the Type of Managed Node is set to Message Allowed.

    6. Click OK.

  6. Add the new node to the server node group:

    1. From the Root window, select Node Group Bank from the Window menu.

      The OMU Node Group Bank window appears.

    2. Double-click on the node group bank for the OMU server machine.

    3. Drag the new node created in step 5 from the OMU Node Bank window to the Node Group window.

  7. Associate the template with the server node:

    1. From the Root window, select Node Bank from the Window menu.

      The OMU Node Bank window appears.

    2. Click on the node for the OMU server machine to select it.

    3. From the Actions menu, select Agents, then select Assign Templates.

      The Define Configuration window appears.

    4. Click Add ...

      The Add Configuration window appears.

    5. Click Open Template Window…

      The Message Source Templates window appears.

    6. Select the group that was added for the Oracle Enterprise Manager connector.

    7. From the Add Configuration window, click Get Template Selections.


      The Add Configuration and the Message Source Templates windows have a Get Template Selections button. If you receive an error, you probably clicked the button on the Message Source Templates window instead of the Add Configuration window.

    8. From the Add Configuration window, click OK.

      The Define Configuration window appears.

    9. Click OK, then close the Message Source Templates window.

  8. Deploy the changes to the server:

    1. From the Root window, select Node Bank from the Window menu.

      The OMU Node Bank window appears.

    2. Click on the node for the OMU server machine to select it.

    3. From the Actions menu select Agents, then select Install/Update SW & Config.

      The Install/Update OMU Software and Configuration window appears.

    4. Select Components:Templates and Target Nodes: Nodes in the list requiring updating.

    5. Click OK.

Setting Up OMU Version 9

Perform the following steps to set up OMU version 9 for integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager. You need to perform these steps from the administrative console and the account must have administrative permissions.

  1. Create a Message Group to be used exclusively by Oracle Enterprise Manager:

    1. Click the OMU icon at the top of the screen to configure OMU.

    2. Click the All Message Groups link under the All Objects section.

    3. At the bottom of the screen, select Add Message Group… from the list and click the >> button.

    4. Enter OracleEnterpriseManager in the Name and Label fields, as well as an optional description.

    5. Click Save.

  2. Create a new user or select an existing user that the OMU Agent will use to connect to OMU.

  3. Give the user access to the Message Group from step 1:

    1. Click the OMU icon at the top of the screen to configure OMU.

    2. Click the All Users link under the All Objects section.

    3. Click on the Name of the user name you created/selected in step 2.

    4. Select Edit Responsibilities… from the Actions list next to the User name at the top of the window.

    5. Click Edit View at the bottom of the screen.

    6. In the Available Message Groups section, click on the message group that you added in step 1, then click on the > button.

    7. Click OK to add the new message group to the user.

      The new message group should be listed with an empty checkbox for each associated node group.

    8. Click on the new message group name to select all of the empty checkboxes.

    9. Click Save to save all of your changes.

  4. Create a Policy Group to be used exclusively by Oracle Enterprise Manager:

    1. Click the OMU icon at the top of the screen to configure OMU.

    2. Click the All Policy Groups link under the All Objects section.

    3. At the bottom of the screen, select Add policy group from the list, and click the >> button.

    4. Enter OracleEnterpriseManager in the Name field, as well as an optional description.

    5. Click Save.

    All policy groups should be listed and the new one should be included in the list.

  5. Add a policy to create a message for Enterprise Manager to the new policy group:

    1. Click the OMU icon at the top of the screen to configure OMU.

    2. Click the All Policy Groups link under the All Objects section.

    3. Click on the Name of the new policy group created in step 4.

      Information for the new policy group should be listed.

    4. At the bottom of the screen, select Add Policy… from the list and click the >> button.

      A window should appear where you enter the policy type.

    5. Select Open_Message_Interface from the list, then click OK.

    6. On the Properties tab, enter a Name of "Generate EM Message" and a Description of "Policy to generate a message for Oracle Enterprise Manager."

    7. Click the Message Defaults tab, and enter OracleEnterpriseManager in the Message Group field.

    8. Click the Conditions tab and select Add Condition at the bottom of the screen.

    9. Click the Condition tab and make sure the Type field is set to Message On Matched Condition.

    10. Enter "Condition to filter message from the OracleEnterpriseManager message group" in the Description field.

    11. Select all values in the Severity field.

    12. Enter OracleEnterpriseManager in the Message Group field.

    13. Click the Actions tab and click in the Automatic check box. Additional fields should be displayed under the Automatic section.

    14. Enter "/opt/oem/scripts/dummy <$MSG_ID>" in the Command field, and "<$OPC_MGMTSV>" in the Node field.

    15. Click Save to save the policy.

  6. Create a node to be used exclusively by Oracle Enterprise Manager:

    1. Click the OMU icon at the top of the screen to configure OMU.

    2. Click the All Nodes link under the All Objects section.

    3. At the bottom of the screen, select Add Node… from the list and click the >> button.

    4. Set the Node Type field to non IP->other ->other.

    5. Click the Properties tab.

    6. Set the Host Name and Label fields to OracleEnterpriseManager.

    7. Set the Parent Group field to NodeBank.

    8. Click the Management tab.

    9. Make sure the Management type field is set to Message allowed.

    10. Click Save.

  7. Add the new node to the server node group:

    1. Click the OMU icon at the top of the screen to configure OMU.

    2. Click the All Node Groups link under the All Objects section.

    3. Click on the Name of the server machine.

    4. At the bottom of the screen, select Assign Nodes to this Node Group… from the list, then click the >> button.

      A Selector window appears.

    5. Enter filter information to find the new node, then click Filter.

    6. Select the new node from the list, then click OK.