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Oracle® Enterprise Manager HP Operations Manager Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 11 (
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2 Installing the Connector

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Connector Framework requires a web service interface for exchanging event information with HP Operations Manager (OMU). Since OMU does not provide a web services interface, you must install a third-party OMU web service front-end, which is included in the Oracle Enterprise Manager installation package.

You can install the web service on a UNIX or Windows system that has connectivity with the OMU server. In addition to the OMU web service front-end, you must also install a back-end Oracle OMU Agent on the same physical system as the OMU server. The Oracle OMU Agent is preconfigured and is also included in the Oracle Enterprise Manager installation package.

Figure 2–1 shows the communication between the various components of the OMU Connector.

Figure 2-1 Connector Communication Between Components

Shows a flow chart of the communication from EM to OVOU.

The following sections in this chapter discuss these topics:

Installation Platforms

You can install the Oracle web service for HP Operations Manager on the following platforms that support Java JRE 1.6:

You can install the Oracle Agent for HP Operations Manager on the following platforms:

Installing and Running the Oracle Agent for HP Operations Manager

The following sections provide procedures that successfully enable you to install the Agent, then subsequently run it.

Installing the Agent

The back-end Oracle OMU Agent exchanges data with the OMU API and must be run on the same physical system as the OMU server. The Oracle OMU Agent is preconfigured to interface with the OMU Web Service and requires minimal configuration.

To install the Oracle OMU Agent, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the hp_omu_connector_bundle.jar file from the Oracle Technology Network to the installation directory.

  2. Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the directory where Java 1.6 is installed.

  3. Extract the installation file by running the following command:

    jar xvf hp_omu_connector_bundle.jar


    If the system where the OMU Agent is being installed does not have the JDK installed, you cannot extract the jar file contents. You need to copy the jar file to a system that has the installed JDK and transfer the files after they have been extracted.

  4. Put the appropriate installation file into the directory where you intend to install the Oracle OMU Agent. Note that you need to do this on the HP Operations Manager system host.

    For the HP-UX platform, the Agent zip file is named hpomuAgentHPUX.tar.gz, for the Solaris platform, the Agent zip file is named hpomuAgentSolaris.tar.gz, and for the Linux platform, the Agent zip file is named hpomuAgentLinux.tar.gz.

  5. Open a terminal and change the working directory to the installation directory.

  6. Enter the appropriate command listed below to unzip the Agent zip:

    • For HP-UX:

      gunzip hpomuAgentHPUX.tar.gz
    • For Solaris:

      gunzip hpomuAgentSolaris.tar.gz
    • For Linux:

      gunzip hpomuAgentLinux.tar.gz
  7. Enter the appropriate command listed below to extract the installation files from the resulting .tar file:

    • For HP-UX:

      tar xvf hpomuAgentHPUX.tar
    • For Solaris:

      tar xvf hpomuAgentSolaris.tar
    • For Linux:

      tar xvf hpomuAgentLinux.tar

    This creates the ovo-agent directory that contains the installation files.

  8. Change the working directory to the ovo-agent/scripts directory.

  9. Enter the following command to run the setup script to configure the Oracle OMU Agent:


    The following prompts appear in this sequence:

    1. Enter the UserID to use when accessing the OMU API: — Enter the user name of the OMU account for the Agent to use when accessing the OMU API. This is the OMU user account specified in the prerequisites section.

    2. Enter the Password to use when accessing the OMU API: — Enter the password of the OMU account the Agent uses to access the OMU API. This is the OMU user account specified in the prerequisites section.

    3. Do you want to configure the agent to send OMU events to EM? — Specify Y if you intend to send events from OMU to Enterprise Manager. Specify N if you only want event data to flow from Enterprise Manager to OMU.

    4. Enter the IP address or hostname of the machine where the OMU web service will be installed: — This prompt is only issued if the Agent is being configured to send OMU events to Enterprise Manager. To send events to Enterprise Manager, the Agent forwards event information to the OMU web service. Specify the system where the OMU web service will be installed.

    5. Enter a comma-separated list of message groups to send to EM: — This prompt is only issued if the Agent is being configured to send OMU events to Enterprise Manager. Enter a space-separated list of the OMU message group(s) to be picked up by Oracle Enterprise Manager when polling for new or updated alerts.


      All message groups registered with the Agent must have a defined automatic action. This enables the Agent to detect new messages created in OMU. For any message groups that do not already have a defined automatic action, the recommendation is to set up an automatic action to invoke a script that does nothing.

    6. Enter the system usernames that have access to start and stop the OMU Agent. — You are prompted for a user name until an empty response is provided.

  10. Open another terminal and log in as root.

  11. Change the working directory to the ovo-agent/scripts directory in the Oracle OMU Agent installation directory.

  12. Enter the following command to enable the Oracle OMU Agent to run with root permissions:

  13. Close the terminal where you are logged in as root.

  14. Delete the Agent .tar file from the installation directory.

Running and Stopping the Agent

Running the Agent

Before starting the Agent on the Solaris platform, verify that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable contains the /opt/OV/lib path.

To start the Oracle OMU Agent, enter the following command from the ovo-agent/scripts directory in the Oracle OMU Agent installation directory:


Stopping the Agent

To stop the Oracle OMU Agent, enter the following command from the ovo-agent/scripts directory in the Oracle OMU Agent installation directory:


You must specify the user name and password for an account that is authorized to stop the Oracle OMU Agent.

Troubleshooting the Agent

The Oracle OMU Agent links in OMU libraries at run time. On some systems, you might receive an error similar to the following error when attempting to run the Agent using an account other than root. ovooper: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

This error message indicates that the OS runtime does not know where to pick up the OMU library files. On all supported platforms, you can use the ldd command to determine which libraries cannot be loaded.

The following sections explain about what is required to change the run-time configuration on the supported platforms.


For Linux systems, do the following to configure the run-time loader to pick up the OMU libraries:

  1. Add the library paths to the /etc/ file.

  2. Run the ldconfig command.


For HP-UX systems, you must add the library paths to the /etc/ file.


For Solaris systems, you must run the crle command with the -s option to add the OMU library paths to the run-time configuration.

Examples for Solaris

ldd Command Examples

  • Run the ldd command with no options to analyze the run-time libraries loaded by the ovooper binary. The output shows that some of the files cannot be found.

    $ ldd ovooper
   =>  (file not found)
   =>      (file not found)
   => (file not found)
   =>   (file not found)
   =>     (file not found)
   =>   /lib/
   =>     /usr/lib/
   => /lib/
   => /lib/
   =>     /lib/
   =>     /lib/
   =>    /lib/
   =>       /usr/lib/
   => (file not found)
   =>     /lib/
   =>    /lib/
   =>   /lib/
   =>   /lib/
   => /usr/lib/
   =>     /lib/
   =>  /lib/
   => /lib/
  • Run the ldd command with the -s option to provide additional information, as shown below. The command output shows that the /opt/OV/lib and /opt/OV/lib paths are being ignored because of an insecure directory name. This means that the libraries are not defined in the run-time linking environment.

    $ ldd -s ovooper
       find; required by ovooper
        search path=/opt/OV/lib:/usr/local/lib  (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
        ignore path=/opt/OV/lib  (insecure directory name)
        ignore path=/usr/local/lib  (insecure directory name)
        search path=/lib:/usr/lib  (default)
        trying path=/lib/
        trying path=/usr/lib/
   =>  (file not found)

crle Command Examples

  • Run the crle command with no options to show the library paths currently defined for the run-time linking environment:

    # crle
    Configuration file [version 4]: /var/ld/ld.config
      Default Library Path (ELF):   /lib:/usr/lib  (system default)
      Trusted Directories (ELF):    /usr/lib/secure:/lib/secure
    Command line:
      crle -c /var/ld/ld.config -s /usr/lib/secure:/lib/secure
  • Run the crle command with the -s option to add the OMU library paths to the run-time linking environment:

    # crle -s /lib/secure:/usr/lib/secure:/opt/OV/lib:/usr/local/lib
  • Run the crle command again with no options to verify that the library paths are now correct for the run-time linking environment:

    Configuration file [version 4]: /var/ld/ld.config
      Default Library Path (ELF):   /lib:/usr/lib  (system default)
      Trusted Directories (ELF):    /lib/secure:/usr/lib/secure:/opt/OV/lib:/usr/local/lib
    Command line:
      crle -c /var/ld/ld.config      -s /lib/secure:/usr/lib/secure:/opt/OV/lib:/usr/local/lib

Installing the Oracle Web Service for HP Operations Manager

The Oracle OMU web service acts as a front-end for all data flowing into and out of OMU. Oracle Enterprise Manager posts calls to the web service whenever it needs to create or update a message, or get new or updated messages from OMU.

You can install the OMU web service on any UNIX or Windows system that runs the Oracle JRE 1.6 and has connectivity to the OMU server and the Oracle Enterprise Manager server.

Installing and Running the HP Operations Manager Web Service on Unix

The following sections explain how to install and then subsequently run the Web Service.

Installing the Web Service on Unix

To install the web service on a Unix platform, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a directory where you want to install the web service.

  2. Open a terminal and change the working directory to the installation directory.

  3. Download the hp_omu_connector_bundle.jar file from the Oracle Technology Network to the installation directory.

  4. Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the directory where Java 1.6 is installed.

  5. Extract the connector components by running the following command:

    jar xvf hp_omu_connector_bundle.jar


    If the system where the OMU web service is being installed does not have the JDK installed, you cannot extract the jar file contents. You need to copy the jar file to a system that has the installed JDK and transfer the files after they have been extracted.

  6. Enter the following command to extract the web services components from the web services .jar file:

    jar xvf HPOMU_webservices_adapter.jar


    If the system where the OMU web service is being installed does not have the JDK installed, you cannot extract the jar file contents. You need to copy the .jar file to a system that has the installed JDK and transfer the files after they have been extracted.

    This creates the adapters directory that contains the installation files.

  7. Enter the following command to change the working directory as follows:

    cd adapters/endpoints/hpovou
  8. Enter the following command to run the installation script:

  9. When the script prompts whether you want to use HTTPS:

    • If you specify Y, the web service is set up to use HTTPS port number 8443.

    • If you specify N, the web service is set up to use HTTP port number 8080.

  10. When the script prompts for the user name of the web service, enter a user name that must be provided to access the OMU Web Service.


    The user name can be any value and is not associated with any specific OS or OMU account. Note this value and supply it when configuring the OMU connector in Enterprise Manager.

  11. When the script prompts for the password of the web service, enter the password that must be provided to access the OMU Web Service.

  12. When the script prompts for the system where the Agent was installed, enter the host name or IP address where the Oracle OMU Agent was installed.

    You cannot specify the host name of localhost. The host name must be the actual host name or IP address of the system.

  13. When the script prompts for the port number the Agent uses, enter the port number the Oracle OMU Agent uses. Unless you have manually configured the Agent to use a different port number, just accept the default port number of 9007.

  14. After the script displays the message "OMU Web Service Complete," press Enter to complete the installation.

  15. If the web service was configured to run using the HTTPS protocol, you must install a SSL certificate. You can install a self-signed certificate, or you can acquire a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).

    • To generate and install a self-signed SSL certificate:

      Enter the following commands, and replace <hostname> with the system host name or IP address that the OMU web service will use:

      cd ../../conf
      $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -delete -alias iwave -keypass iwavepw -storepass iwavepw -keystore keystore.jks
      $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias iwave -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -dname "CN=<hostname>, OU=Development, O=iWave Software, L=Frisco, ST=TX, C=US" -keypass iwavepw -storepass iwavepw -keystore keystore.jks
    • To install a certificate that the Certificate Authority issues:

      • Request a certificate from a Certificate Authority, such as VeriSign.

        Make sure to specify the host name or IP address that the OMU web service will use. The host name in the certificate must match the host name the web service uses. If they do not match, the web service cannot function.

      • After you obtain the certificate from the Certificate Authority, enter the following commands to install the certificate, where <certificateFile> is the full path name of the file the Certificate Authority provides:

        cd ../../conf
        $JAVA_HOME%/bin/keytool -importcert -alias iwave -file <certificateFile> -keypass iwavepw -storepass iwavepw -keystore keystore.jks
  16. Delete the HPOMU_webservices_adapter.jar file from the installation directory.

The web service framework is now installed and ready to start.

If the HP Operations Manager Web Service was configured to use the HTTPS protocol, the certificate must be imported into Enterprise Manager. See Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager for instructions.

Running the Web Service on Unix

To run the HP Operations Manager Web Service framework commands listed with the following tasks, first change the working directory to ...


... in the installation directory.

  • Start: ./ start

  • Shut Down: ./ stop

  • Restart: ./ restart

  • Check Status: ./ status

Testing the Web Service on Unix

Perform the following steps to verify that the OMU Web Service is functional.

  1. Open a terminal and change the working directory to the adapters/bin directory in the installation directory.

  2. Enter the following command to run the test script:

  3. When the utility prompts for the web service password, enter the password you specified for the OMU web service in step 11 of Section, "Installing the Web Service on Unix".

If the test completes successfully, the last line the utility displays is "Test completed successfully."


If the HTTPS protocol is being used, the test fails if the installed JRE version is 1.6_10. An issue with this version causes the test to fail. To test the web service, you need to verify that you can load the WSDL in a web browser. See Section 3.3, "Testing the HP OMU Connector".

Installing and Running the HP Operations Manager Web Service on Windows

The following sections explain how to install and then subsequently run the Web Service.


The following prerequisites must be met before proceeding to the next section.

  • Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6 is installed.

  • JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the JRE installation directory.

  • Zip utility, such as WinZip, is installed for unzipping a zip file.

Installing the Web Service on Windows

To install the web service on a Windows platform, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a directory where you want to install the web service.

  2. Open a terminal and change the working directory to the installation directory.

  3. Download the hp_omu_connector_bundle.jar file from the Oracle Technology Network to the installation directory.

  4. Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the directory where Java 1.6 is installed.

  5. Extract the .jar file by running the following command:

    jar xvf hp_omu_connector_bundle.jar


    If the system where the OMU web service is being installed does not have the JDK installed, you cannot extract the jar file contents. You need to copy the jar file to a system that has the installed JDK and transfer the files after they have been extracted.

  6. Open a command prompt window and change the working directory to the installation directory.

  7. Enter the following command to extract the web services components from the web services .jar file:

    jar xvf HPOMU_webservices_adapter.jar


    If the system where the OMU web service is being installed does not have the JDK installed, you cannot extract the jar file contents. You need to copy the jar file to a system that has the installed JDK and transfer the files after they have been extracted.

    This creates the adapters directory that contains the installation files.

  8. Enter the following command to change the working directory as follows:

    cd adapters\endpoints\hpovou
  9. Enter the following command to run the installation script:

  10. When the script prompts whether you want to use HTTPS:

    • If you specify Y, the web service is set up to use HTTPS port number 8443.

    • If you specify N, the web service is set up to use HTTP port number 8080.

  11. When the script prompts for the user name of the web service, enter a user name that must be provided to access the OMU Web Service.


    The user name can be any value and is not associated with any specific OS or OMU account. Note this value and supply it when configuring the OMU connector in Enterprise Manager.

  12. When the script prompts for the password of the web service, enter the password that must be provided to access the OMU Web Service.

  13. When the script prompts for the system where the Agent was installed, enter the host name or IP address where the Oracle OMU Agent was installed.

    You cannot specify the host name of localhost. The host name must be the actual host name or IP address of the system.

  14. When the script prompts for the port number the Agent uses, enter the port number the Oracle OMU Agent uses. Unless you have manually configured the Agent to use a different port number, just accept the default port number of 9007.

  15. After the script displays the message "OMU Web Service Complete," click Enter to complete the installation.

  16. If the web service was configured to run using the HTTPS protocol, you must install a SSL certificate. You can install a self-signed certificate, or you can acquire a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).

    • To generate and install a self-signed SSL certificate:

      Enter the following commands, and replace <hostname> with the system host name or IP address that the OMU web service will use:

      cd ..\..\conf
      "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" –delete -alias iwave -keypass iwavepw -storepass iwavepw -keystore keystore.jks
      "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -genkey -alias iwave -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -dname "CN=<hostname>, OU=Development, O=iWave Software, L=Frisco, ST=TX, C=US" -keypass iwavepw -storepass iwavepw -keystore keystore.jks
    • To install a certificate that the Certificate Authority issues:

      • Request a certificate from a Certificate Authority, such as VeriSign.

        Make sure to specify the host name or IP address that the OMU web service will use. The host name in the certificate must match the host name the web service uses. If they do not match, the web service cannot function.

      • After you obtain the certificate from the Certificate Authority, enter the following commands to install the certificate, where <certificateFile> is the full path name of the file the Certificate Authority provides:

        cd ..\..\conf
        "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -importcert -alias iwave -file <certificateFile> -keypass iwavepw -storepass iwavepw -keystore keystore.jks
  17. Optional: If you want to run the web service as a Windows service, perform the following steps:

    1. Change the working directory to the adapters\bin directory in the installation directory.

    2. Enter the following command to install the web service as a Windows service:

      service.bat install
  18. Delete the HPOMU_webservices_adapter.jar file from the installation directory.

The web service framework is now installed and ready to start.

If the HP Operations Manager Web Service was configured to use the HTTPS protocol, the certificate must be imported into Enterprise Manager. See Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager for instructions.

Running the Web Service on Windows

You can run the Web Service either as a standalone service or Windows service.

Running as a Standalone Service

To start the OMU web service framework when set up as a standalone application (not set up to run as a Windows service):

  1. Change the working directory to the adapters\bin directory in the installation directory.

  2. Run the following command:


To shut down the OMU web service framework, close the window where you started the adapter.

Running as a Windows Service

To start the OMU web service framework when set up to run as a Windows service, enter the following command:

net start iWaveAdapters

To shut down the OMU web service framework, enter the following command:

net stop iWaveAdapters

Testing the Web Service on Windows

Perform the following steps to verify that the OMU Web Service is functional.

  1. Open a terminal and change the working directory to the adapters\bin directory in the installation directory.

  2. Enter the following command to run the test script:

  3. When the utility prompts for the web service password, enter the password you specified for the OMU web service in step 12 of Section, "Installing the Web Service on Windows".

If the test completes successfully, the last line the utility displays is "Test completed successfully."


If the HTTPS protocol is being used, the test fails if the installed JRE version is 1.6_10. An issue with this version causes the test to fail. To test the web service, you need to verify that you can load the WSDL in a web browser. See Section 3.3, "Testing the HP OMU Connector".

Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager

The OMU Web Service SSL certificate must be imported into Enterprise Manager. For versions and, perform the steps in Adding Signed Certificates to Wallet Manager. For version, perform the steps in Adding Signed Certificates to cacerts.

Adding Signed Certificates to Wallet Manager


Oracle Wallet Manager is available at $ORACLE_HOME/bin on OMS for versions and See the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide for details.

Perform the following steps in Oracle Enterprise Manager to add signed certificates:

  1. Do the following to obtain a copy of the certificate that the OMU web service is using:

    1. Open a command prompt window and change the working directory to ...


      ... where <OMUWS_INSTALL> is the directory where the OMU web service is installed.

    2. Issue the following command to extract the certificate:

      — Unix platforms:

      $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -exportcert -alias iwave -file omuws.cer -keystore keystore.jks -storepass iwavepw

      — Windows platforms:

      %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -exportcert -alias iwave -file omuws.cer -keystore keystore.jks -storepass iwavepw
    3. Transfer the certificate file omuws.cer to the system where Enterprise Manager is installed.

  2. Open a new terminal and set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the directory where OMS is installed.

  3. As Super Administrator, create a wallet using the following orapki utility command at the OMS host:

    $OMS_HOME/../agent11g/orapki  wallet create -wallet client -auto_login
  4. Add the trusted certificate to the wallet by entering the following command:

    $OMS_HOME/../agent11g/orapki wallet add -wallet client -trusted_cert -cert <certFile>
  5. To view the content of the wallet, enter the following command:

    $OMS_HOME/../agent11g/orapki wallet display -wallet client

    Verify that the certificate that was added is listed in the Trusted Certificates.

  6. Start Oracle Wallet Manager and open the client wallet.

  7. Click on Trusted Certificates and select Operations on the main menu.

  8. Select Export All Trusted Certificates.

  9. Save the file as certdb.txt.

  10. Place the file certdb.txt in the connector home root directory ($OMS_HOME/sysman/connector).

    If the certdb.txt file already exists in the root directory, open the file and add the contents of your certdb.txt file to the existing content.

Java SSL can now use this file for communication between Oracle Enterprise Manager and the OMU web service in HTTPS mode.

See Also:

For additional information on creating a wallet, see "Creating and Viewing Oracle Wallets with orapki" in the Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator's Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2).

Adding Signed Certificates to cacerts

Do the following in Enterprise Manager to add signed certificates to the Java cacerts keystore:

  1. Obtain a copy of the certificate that the OMU web service is using:

    1. Open a command prompt window and change the working directory to ...


      ... where <OMUWS_INSTALL> is the directory where the OMU web service is installed.

    2. Issue the following command to extract the certificate:

      Unix platforms —

      $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -exportcert -alias iwave -file omuws.cer -keystore keystore.jks -storepass iwavepw

      Windows platforms —

      %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -exportcert -alias iwave -file omuws.cer -keystore keystore.jks -storepass iwavepw
    3. Transfer the certificate file omuws.cer to the system where Enterprise Manager is installed.

  2. Determine the location of the JRE in the Oracle Home directory.

  3. Open a command window and navigate to the JRE bin directory.

  4. Enter the following command to add the certificate to the cacerts keystore:

    Unix platforms —

    ./keytool -importcert -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
    -trustcacerts -file <OMUWS_INSTALL>/adapters/conf/omuws.cer -alias omuws_cert

    Windows platforms —

    .\keytool -importcert -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit
    -trustcacerts -file <OMUWS_INSTALL>\adapters\conf\omuws.cer -alias omuws_cert
  5. Restart OMS by opening a command window, changing the working directory to <ORACLE_HOME>/oms11g/bin, and issuing the following commands:

    emctl stop oms
    emctl start oms

Installing the HP Operations Manager Connector in Oracle Enterprise Manager

he following steps explain how to add the new HP Operations Manager Unix Connector to Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.


Table 2–1 at the end of this section provides descriptions for the parameters shown for the emctl command in this procedure.


The commands in this section and the following section reference the OMS_HOME environment variable. OMS_HOME must be set to the OMS sub-directory in the Enterprise Manager installation directory. For versions and, this is the oms10g directory. For version, this is the oms11g directory.

Example settings of the OMS_HOME variable are /gc/OracleHomes/oms10g on a Unix platform running version, and C:\Oracle\Middleware2\oms11g on a Windows platform running version

  1. Enter the following command to extract the connector .jar file for versions and

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl extract_jar connector -jar <jarfile> -cname <connectorTypeName>

    For version, enter the following command:

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl extract_jar connector <jarfile> <connectorTypeName>  <OracleHome>


    You should perform this extraction on all OMS instances, because all OMS instances need to access the files locally. and Command Example

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl extract_jar connector -jar "$OMS_HOME/ bin/sysman/connector/hpomu_connector.jar" -cname "HP OMU Connector"

    When run, this creates the following new connector sub-directory:

  2. Register the connector by entering the following command based on your Enterprise Manager version, noting the required double-quotes. You only need to perform the registration once.

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_connector connector -dd "<deployment file>" -repos_pwd <repos_pwd>

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_connector connector -dd "<deployment file>" -cs //<server>:<port>/<databaseSID> -repos_user <repos_user> -repos_pwd  <repos_pwd>

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_connector connector “<deployment file>”  <server> <port> <databaseSid> <reposuser> <repospwd> “<omshome>”
 Command Example

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_connector connector -dd “$OMS_HOME/ sysman/connector/HP_OMU_Connector/HPOMUConnector.xml”
    -repos_pwd password

The new HP OMU connector should now appear in the Management Connectors page after the emctl register_connector command has loaded the connector, as shown in Figure 2–2.

Figure 2-2 Installed HP OMU Connector

Shows line entry for HP OVOU in Management Connectors page.

Table 2–1 provides descriptions for the parameters shown in the procedure above.

Table 2-1 emctl Parameters

Parameter Description


Connector name. Specify "HP OMU Connector". The double quotes ("") are mandatory.


Connect string. Specify as "//$emHost:$dbPort/$dbSID”, where, $emHost is the server, $dbPort is the port, and $dbSID is the database session identifier.


Connector type name. Specify "HP OMU Connector". The double quotes ("") are mandatory.

database sid/ Service Name for RAC DB

Repository database instance ID or service name if you are using a RAC database as the repository.

deployment file

Fully-qualified name of the connector deployment file. This HPOMUConnector.xml file resides in the following HP OMU connector directory:



Short description for the ticket template. This description is also displayed in Enterprise Manager.


Internal name — Depending on the template, the values can be acknowledgeAlerts, createEvent, getNewAlerts, getUpdatedAlerts, or updateEvent.


Top directory of the OMS installation.


"<oraclehome>\oms10g" with double quotes is recommended.


Listener port of the repository.


Password for SYSMAN.


Specify SYSMAN.


Host name of the Enterprise Manager repository.


Template name — Depending on the template, the values can be Acknowledge Alerts, Create Event, Get New Alerts, Get Updated Alerts, or Update Event.


Template type — Specify 1 for inbound transformation and 2 for outbound transformation.

Registering Templates

The following steps explain how to register templates for various Enterprise Manager versions.

  1. For each template, run the following emctl register_template connector command based on the Enterprise Manager version. The command must be run as a user with execute privilege on emctl and the ability to read the template.

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_template connector -t <template.xml> -repos_pwd <password> -ctname <connector_type_name> -cname <connector_name> -tname <template_name> -iname <internal_name> -ttype <template_type> -d <description>

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_template connector -t <template.xml> -cs //<server>:<port> /<database sid> -repos_user <username> -repos_pwd <password> -ctname <connector_type_name> -cname <connector_name> -tname <template_name> -iname <internal_name> -ttype <template_type> -d <description>

    $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_template connector -t <template.xml> -cs //<server>:<port>/<databaseSID> -repos_user <username> -repos_pwd <password> -ctname <connector_type_name> -cname <connector_name> -iname <internal_name> -tname <template_name> -ttype <template_type> -d <description>
  2. Replace <template.xml>, <internal_name>, <template_name> and <template_type> with the values listed in Table 2–2, which lists the properties of each template for the HP Operations Manager Connector.

Table 2-2 Possible Replacement Values For register_template Parameters

template.xsl and template_xml template_name internal_name template_type


Acknowledge Alerts




Create Event




Create Event




Acknowledge Alert




Get New Alerts




Get New Alerts




Get Updated Alerts




Get Updated Alerts




Update Event




Update Event



template_type Key:

template_type1 — Inbound transformation template_type 2 — Outbound transformation template_type 3 — XML outbound transformation

The following example is based on the template values shown in Table 2–2.

Example 2-1 Request XSL File for acknowledgeAlerts Method

$OMS_HOME/bin/emctl register_template connector -t $OMS_HOME/sysman/connector/ HP_OMU_Connector/acknowledge_request.xsl -repos_pwd mypassword -ctname "HP OMU Connector" -cname "HP OMU Connector" -tname "Acknowledge Alerts" -iname "acknowledgeAlerts" -ttype 2 -d "This is the request xsl file for acknowledgeAlerts method"