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Oracle® Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-In Installation Guide for Exadata Power Distribution Unit
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Oracle® Enterprise Manager

System Monitoring Plug-In Installation Guide for Exadata Power Distribution Unit



March 2011

Overview of the Plug-In

This plug-in will be used to monitor PDU's actual current value of Phase1, Phase2, and Phase3 and raises appropriate events if they have crossed the different threshold values. Each PDU will have a plug-in instance added to its own OEM Grid Control agent.

By deploying the plug-in to your Grid Control environment, you gain the following management features:

Versions Supported

This plug-in supports the following versions of products:


The following prerequisites must be met before you can deploy the plug-in:

PDU Configuration

To enable Grid Control to collect metric data for the PDU target, you must configure the PDU to accept SNMP queries from the Management Agent you deployed the plug-in to. Also, appropriate threshold values for different Phase values needs to be set on the PDU.

This document assumes this is a first time configuration of the PDU. SNMP must be enabled and the trap section completed. Granting SNMP access to a different database server IP address is an example where only the "Trap Host Setup" section needs to be changed.

  1. Log in to the PDU network interface.

  2. Click Net Configuration, then log in again.

  3. Scroll down until you reach the SNMP section of the frame.

    Note that the network interface for the PDU is a frame within a window. In order to scroll down on this page, you must see the scroll bar for the PDU frame as well as the outside scroll bar for the browser in which you accessed the PDU.

  4. If your PDU is not SNMP-enabled, select the SNMP Enable check box, then click Submit.

  5. Scroll to the "NMS" region of the frame.

  6. Enter the following in Row 1 under NMS:

    • IP: Enter the IP address of the first database server in your cluster

    • Community: Enter "public"

  7. Click Submit.

  8. For details on configuring the PDU, see PDU Threshold Settings for Oracle Exadata Database Machine (Doc ID 1299851.1) in My Oracle Support.

Deploying the Plug-In

After you ensure that the prerequisites are met, follow these steps to deploy the plug-in to the appropriate Management Agents.

  1. Download the PDU Plug-In archive file to your desktop or computer on which the browser is launched. You can download the archive from Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

  2. Log in to Enterprise Manager Grid Control as SYSMAN.

  3. Click Setup from the upper-right-corner of the Grid Control Home page, then click Management Plug-ins from the left-side menu of the Setup page.

  4. Click Import.

  5. Click Browse. Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the plug-in JAR file. Select the JAR file, then click OK.

  6. Click List Archive. The plug-ins within the selected JAR file appear in a list.

  7. Select the check box for the PDU Release and click OK.

  8. Verify that you have set preferred credentials on all Agents where you want to deploy the plug-in.

  9. In the Management Plug-ins page, click the icon in the Deploy column for the plug-in.

    The Deploy Management Plug-in wizard appears.

  10. Click Add Agents.

  11. Select Agent from the Target Type pull down menu.

  12. Select the Agent(s) you want to deploy the plug-in to, then click Select.

  13. Click Next, then click Finish. The plug-in is deployed to the selected Agents.

    If you see an error message stating that the preferred credential is not set up, go to the Preferences page and add the preferred credentials for the Agent target type. To go to the Preferences page, click Preferences from the top-right corner of the Grid Control page.

Adding PDU Targets for Monitoring

After successfully deploying the plug-in, follow these steps to add the PDU target to Grid Control for central monitoring and management:

  1. Click the Targets tab, the click All Targets.

  2. Select Agent from the “Search” pull down menu. Enter the server hostname of the first database server name in your cluster in the search field, then click Go.

  3. Click on the Agent you want to add as a target (for example,

  4. Select the PDU target type from the “Add” pull down menu, then click Go.

  5. Enter the following parameters in the Add PDU page:

    • Name: Enter the appropriate name for the first PDU in the rack

    • PDU Module: Enter the designation for the first PDU in the rack; for example, "Module1"

    • IP Address: Enter either the IP address or DNS name for the first PDU in the rack

    • Port: Accept the default value

    • SNMP Read Community String: Accept the default value

    • SNMP Timeout: Accept the default value

    • PDU console URL (optional): URL for the PDU console

  6. Repeat the step above for each PDU in the rack.

  7. Click Test Connection to make sure the parameters you entered are correct.

  8. If the test is successful, click OK.

Alerts from the PDU

Configuring the PDU as defined in MOS note PDU Threshold Settings for Oracle Exadata Database Machine (Doc ID 1299851.1) will cause the PDU to send alerts via SNMP with will be picked up and displayed in the Enterprise Manager Plugin. No addition configuration of alerts is needed in Enterprise Manager.

Verifying the PDU Configuration

Using the snmwalk command line utility or equivalent tool, PDU configuration can be verified.

Running the following command should fetch the data from PDU and display them:

snmpget –v 1 –c <community_string> <hostname_of_pdu>


If the Timeout message is displayed as a output for the above command, then it means that PDU is not yet configured correctly.

Verifying the PDU Plug-in

This section provides the steps to validate that the plug-in can collect the metrics through SNMP queries.



To verify the PDU is configured correctly for responding to SNMP queries from the EMAgent:

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System Monitoring Plug-In Installation Guide for Exadata Power Distribution Unit, Release


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