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Oracle® Business Transaction Management Installation Guide
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15 Scripted Configuration of Oracle Business Transaction Management

When you configure Business Transaction Management for the first time, we recommend that you use the browser-based Configuration Wizard. For users who want to later execute various configuration tasks from the command line, a command line interface (CLI) is provided.

The CLI provides command-line equivalents to many configuration tasks. The CLI command relevant to this document is the configure command. This command provides an alternative to the wizard approach to configuration.

You can find complete documentation for the configure command, as well as the entire CLI, in the Business Transaction Management online help.

The configure Command

The configure command takes an XML configuration file as an argument. This configuration file specifies all the setup information for Business Transaction Management, including database type and connection information, deployment credentials, and so on.

You can develop this configuration input file by using the generated configuration file that is output when you perform initial configuration of Business Transaction Management using the browser-based Configuration Wizard. The wizard produces a configuration file that contains all the configuration information (sphere URL, database connection information, performance server location, authentication credentials, and so on). You can edit this configuration file and use it as input to the configure command. The generated configuration file is named essentialConfiguration.xml.

On WebLogic servers, essentialConfiguration.xml is located inside the WebLogic installation directory at:

user_projects/domains/MyDomain/servers/MyServer/btmstorage/btmMain /globalPreferences

On WebSphere servers, essentialConfiguration.xml is located inside the WebSphere installation directory at:


Invoking the CLI

The CLI executable is located in the Install_Dir/tools directory—btmcli.bat for Windows and for Unix-like systems.

Command syntax for use with the configure command:

btmcli configure -i inputFile -s sphereUrl -l username:password

You can avoid placing the username and password on the command line by setting the AP_USER_LOGIN environment variable before executing the CLI, for example:

set AP_USER_LOGIN=MyUsername:MyPassword