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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins
Release 12.1
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Oracle® Enterprise Manager

Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins

Release 12.1


September 2011

Oracle Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-Ins (System Monitoring Plug-Ins) enhance the solutions offered by Enterprise Manager Grid Control by infusing additional capabilities to monitor for non-Oracle components, such as third-party databases, third-party middleware, storage, and network devices.

The System Monitoring Plug-Ins are developed by Oracle in partnership with third-party vendors. They offer a single, integrated monitoring solution for any application built on Oracle. If you have invested in other system management tools, then you can integrate System Monitoring Plug-Ins with Enterprise Manager Grid Control to monitor those third-party components, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership and increasing operational efficiencies.

This document is the Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins released as part of Release 12.1, in September 2011. You can find the following information in this document:

Documentation Description and Access

This document contains release notes for the following System Monitoring Plug-Ins:

You can access the latest documentation for System Monitoring Plug-Ins from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) available at:


On the Oracle Documentation page, click the product name Oracle Enterprise Manager. From the Oracle Enterprise Management section, click the desired documentation library.

On the documentation library page, click View Library. Then, in the Enterprise Manager documentation library, click the Plug-ins tab, and look for the document you want.

Alternatively, if you have a DVD, navigate to a plug-in directory and access the Documentation subdirectory. You can also find data sheets, certification matrix, and other documentation on OTN under Enterprise Manager and on My Oracle Support.

Installing a Plug-In

You can download the System Monitoring Plug-In archives from OTN by clicking Downloads, then Enterprise Manager. Alternatively, you can also obtain the archives from the product DVD.

To install a plug-in, do the following:

  1. Copy or Save the desired plug-in archive to your desktop.

  2. Launch the Grid Control console using a browser.

  3. Follow the instructions outlined in the System Monitoring Plug-In Installation Guide for your particular plug-in.

Issues Fixed

This section provides details of the issues that are fixed in this release.

Issues Fixed for Exadata Cell Plug-in

Oracle Bug 11814670 - Flashcache Statistics Metric Not Collected

The Flashcache Statistics metric is not collected in Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11.1. In the All Metrics page, this metric is shown as Real-time Only even though the default_collections for this metric specifies every 15 minutes.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Oracle Bug 11723672 - "Disk Type" Column Should be Added for Physical Disk Conf

This enhancement request is to have Enterprise Manager include a "Disk Type" column for Physical Disk Conf. Examples of a disk type include FlashDisk or HardDisk.

This enhancement request has been implemented with this release.

Oracle Bug 10382586 - Need to Add Debug in the Script

This enhancement request is to have more diagnostics information to debug the output of the cellmonitor command, including adding additional statements to dump out the output of the command. There also needs to be error/debug trapping in the handle_start and the handle_end methods to trap for "unknown" tags.

This enhancement request has been implemented with an update to the script.

Oracle Bug 10303492 - Missing ECM Snapshot Metadata CELL_Config, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, oracle_cell, TARGET_TYPE

All ECM configuration snapshots need to be properly defined in the ECM framework, which allows the framework to perform housekeeping tasks. In the "100. Missing ECM snapshot metadata" repository, these snapshot types were found: CELL_Config, SNAPSHOT_TYPE, oracle_cell, TARGET_TYPE

Because these snapshot types are not registered, they are not purged, which can cause the ECM repository to grow indefinitely.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Oracle Bug 10299598 - Exadata Config Tables not Registered as ECM Metadata Tables

All ECM config tables (tables with an ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID) should be registered as an ECM metadata table (mgmt_ecm_snapshot_md_tables). If they are not, the ECM framework will not be able to do the housekeeping jobs for the snapshot types using these tables.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Oracle Bug 10103422 - Need to Separate Cell Temperature into Upper/Lower Temperature Metric

The Storage Cell plug-in contains a "Temperature" metric that keeps record of the rack temperature. The thresholding mechanism for this metric is a comparator of > (greater than) only. This enhancement request is to have two metrics:

  • A lower threshold temperature which can be alerted upon when the temperature approaches or drops below this temperature.

  • A higher threshold temperature which can be alerted upon when the temperature exceeds this value.

This enhancement request has been implemented with this release.

Oracle Bug 8538943 - Exadata Plug-in - Cell Physcial Disk Configuration Report Missing Firmware and Hardware Version

The Cell Physical Disk Configuration report is not reporting the controller firmware and controller hardware version. Because of the backward compatibility requirement from ECM, the existing columns cannot be removed. Even though there is no information for controller hardware and firmware version, the existing definition must be used. A setting of "N/A" is used for the default value.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Oracle Bug 11934174 - Plug-in Target Name Containing "_ " does not Work

An error is returned after clicking on a Metric Value URL:

Error finding target <target name> from the repository. The target does not exist or you may not have the access to the target."

To reproduce this error:

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager Grid Control View.

  2. Import and Deploy Plug In

  3. Add Exadata Target

  4. Go to Report Pages (for example, Cell Performance Metric)

  5. Click on Metric Value URL.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Oracle Bug 11893904 - Cell Critical Alerts not Passing to Enterprise Manager Console via SNMP Traps/Exadata Plug-in

The Exadata plug-in is successfully deployed, and SNMP trap notifications have been successfully tested and received in the console. However, the Cell node triggered an alert for a failed disk that was never triggered in the Enterprise Manager Console. The agent is able to see the alert condition, but is not able to identify an OID from available MIBs to interpret this alert back to Enterprise Manager.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Issues Fixed for Exadata ILOM Plug-in

Oracle Bug 11735193 - Metric Collection Error on ILOM Target with Solaris Express 11 Agent

A metric collection error is returned on an ILOM target with a Solaris Express 11 agent. The latest available ipmitool version for Solaris Express 11 is 1.8.10, which causes the metric collection error on the ILOM target. Currently, there is no such ipmitool version for Solaris 11 Express.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Oracle Bug 11071980 - ILOM Metric "VoltageSensors" Fail with the Error "Sensor Reading has Invalid Number Format"

A metric collection error is being returned for the VoltageSensors metric. This metric is collected by the script. The script appears to have two decimals for the output returned for the VoltageSensors metric, which is an invalid number format.

This issue has been resolved with this release.

Issues Fixed for Exadata Avocent MergePoint Unity Switch (KVM) Plug-in

Oracle Bug 11056243 - KVM Home Page Should have a Link to Launch the Web Console

The KVM Home page should have a link to call out to the console of the KVM directly for additional management. This URL should be in the form of "https://<target name>.

This enhancement request, which shows a "Launch KVM Management Console" link, has been implemented with this release.

Oracle Bug 11056188 - Test Connection Button not Available when Installing a New KVM

On the 'Add KVM' screen, when the IP address is entered, there should be a button to validate the KVM IP address before adding the target.

This enhancement request has been implemented with this release.

Issues Fixed for Exadata Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Plug-in

Oracle Bug 11056279 - PDU Add Target Screen Missing Test Connection Button

This enhancement request is to add a button to test that the user has entered in the correct IP address for the PDU before committing to add the target.

This enhancement request has been implemented with this release.

Oracle Bug 11056243 - KVM (PDU) Home Page Should Have a Link to Launch the Web Console

The KVM Home page should have a link to call out to the console of the KVM directly for additional management. This URL should be in the form of "https://<target name>.

This enhancement request, which shows a "Launch KVM Management Console" link, has been implemented with this release.

Issues Fixed for Exadata InfiniBand Switch Plug-in

Oracle Bug 12419328 - No Aggregate Sensor is Triggered on InfiniBand Switch Target

When examining each of the status returns on the SNMPGET from the plug-in, there is a status of '1' for each (not asserted). The data is actually uploading, metric browser confirms this. It is possible that the wrong OID is being used to get the Chassis Status. This would mean that the monitored switch has a different configuration. If the switches are not the same shipped from factory, then there may be an issue as the assumption around the hardware being the same not being true will alter the monitoring configuration required.

An update to the logic of the plug-in allows for a dynamic location to retrieve the Aggregate Sensor Status. This issue has been resolved with this release.

Troubleshooting Plug-Ins

For information about the troubleshooting scenarios that you might encounter while working with the System Monitoring plug-ins, see the Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Troubleshooting Guide available on OTN at the following URL.


On the Oracle Documentation page, click the product name Oracle Enterprise Manager. From the Oracle Enterprise Management section, click the desired documentation library.

On the documentation library page, click View Library. Then, in the Enterprise Manager documentation library, click the Plug-ins tab, and look for the document you want.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Release Notes for System Monitoring Plug-Ins, Release 12.1


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