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Oracle® Communications Converged Application Server Installation Guide
Release 5.0

Part Number E17649-03
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5 Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes post-installation tasks necessary to configure a working Oracle Communications Converged Application Server deployment. Before reading this chapter, you need to understand WebLogic domains and clustering, and the domain topologies available for use with Converged Application Server.

About Converged Application Server Domain Topologies

Converged Application Server includes the following domain topology templates:

Table 5-1, "Configuration Screens for Creating a New Converged Application Server Domain" describes how to select a domain template for the type of domain topology you want to deploy using the Configuration Wizard.

Creating a Converged Application Server Domain

After you install the Converged Application Server software, you must create a Converged Application Server domain for your deployment.

Starting the Converged Application Server Configuration Wizard in Graphical Mode

Start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode from either the Windows Start menu or from the UNIX command line.

Start the Configuration Wizard on a Windows Platform

To start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode on a Windows platform, you can either use the shortcut located in the Start menu, or execute the config.cmd script from the Command Prompt.

To start the Configuration Wizard using the shortcut located in the Start menu:

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs, select Oracle Communications Converged Application Server, select WebLogic Server 11gR1, select Tools, then select Configuration Wizard.

  2. The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed.

To start the Configuration Wizard by executing the config.cmd script from the Command Prompt window:

  1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.

  2. From the Start menu, select All Programs, select Accessories, then select Command Prompt.

  3. Go to the directory: WL_home\common\bin

    Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\common\bin

  4. Execute the config.cmd command.

    The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed.

Start the Configuration Wizard on a UNIX Platform

To start the Configuration Wizard in graphical mode on a UNIX platform:

  1. Log in to the system on which the product is installed.

  2. Go to the directory: WL_home/common/bin

    Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: /Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin

  3. Execute the sh command.

    The Configuration Wizard Welcome screen is displayed.

Creating a Converged Application Server Domain using the Configuration Wizard

After the Configuration Wizard starts (See "Starting the Converged Application Server Configuration Wizard in Graphical Mode" in the previous section.), create the domain as described in Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard 11g Release 1. The Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation describes the Configuration Wizard screens that are common to both WebLogic Server and Converged Application Server.

Table 5-1 shows the values to choose for Configuration Wizard screens that are specific to creating a domain for Converged Application Server. For all other values, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware documentation.

Table 5-1 Configuration Screens for Creating a New Converged Application Server Domain

Screen Perform the Following Action

Select Domain Source

Select one of the following options:

Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products: Select the check box for each product to include in the domain. The Converged Application Server domain options are:

  • OCCAS Domain - AdminServer Topology -

  • OCCAS Domain - Replicated Topology -

  • OCCAS Proxy Registrar domain - AdminServer topology -

  • OCCAS Proxy Registrar domain - Replicated topology -

Base this domain on an existing template: Select this option if you want to create a Diameter domain topology by using the existing Diameter domain template. Enter the full path to the template JAR file in the Template location field, or click Browse to navigate to the directory containing the required template. The Diameter template JAR file (diameterdomain.jar) is located at: WL_home/templates/domains

Where WL_home is the directory in which WebLogic is installed. For example: /Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin

Click Next to continue.

Configure JDBC Data Sources

Configure the schema, the database owner and password, or both for each listed data source. Changes to any of the fields on this screen are applied to all of the selected data sources in the table.

For example, if all of your schemas reside on the same database, select all of the schemas in the table, then specify the appropriate database values for the schemas (DBMS/Service, Host Name, and Port). However, if you have a different password for each data source, then you must select each data source individually and specify the password for the selected item only.

The data sources for Converged Application Server are:

  • Location Service

  • Security Service

  • User Service

Click Next to continue.

Run Database Scripts

The Converged Application Server domain templates contain a set of SQL files that you run from the Configuration Wizard while creating the Converged Application Server domain. Database content for each of the data sources defined in the Converged Application Server domain is set up by using the pre-existing SQL files.

  1. In the Available JDBC Data Sources section, select the data source for which you want to run the scripts. The scripts that can be executed are displayed in the Available SQL Files and Database Loading Options section.

  2. Select the database version from the DB Version drop-down list.

  3. Click Run Scripts.

    All the scripts displayed in the Available SQL Files and Database Loading Options section for the selected data source are executed, and the results are displayed in the Results section. To capture test output in a log file, select the Log File check box and specify the location of the log file.

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each data source for which you want to execute SQL scripts.

  5. Click Next to continue.

Scaling the Converged Application Server Environment

You can expand your Converged Application Server environment by adding Managed Servers, deploying additional data sources to Managed Servers, and deploying Converged Application Server applications on servers and clusters as described by the following topics:

Adding Engine and SIP Data Tier Servers to the Domain

The Converged Application Server instances you intend to use must be created within a single administrative domain, and servers in the engine and SIP data tiers should be arranged into clusters to simplify deployment and management. The Configuration Wizard creates a replicated Converged Application Server domain with default engine tier servers and SIP data tier servers arranged into clusters; you can modify this configuration to match the number of servers you want to use in your domain.

If you created an AdminServer Topology domain using the Configuration Wizard, only a single server is configured. You will need to manually configure engine and SIP data tier servers and clusters.


When you configure a domain with multiple engine and SIP data tier servers, you must accurately synchronize all server system clocks to a common time source (to within one or two milliseconds) in order for the SIP protocol stack to function properly. See "Configuring NTP for Accurate SIP Timers" in Converged Application Server Administration Guide for more information.

The default, replicated Converged Application Server domain is pre-configured with five separate servers and two clusters. See Table 5-2 for a summary of the default replicated domain.


These quick-start instructions assume each Managed Server listens on a single network address. If you intend to run servers on multi-homed server hardware, or if you want to configure secure SIP transport protocols, see the discussion on configuring SIP channels for use with mulithomed machines in the Converged Application Server Administration Guide.
  1. Access the server computer that runs the Administration Server. The domain directory and associated files for the domain will remain on the Administration Server machine. Other servers in the Converged Application Server installation (SIP data tier and engine tier servers) will obtain their configuration by connecting to the Administration Server at boot time.

  2. Start the Administration Server.

    See "Start and Stop the Converged Application Server Domain" for more information.

  3. Access the Administration Console by pointing a browser to:


    Where AdminHost specifies the host name or IP address, and port specifies the network listening port number of the domain's Administration Server.

  4. Login to the Administration Console using the administrator username and password.

  5. Locate the Change Center in the upper left of the Administration Console screen, and click Lock & Edit to unlock the configuration edit hierarchy for the domain.

  6. To add a new engine or SIP data tier server:

    1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select Environment, then select Servers.

    2. Select the name of a server in the list, then click Clone. To add an engine tier server, clone the engine1 or engine2 server instance. To add a SIP data tier server, clone either replica1 or replica2.

    3. Enter the name of the cloned server in the Server Name field.

      Each server within a domain must have a name that is unique for all configuration objects in the domain. Within a domain, each server, machine, cluster, JDBC connection pool, virtual host, and any other resource type must be named uniquely and must not use the same name as the domain.

      The server name is not used as part of the URL for applications that are deployed on the server. It is for your identification purposes only. The server name displays in the Administration Console, and if you use WebLogic Server command-line utilities or APIs, you use this name to identify the server.

    4. In Server Listen Address, if you want to limit the valid addresses for a server instance, enter an IP address or DNS name. Otherwise, you can specify any of the host computer's IP address, any DNS name that maps to one of the IP addresses, or the localhost string.

    5. In Server Listen Port, enter the port number from which you want to access the server instance.

      If you run multiple server instances on a single computer, each server must use its own listen port.

    6. Specify whether or not this server will be a stand alone server or will belong to a cluster.

      If this server is part of a cluster, you can select an existing cluster from the drop down list, or select the button to create a new cluster. For information on creating clusters, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.

    7. Click OK.

  7. To delete an existing engine or SIP data tier server:

    1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select Environment, then select Servers.

    2. Select the name of a server in the list, then click Delete.

    3. Click Yes to delete the server configuration.

  8. To change a server's network listen address, port number, or other properties:

    1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select Environment, then select Servers.

    2. Select the name of the server you want to modify.

    3. Select the Configuration tab, then select the General tab, and modify the Name, Listen Address, or Listen Port entries as necessary.

    4. Click Save to apply your changes.

You may want to modify the default replicated domain if you want to add, remove, or rename servers in either of the clusters, or to configure the network settings of individual server instances. To modify the default configuration, modify the servers in the default replicated domain listed in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Summary of the Default Replicated Domain

Server Cluster Description



The Administration Server, AdminServer, is used only for administration. This server is not a member of either cluster, and it does not process SIP requests.



The two engine tier servers, engine1 and engine2, can be used for hosting SIP applications and processing SIP messages.



See the description in the above table cell.



The two SIP data tier servers, replica1 and replica2, are members of the same SIP data tier partition. Each server manages the same copy of the application call state and can act as a backup should the other server fail.



See the description in the above table cell.

Configuring SIP Data Tier Partitions

In the previous section you organized the SIP data tier servers into a cluster for administration purposes. You must also configure the datatier.xml file to define how SIP data tier servers are used to manage SIP application call state for your installation.

The SIP data tier cluster can be arranged into one or more partitions. A partition consists of one or more SIP data tier server instances that manage the same portion of the concurrent call state data. In a single-server Converged Application Server installation, or in a two-server installation where one server resides in the engine tier and one resides in the SIP data tier, all call state data is maintained in a single partition. Multiple partitions are required when the size of the concurrent call state exceeds the maximum size that can be managed by a single server instance. In most cases, the amount of call state that can be managed by a server corresponds to the Java Virtual Machine limit of approximately 1.6GB per server.

Additional servers can also be added within the same partition to manage copies of the call state data. When multiple servers are part of the same partition, each server manages a copy of the same portion of the call data, referred to as a replica of the call state. If any server in a partition fails or cannot be contacted due to a network failure, another replica in the same partition can supply the call state data to the engine tier.

See "Configuring SIP Data Tier Partitions and Replicas" in Converged Application Server Administration Guide to fully understand the role of the SIP data tier and the format of the datatier.xml configuration file.

Start and Stop the Converged Application Server Domain

To start the Converged Application Server domain, first start the Administration Server, then start individual Managed Servers to connect to the Administration Server. The sections that follow provide server startup instructions.

Starting and Stopping the Administration Server

WebLogic Server provides several ways to start and stop server instances. The method that you choose depends on whether you prefer using the Administration Console or a command-line interface. See the WebLogic Server documentation for more information.

The following sections describe the most common methods of starting and stopping the Converged Application Server deployment's Administration Server.

Starting and Stopping the Administration Server on Windows

When you create an Administration Server on a Windows computer, the Configuration Wizard creates a shortcut on the Start Menu for starting the server. The command that the Configuration Wizard adds to the Start menu opens a command window and calls a startup script.


You can also start and stop the Administration Server on the Windows operating system by executing the startweblogic.cmd and stopweblogic.cmd scripts located in the directory:


To start the Administration Server:

  • From the Start menu, select All Programs, select Oracle Communications Converged Application Server, select User Projects, select Administration_Server_Name (this is the name you specifed for the Administration Server during installation), then select Start Admin Server for Weblogic Server Domain.

When the server has successfully completed its startup process, it writes the following message to standard output (which, by default, is the command window):

<Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>

To stop the Administration Server:

  • From the Start menu, select All Programs, select Oracle Communications Converged Application Server, select User Projects, select BasicAdminSrv, then select Stop Admin Server.

Starting and Stopping the Administration Server on UNIX

To start the Administration Server:

  1. Log in to the Administration Server machine.

  2. Go to the directory: MW_home/user_projects/domains/domain_name/bin

    Where MW_home is the directory in which the Converged Application Server software is installed (the installation program refers to this as Middleware Home), and domain_name is the name of the domain whose Administration Server you want to start.

  3. Execute the script to start the Administration Server.

To stop the Administration Server:

  1. Log in to the Administration Server machine.

  2. Go to the directory: MW_home/user_projects/domains/domain_name/bin/

    Where MW_home is the directory in which the Converged Application Server software is installed (the installation program refers to this as Middleware Home), and domain_name is the name of the domain you want to start.

  3. Execute the script to stop the Administration Server.

Starting and Stopping Managed Servers


Converged Application Server start scripts use default values for many JVM parameters that affect performance. For example, JVM garbage collection and heap size parameters may be omitted, or may use values that are acceptable only for evaluation or development purposes. In a production system, you must rigorously profile your applications with different heap size and garbage collection settings in order to realize adequate performance. See "Tuning JVM Garbage Collection for Production Deployments" in Converged Application Server Administration Guide for suggestions about maximizing JVM performance in a production domain.

To start the Managed Servers in the Converged Application Server domain:

  1. If you have not already done so, start the domain's Administration Server.

  2. Access one of the Managed Server machines.

  3. In a shell (command prompt) on the computer that hosts the Managed Server, change to the directory that contains the startManagedWebLogic script. By default, this directory is: MW_home/user_projects/domains/domain_name/bin/

    Where MW_home is the directory in which the Converged Application Server software is installed (the installation program refers to this as Middleware Home), and domain_name is the name of the domain you want to start.

  4. Execute the script. managed_server_name admin_url


    • managed_server_name specifies the name of the Managed Server.

    • admin_url specifies the listen address (host name, IP address, or DNS name) and port number of the domain's Administration Server.

    For example: ManagedServer5
  5. For each Managed Server that you want to start, open a separate command shell and follow steps 3 through 5. If you are starting Managed Servers on another machine, log in to that machine (remotely or locally) and then follow steps 3 through 5.

Next Steps

Converged Application Server is based on the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g. Many configuration tasks are the same for both products. To learn about system administration and configuration tasks associated with Oracle WebLogic Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Getting Started With Installation for Oracle WebLogic Server.

For configuration and administrative tasks specific to Converged Application Server, refer to the appropriate document in the Oracle Communications Converged Application Server 5.0 documentation set. The Oracle Communications Converged Application Server Release 5.0 documentation set contains the following titles relevant to system configuration and administration:

To learn how to configure Diameter client nodes or relays in a Converged Application Server domain, see Chapter 24, "Configuring Diameter Client Nodes and Relay Agents" in the Converged Application Server Administration Guide.

To learn about developing SIP and Diameter applications using Converged Application Server, see: