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Related Documents
About This Guide
What is the Microsoft .NET Framework
Overview of Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Overview of Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
Overview of .NET Stored Procedures
Overview of Oracle Providers for ASP.NET
Installing .NET Products
What You Need
Oracle Database
Sample Data
Oracle Data Access Components
Oracle Database Extensions for .NET
Visual Studio Versions
Installing .NET Products
Configuring a NET Connect Alias
Setup for Oracle Providers for ASP.NET
Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Database User Setup
Creating the User and Granting Privileges
Configuring All Oracle Providers for ASP.NET
Configuring Oracle Providers for ASP.NET Individually
Uninstalling Schemas for Oracle Providers for ASP.NET
Setting the Connection String
Customizing Oracle Providers for ASP.NET for Different Setups
Building a Simple .NET Application Using ODP.NET
Creating a New Project
Adding a Reference
Adding Namespace Directives
Designing the User Interface
Writing the Connection Code
Compiling and Running the Application
Error Handling
Using Try-Catch-Finally Block Structure
Handling General Errors
Handling Common Oracle Errors
Retrieving and Updating with Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Using the Command Object
Retrieving Data: a Simple Query
Retrieving Data: Bind Variables
Retrieving Data: Multiple Values
Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Enabling Updates to the Database
Inserting, Deleting, and Updating Data
Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
Using Oracle Developer Tools
Connecting to the Oracle Database
Creating a Table and Its Columns
Creating a Table Index
Adding Table Constraints
Adding Data to a Table
Generating Code Automatically to Display and Update Data
Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF CURSORs
Introduction to PL/SQL Stored Procedures
Introduction to PL/SQL Packages and Package Bodies
Introduction to REF CURSORs
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses REF CURSORs
Modifying an ODP.NET Application to Run Stored Procedures
Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using an ODP.NET Application
Using ASP.NET with Oracle Database
Overview: Building an ASP.NET Application with Oracle Developer Tools
Before Beginning This Tutorial
Creating a Web Site and Connecting it to the Database
Creating an ASP.NET Web Site
Creating a Data Source
Enabling a Web Site for Authentication
Enabling Oracle Providers for ASP.NET and Creating a Lightweight Web User
Testing Web Site Authentication
Developing and Deploying .NET Stored Procedures
Overview of .NET Stored Procedures
Starting the Common Language Runtime Service
Creating a Connection as SYSDBA
Creating an Oracle Project
Creating .NET Stored Functions and Procedures
Deploying .NET Stored Functions and Procedures
Running .NET Stored Functions and Procedures
Running .NET Stored Procedure in a Query Window
Including Globalization Support
Introduction to Global Applications
Developing Global Applications with the .NET Framework
Presenting Data in the Correct User Local Convention
Connecting to SQL*Plus
Using Oracle Date Formats
Using Oracle Number Formats
Using Oracle Linguistic Sorts
Oracle Error Messages
Synchronizing the .NET and Oracle Database Locale Environments
Client Globalization Support in Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Client Globalization Settings
Using Session Globalization Settings
Thread-Based Globalization Settings
Starting and Stopping an Oracle Database Instance
Copying a Form
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