package com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.petstore.taglib.list;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import com.sun.j2ee.blueprints.util.tracer.Debug;

 * PrevFormTag
 * -----------
 * A tag that should be nested inside a list, this just prints out a form
 * with hidden inputs that will be stored in the session object by the
 * request handler for reference by the list tag handler the next time around.
 * The value of the startIndex parameter is decremented by numItems so the
 * next bunch of items will be retrieved for display in the list.  If it goes
 * below 1, this is handled in the list tag handler.

public class PrevFormTag extends TagSupport {
  private String action = null;
  private ListTag listTag;

  public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException {

    // check if inside list tag
    listTag = (ListTag) findAncestorWithClass(this, ListTag.class);
    if (listTag == null) {
      throw new JspTagException("PrevFormTag: prevForm tag not inside list" +
    // assume servlet request is http servlet request
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();

    // if the start index is already at 1, don't need a prev form
    if (!listTag.hasPrevForm()) return(SKIP_BODY);

    // print out <form> tag and hidden input for startIndex
    try {
      JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
      out.print("  method=\"" + request.getMethod() + "\"");
      out.println("  action=\"" + action + "\">");
      out.println("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + 
        listTag.getParamPrefix() + listTag.getStartIndexParam() + 
        "\" value=\"" +
        (listTag.getStartIndex() - listTag.getNumItems()) + "\">");
      out.println("  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + 
        listTag.getParamPrefix() + listTag.getPrevParam() + 
        "\" value=\"true\">");
     } catch(IOException ioe) {
      Debug.println("PrevFormTag: error printing <form> tag");

  public int doEndTag() {
    // if the start index isn't already at 1, print out </form> tag
    if (listTag.hasPrevForm()) { 
      try {
       JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
      } catch(IOException ioe) {
        Debug.println("PrevFormTag: error printing <form> tag");

  // setter for tag attribute
  public void setAction(String action) {
    this.action = action;