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Provides the management interface for monitoring and management of the Java virtual machine as well as the operating system on which the Java virtual machine is running.


Interface Summary
ClassLoadingMXBean The management interface for the class loading system of the Java virtual machine.
CompilationMXBean The management interface for the compilation system of the Java virtual machine.
GarbageCollectorMXBean The management interface for the garbage collection of the Java virtual machine.
MemoryManagerMXBean The management interface for a memory manager.
MemoryMXBean The management interface for the memory system of the Java virtual machine.
MemoryPoolMXBean The management interface for a memory pool.
OperatingSystemMXBean The management interface for the operating system on which the Java virtual machine is running.
RuntimeMXBean The management interface for the runtime system of the Java virtual machine.
ThreadMXBean The management interface for the thread system of the Java virtual machine.

Class Summary
LockInfo Information about a lock.
ManagementFactory The ManagementFactory class is a factory class for getting managed beans for the Java platform.
ManagementPermission The permission which the SecurityManager will check when code that is running with a SecurityManager calls methods defined in the management interface for the Java platform.
MemoryNotificationInfo The information about a memory notification.
MemoryUsage A MemoryUsage object represents a snapshot of memory usage.
MonitorInfo Information about an object monitor lock.
ThreadInfo Thread information.

Enum Summary
MemoryType Types of memory pools .

Package Description

Provides the management interface for monitoring and management of the Java virtual machine as well as the operating system on which the Java virtual machine is running. It allows both local and remote monitoring and management of the running Java virtual machine.

Platform MXBeans

This package defines the management interface of the followingcomponents:

Management Interface


ClassLoadingMXBean Class loading system of the Java virtual machine.
CompilationMXBean Compilation system of the Java virtual machine.
MemoryMXBean Memory system of the Java virtual machine.
ThreadMXBean Threads system of the Java virtual machine.
RuntimeMXBean Runtime system of the Java virtual machine.
OperatingSystemMXBean Operating system on which the Java virtual machine is running.
GarbageCollectorMXBean Garbage collector in the Java virtual machine.
MemoryManagerMXBean Memory manager in the Java virtual machine.
MemoryPoolMXBean Memory pool in the Java virtual machine.

A platform MXBean is a managed bean that defines the managementinterface for one component for the platform and is specified in the ManagementFactory ManagementFactory class.

An application can monitor the instrumentation of the Java virtual machine and manage certain characteristics inthe following ways:

Below shows a few examples of differentways to access MXBeans.


The ManagementFactory class is the managementfactory class for the Java platform. This class provides a set of static factory methods to obtain the MXBeans for the Java platformto allow an application to access the MXBeans directly.

A platform MBeanServer can be accessed with the getPlatformMBeanServer method. On the first call to this method,it creates the platform MBeanServer and registers all platform MXBeans including platform MXBeans defined in other packages such as LoggingMXBean . Each platform MXBean is registered with a unique name defined in the ManagementFactory classfor constructing ObjectName. ObjectName . This is a single MBeanServer that can be shared by different managed components running within the same Java virtual machine.


A management application and a platform MBeanServer of a runningvirtual machine can interoperate without requiring classes used by the platform MXBean interfaces.The data types being transmitted between the JMX connectorserver and the connector client are JMXopen types JMX open types andthis allows interoperation across versions.

A data type used by the MXBean interfaces are mapped toan open type when being accessed via MBeanServer interface.The data type mapping is specified in the ManagementFactory class.

Ways to Access MXBeans

There are three different ways to access the management interfaces.

  1. Call the methods in the MXBean directly within the same Java virtual machine.
       RuntimeMXBean mxbean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean();
       // Get the standard attribute "VmVendor"
       String vendor = mxbean.getVmVendor();
  2. Go through a MBeanServerConnection connecting to the platform MBeanServer of a running virtual machine.
  3.    MBeanServerConnection mbs;
       // Connect to a running JVM (or itself) and get MBeanServerConnection
       // that has the JVM MXBeans registered in it
       try {
           // Assuming the RuntimeMXBean has been registered in mbs
           ObjectName oname = new ObjectName(ManagementFactory.RUNTIME_MXBEAN_NAME);
           // Get standard attribute "VmVendor"
           String vendor = (String) mbs.getAttribute(oname, "VmVendor");
       } catch (....) {
           // Catch the exceptions thrown by ObjectName constructor
           // and MBeanServer.getAttribute method
  4. Use MXBean proxy.
  5.    MBeanServerConnection mbs;
       // Connect to a running JVM (or itself) and get MBeanServerConnection
       // that has the JVM MBeans registered in it
       // Get a MBean proxy for RuntimeMXBean interface
       RuntimeMXBean proxy = 
       // Get standard attribute "VmVendor" 
       String vendor = proxy.getVmVendor();

Platform Extension

A Java virtual machine implementation may add its platform extension tothe management interface by defining platform-dependentinterfaces that extend the standard management interfaces to includeplatform-specific metrics and management operations. The static factory methods in the ManagementFactory class willreturn the MBeans with the platform extension.

It is recommended to name the platform-specific attributes witha vendor-specific prefix such as the vendor's name toavoid collisions of the attribute name between the future extensionto the standard management interface and the platform extension.If the future extension to the standard management interface definesa new attribute for a management interface and the attribute nameis happened to be same as some vendor-specific attribute's name,the applications accessing that vendor-specific attribute would haveto be modified to cope with versioning and compatibility issues.

Below is an example showing how to access a platform-specificattribute from Sun's implementation of the RuntimeMXBean .

1) Direct access to the Sun-specific MXBean interface mxbean = 
       ( ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean();

   // Get the standard attribute "VmVendor"
   String vendor = mxbean.getVmVendor();

   // Get the platform-specific attribute "Bar"
   BarType bar = mxbean.getBar();

2) Access the Sun-specific MXBean interface via MBeanServer

   MBeanServerConnection mbs;

   // Connect to a running JVM (or itself) and get MBeanServerConnection
   // that has the JVM MXBeans registered in it

   try {
       // Assuming the RuntimeMXBean has been registered in mbs
       ObjectName oname = new ObjectName(ManagementFactory.RUNTIME_MXBEAN_NAME);
       // Get standard attribute "VmVendor"
       String vendor = (String) mbs.getAttribute(oname, "VmVendor");

       // Check if this MXBean contains Sun's extension
       if (mbs.isInstanceOf(oname, "")) {
           // Get platform-specific attribute "Bar"
           BarType bar = (String) mbs.getAttribute(oname, "Bar");
   } catch (....) {
       // Catch the exceptions thrown by ObjectName constructor
       // and MBeanServer methods

Unless otherwise noted, passing a null argument to a constructoror method in any class or interface in this package will cause a NullPointerException to be thrown.

See Also:
JMX Specification.