Class RenderableDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
OperationDescriptor, RegistryElementDescriptor, Serializable

public class RenderableDescriptor
extends OperationDescriptorImpl

An OperationDescriptor describing the "Renderable" operation.

In renderable image mode the "Renderable" operation produces from a RenderedImage source a RenderableImage consisting of a "pyramid" of RenderedImages at progressively lower resolutions. This operation does not support rendered image mode.

Lower resolution images are produced by invoking the chain of operations specified via the "downSampler" parameter on the image at the next higher resolution level of the pyramid. The "downSampler" operation chain must adhere to the specifications described for the constructors of the ImageMIPMap class which accept this type of parameter. The "downSampler" operation chain must reduce the image width and height at each level of the pyramid. The default operation chain for "downSampler" is a low pass filtering implemented using a 5x5 separable kernel derived from the one-dimensional kernel

 [0.05 0.25 0.40 0.25 0.05]
followed by downsampling by 2.

The number of levels in the pyramid will be such that the maximum of the width and height of the lowest resolution pyramid level is less than or equal to the value of the "maxLowResDim" parameter which must be positive.

The minimum X and Y coordinates and height in rendering-independent coordinates are supplied by the parameters "minX", "minY", and "height", respectively. The value of "height" must be positive. It is not necessary to supply a value for the rendering-independent width as this is derived by multiplying the supplied height by the aspect ratio (width divided by height) of the source RenderedImage.

Resource List
Name Value
GlobalName Renderable
LocalName Renderable
Description Produces a RenderableImage from a RenderedImage.
Version 1.0
arg0Desc The operation chain used to derive the lower resolution images.
arg1Desc The maximum dimension of the lowest resolution pyramid level.
arg2Desc The minimum rendering-independent X coordinate of the destination.
arg3Desc The minimum rendering-independent Y coordinate of the destination.
arg4Desc The rendering-independent height.

Parameter List
Name Class Type Default Value
downSampler RenderedOp null
maxLowResDim Integer 64
minX Float 0.0F
minY Float 0.0F
height Float 1.0F

See Also:
ImageMIPMap, OperationDescriptor, Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class
resources, sourceNames, supportedModes
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static RenderableOp createRenderable(RenderedImage source0, RenderedOp downSampler, Integer maxLowResDim, Float minX, Float minY, Float height, RenderingHints hints)
          Produces a RenderableImage from a RenderedImage.
 boolean isRenderableSupported()
          Indicates that renderable operation is supported.
 boolean isRenderedSupported()
          Indicates that rendered operation is supported.
protected  boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer msg)
          Validates input parameters in the renderable layer.
Methods inherited from class
arePropertiesSupported, getDefaultSourceClass, getDestClass, getDestClass, getInvalidRegion, getName, getNumParameters, getNumSources, getParamClasses, getParamDefaults, getParamDefaultValue, getParameterListDescriptor, getParamMaxValue, getParamMinValue, getParamNames, getPropertyGenerators, getPropertyGenerators, getRenderableDestClass, getRenderableSourceClasses, getResourceBundle, getResources, getSourceClasses, getSourceClasses, getSourceNames, getSupportedModes, isImmediate, isModeSupported, makeDefaultSourceClassList, validateArguments, validateArguments, validateParameters, validateRenderableArguments, validateRenderableSources, validateSources, validateSources
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RenderableDescriptor()
Method Detail


public boolean isRenderedSupported()
Indicates that rendered operation is supported.
isRenderedSupported in class OperationDescriptorImpl
Following copied from class:
See Also:


public boolean isRenderableSupported()
Indicates that renderable operation is supported.
isRenderableSupported in class OperationDescriptorImpl
Following copied from class:
See Also:


protected boolean validateParameters(ParameterBlock args,
                                     StringBuffer msg)
Validates input parameters in the renderable layer.
validateParameters in class OperationDescriptorImpl
Following copied from class:
IllegalArgumentException - if args is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if msg is null and the validation fails.
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl.validateParameters(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


public static RenderableOp createRenderable(RenderedImage source0,
                                            RenderedOp downSampler,
                                            Integer maxLowResDim,
                                            Float minX,
                                            Float minY,
                                            Float height,
                                            RenderingHints hints)
Produces a RenderableImage from a RenderedImage.

Creates a ParameterBlockJAI from all supplied arguments except hints and invokes JAI.createRenderable(String,ParameterBlock,RenderingHints).

source0 - RenderedImage source 0.
downSampler - The operation chain used to derive the lower resolution images. May be null.
maxLowResDim - The maximum dimension of the lowest resolution pyramid level. May be null.
minX - The minimum rendering-independent X coordinate of the destination. May be null.
minY - The minimum rendering-independent Y coordinate of the destination. May be null.
height - The rendering-independent height. May be null.
hints - The RenderingHints to use. May be null.
The RenderableOp destination.
IllegalArgumentException - if source0 is null.
See Also:
JAI, ParameterBlockJAI, RenderableOp