Class XorConstDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
OperationDescriptor, RegistryElementDescriptor, Serializable

public class XorConstDescriptor
extends OperationDescriptorImpl

An OperationDescriptor describing the "XorConst" operation.

The XorConst operation takes one rendered or renderable image and an array of integer constants, and performs a bit-wise logical "xor" between every pixel in the same band of the source and the constant from the corresponding array entry. If the number of constants supplied is less than the number of bands of the destination, then the constant from entry 0 is applied to all the bands. Otherwise, a constant from a different entry is applied to each band.

The source image must have an integral data type. By default, the destination image bound, data type, and number of bands are the same as the source image.

The following matrix defines the "xor" operation.

Logical "xor"
src const Result
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

The destination pixel values are defined by the pseudocode:

 if (constants.length < dstNumBands) {
     dst[x][y][b] = src[x][y][b] ^ constants[0];
 } else {
     dst[x][y][b] = src[x][y][b] ^ constants[b];

Resource List
Name Value
GlobalName XorConst
LocalName XorConst
Description Logically "xors" an image with constants.
Version 1.0
arg0Desc The constants to logically "xor" with.

Parameter List
Name Class Type Default Value
constants int[] {0}

See Also:
OperationDescriptor, Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class
resources, sourceNames, supportedModes
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static RenderedOp create(RenderedImage source0, int[] constants, RenderingHints hints)
          Logically "xors" an image with constants.
static RenderableOp createRenderable(RenderableImage source0, int[] constants, RenderingHints hints)
          Logically "xors" an image with constants.
 boolean validateArguments(String modeName, ParameterBlock args, StringBuffer message)
          Validates the input source and parameter.
Methods inherited from class
arePropertiesSupported, getDefaultSourceClass, getDestClass, getDestClass, getInvalidRegion, getName, getNumParameters, getNumSources, getParamClasses, getParamDefaults, getParamDefaultValue, getParameterListDescriptor, getParamMaxValue, getParamMinValue, getParamNames, getPropertyGenerators, getPropertyGenerators, getRenderableDestClass, getRenderableSourceClasses, getResourceBundle, getResources, getSourceClasses, getSourceClasses, getSourceNames, getSupportedModes, isImmediate, isModeSupported, isRenderableSupported, isRenderedSupported, makeDefaultSourceClassList, validateArguments, validateParameters, validateParameters, validateRenderableArguments, validateRenderableSources, validateSources, validateSources
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XorConstDescriptor()
Method Detail


public boolean validateArguments(String modeName,
                                 ParameterBlock args,
                                 StringBuffer message)
Validates the input source and parameter.

In addition to the standard checks performed by the superclass method, this method checks that the source image has an integral data type and that "constants" has length at least 1.

validateArguments in class OperationDescriptorImpl
Following copied from class:
modeName - the operation mode name
args - Input arguments, including source(s) and/or parameter(s).
msg - A string that may contain error messages.
IllegalArgumentException - if modeName is null
See Also:
OperationDescriptorImpl.validateSources(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer), OperationDescriptorImpl.validateParameters(java.lang.String, java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock, java.lang.StringBuffer)


public static RenderedOp create(RenderedImage source0,
                                int[] constants,
                                RenderingHints hints)
Logically "xors" an image with constants.

Creates a ParameterBlockJAI from all supplied arguments except hints and invokes JAI.create(String,ParameterBlock,RenderingHints).

source0 - RenderedImage source 0.
constants - The constants to logically "xor" with. May be null.
hints - The RenderingHints to use. May be null.
The RenderedOp destination.
IllegalArgumentException - if source0 is null.
See Also:
JAI, ParameterBlockJAI, RenderedOp


public static RenderableOp createRenderable(RenderableImage source0,
                                            int[] constants,
                                            RenderingHints hints)
Logically "xors" an image with constants.

Creates a ParameterBlockJAI from all supplied arguments except hints and invokes JAI.createRenderable(String,ParameterBlock,RenderingHints).

source0 - RenderableImage source 0.
constants - The constants to logically "xor" with. May be null.
hints - The RenderingHints to use. May be null.
The RenderableOp destination.
IllegalArgumentException - if source0 is null.
See Also:
JAI, ParameterBlockJAI, RenderableOp