
Interface Summary
CachedTile Public interface for cached tiles used to retrieve information about the tile.
CollectionImageFactory The CollectionImageFactory (CIF) interface is intended to be implemented by classes that wish to act as factories to produce different collection image operators.
ColorModelFactory Interface defining a callback which may be used to create a ColorModel for the rendering of a node in an operation chain.
ImageFunction ImageFunction is a common interface for vector-valued functions which are to be evaluated at positions in the X-Y coordinate system.
ImageJAI An interface implemented by all JAI image classes.
OperationDescriptor This interface provides a comprehensive description of a specific image operation.
OperationNode A class which is a node in a chain of operations.
OperationRegistrySpi An interface definition to aid in the automatic loading of user-defined JAI operations.
ParameterList An interface to represent a list of parameter name-value pairs.
ParameterListDescriptor This interface provides a comprehensive description of a set of parameters including parameter names, parameter defaults, valid parameter value ranges, etc.
PropertyChangeEmitter A class which emits PropertyChangeEvents.
PropertyGenerator An interface through which properties may be computed dynamically with respect to an environment of pre-existing properties.
PropertySource An interface encapsulating the set of operations involved in identifying and reading properties.
RegistryElementDescriptor An interface for all JAI descriptors that register themselves with the OperationRegistry.
RenderableCollectionImageFactory The RenderableCollectionImageFactory (RCIF) interface is intended to be implemented by classes that wish to act as factories to produce different collection image operators.
TileCache A class implementing a caching mechanism for image tiles.
TileComputationListener Interface to monitor tiles which have been submitted to the TileScheduler for non-prefetch background processing.
TileFactory An interface defining a mechanism which may be used to create tiles for an image.
TileRecycler An interface to a mechanism which is capable of recycling tiles.
TileRequest Interface representing a TileScheduler request to compute a specific set of tiles for a given image with optional monitoring by TileComputationListeners.
TileScheduler A class implementing a mechanism for scheduling tile calculation.
WritablePropertySource Sub-interface of PropertySource which permits setting the values of JAI properties in addition to obtaining their names and values.

Class Summary
AreaOpImage An abstract base class for image operators that require only a fixed rectangular source region around a source pixel in order to compute each destination pixel.
AttributedImage A class which associates a PlanarImage with an attribute of unspecified type.
AttributedImageCollection Class representing a CollectionImage wherein all image elements are AttributedImage instances.
BorderExtender An abstract superclass for classes that extend or "pad" a WritableRaster with additional pixel data taken from a PlanarImage.
BorderExtenderConstant A subclass of BorderExtender that implements border extension by filling all pixels outside of the image bounds with constant values.
BorderExtenderCopy A subclass of BorderExtender that implements border extension by filling all pixels outside of the image bounds with copies of the edge pixels.
BorderExtenderReflect A subclass of BorderExtender that implements border extension by filling all pixels outside of the image bounds with copies of the whole image.
BorderExtenderWrap A subclass of BorderExtender that implements border extension by filling all pixels outside of the image bounds with copies of the whole image.
BorderExtenderZero A subclass of BorderExtender that implements border extension by filling all pixels outside of the image bounds with zeros.
CanvasJAI An extension of java.awt.Canvas for use with JAI.
CollectionChangeEvent Class representing an event generated by a CollectionOp when the wrapped Collection is regenerated.
CollectionImage An abstract superclass for classes representing a Collection of images.
CollectionOp A node in a CollectionImage chain.
ColorCube A subclass of LookupTableJAI which represents a lookup table which is a color cube.
ColormapOpImage A class to be used to implement an operation which may conditionally be accelerated by transforming the colormap of the source image instead of its data.
ColorSpaceJAI An abstract subclass of ColorSpace which adds methods to transform colors represented as pixels in a Raster between a specific color space and either sRGB or a well-defined C.I.E.
ComponentSampleModelJAI This class represents image data which is stored such that each sample of a pixel occupies one data element of the DataBuffer.
CoordinateImage Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1.
CRIFImpl A utility class to minimize in most cases the effort required to implement the ContextualRenderedImageFactory (CRIF) of an operation.
DataBufferDouble An extension of DataBuffer that stores data internally in double form.
DataBufferFloat An extension of DataBuffer that stores data internally in float form.
DeferredData Class to be used as a wrapper for data which will be calculated at a later time.
DeferredProperty A subclass of DeferredData to be used to wrap JAI property values which will be computed at a later time.
EnumeratedParameter This class provides a mechanism by which enumerated parameters may be added to subclasses of OperationDescriptorImpl while retaining the ability to perform introspection on the allowable range of values of the enumeration.
FloatDoubleColorModel A ColorModel class that works with pixel values that represent color and alpha information as separate samples, using float or double elements.
GeometricOpImage An abstract base class for image operators that perform a geometric transformation of the source image.
GraphicsJAI A JAI wrapper for a Graphics2D object derived from a Component.
Histogram This class represents a histogram accumulated from a RenderedImage.
IHSColorSpace Singleton class representing the IHS (Intensity, Hue, Saturation) color space (also known as HSI or HIS).
ImageLayout A class describing the desired layout of an OpImage.
ImageMIPMap A class implementing the "MIP map" operation on a RenderedImage.
ImagePyramid A class implementing the "Pyramid" operation on a RenderedImage.
ImageSequence Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1.
ImageStack Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1.
IntegerSequence A growable sorted integer set.
Interpolation An object encapsulating a particular algorithm for image interpolation (resampling).
InterpolationBicubic A class representing bicubic interpolation.
InterpolationBicubic2 A class representing bicubic interpolation using a different polynomial than InterpolationBicubic.
InterpolationBilinear A class representing bilinear interpolation.
InterpolationNearest A class representing nearest-neighbor interpolation.
InterpolationTable A subclass of Interpolation that uses tables to store the interpolation kernels.
JAI A convenience class for instantiating operations.
KernelJAI A kernel representing a matrix with a key position, used by operators such as Convolve .
LookupTableJAI A lookup table object associated with the "Lookup" operation.
MultiResolutionRenderableImage A RenderableImage that produces renderings based on a set of supplied RenderedImages at various resolutions.
NullCRIF A ContextualRenderedImageFactory representing an operation which performs no processing of its image source(s) per se, i.e., a no-op.
NullOpImage A trivial OpImage subclass that simply transmits its source unchanged.
OperationDescriptorImpl This class provides an abstract implementation of the OperationDescriptor interface that is suitable for subclassing.
OperationNodeSupport This is a utility class that can be used by OperationNodes to consolidate common functionality.
OperationRegistry A class responsible for maintaining a registry of various types of factory objects and preferences among them.
OpImage This is the base class for all image operations.
PackedImageData This class is used by PixelAccessor to store packed image data along with access information.
ParameterBlockJAI A convenience subclass of ParameterBlock that allows the use of default parameter values and getting/setting sources and parameters by name.
ParameterListDescriptorImpl A concrete implementation of the ParameterListDescriptor interface.
ParameterListImpl A concrete implementation of the ParameterList interface.
PerspectiveTransform A 2D perspective (or projective) transform, used by various OpImages.
PixelAccessor This is a utility class that may be used to access the pixel data stored in a RenderedImage's Rasters, as well as performing pixel-to-color data translation based on the image's SampleModel and ColorModel.
PlanarImage A RenderedImage is expressed as a collection of pixels.
PointOpImage An abstract base class for image operators that require only the (x, y) pixel from each source image in order to compute the destination pixel (x, y).
PropertyChangeEventJAI A class instances of which represent Java Bean-style events emitted by JAI objects.
PropertyChangeSupportJAI Extension of the beans utility class PropertyChangeSupport which adds an accessor for the parameter passed to the constructor.
PropertySourceChangeEvent A class instances of which represent JAI properties as emitted for example by a PropertySource but in the guise of an event as defined for Java Beans.
PropertySourceImpl A utility implementation of the PropertySource interface.
RasterAccessor An adapter class for presenting non-binary image data in a ComponentSampleModel format and binary image data in a zero-offset byte array format even when the original data are not so stored.
RasterFactory A convenience class for the construction of various types of WritableRaster and SampleModel objects.
RasterFormatTag This class encapsulates the information needed for RasterAccessor to understand how a Raster is laid out.
RecyclingTileFactory A simple implementation of TileFactory wherein the tiles returned from createTile() attempt to re-use primitive arrays provided by the TileRecycler method recycleTile().
RegistryMode A class which provides information about a registry mode.
RemoteImage Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1 in favor of
RenderableGraphics An implementation of Graphics2D with RenderableImage semantics.
RenderableImageAdapter An adapter class for externally-generated RenderableImages.
RenderableOp A node in a renderable imaging chain.
RenderedImageAdapter A PlanarImage wrapper for a non-writable RenderedImage.
RenderedImageList A CollectionImage which is also a RenderedImage.
RenderedOp A node in a rendered imaging chain.
RenderingChangeEvent Class representing the event that occurs when a RenderedOp node is re-rendered.
ROI The parent class for representations of a region of interest of an image (currently only single band images with integral data types are supported).
ROIShape A class representing a region of interest within an image as a Shape.
ScaleOpImage A class extending WarpOpImage for use by further extension classes that perform image scaling.
SequentialImage Deprecated. as of JAI 1.1.
SnapshotImage A class providing an arbitrary number of synchronous views of a possibly changing WritableRenderedImage.
SourcelessOpImage An abstract base class for image operators that have no image sources.
StatisticsOpImage An abstract base class representing image operators that compute statistics on a given region of an image, and with a given sampling period.
TiledImage A concrete implementation of WritableRenderedImage.
UnpackedImageData This class is used by PixelAccessor to store unpacked image data and the information needed to access it.
UntiledOpImage A general class for single-source operations which require cobbled sources and create an image consisting of a single tile equal in location and size to the image bounds.
Warp A description of an image warp.
WarpAffine A description of an Affine warp.
WarpCubic A cubic-based description of an image warp.
WarpGeneralPolynomial A general polynomial-based description of an image warp.
WarpGrid A regular grid-based description of an image warp.
WarpOpImage A general implementation of image warping, and a superclass for specific image warping operations.
WarpPerspective A description of a perspective (projective) warp.
WarpPolynomial A polynomial-based description of an image warp.
WarpQuadratic A quadratic-based description of an image warp.
WritablePropertySourceImpl A utility implementation of the WritablePropertySource interface.
WritableRenderedImageAdapter A PlanarImage wrapper for a WritableRenderedImage.