Class NegotiableNumeric

All Implemented Interfaces:
Negotiable, Serializable

public class NegotiableNumeric
extends Object
implements Negotiable

A class that wraps a numeric primitive data type or a subclass of Number to implement the Negotiable interface. NegotiableNumeric is a convenience class to specify a Negotiable value for a parameter which has a single valid numeric value.

JAI 1.1
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
NegotiableNumeric(byte b)
          Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a byte.
NegotiableNumeric(double d)
          Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a double.
NegotiableNumeric(float f)
          Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a float.
NegotiableNumeric(int i)
          Creates a NegotiableNumeric given an int.
NegotiableNumeric(long l)
          Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a long.
NegotiableNumeric(Number n)
          Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a Number.
NegotiableNumeric(short s)
          Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a short.
Method Summary
 Object getNegotiatedValue()
          Returns the result of the negotiation as a Number subclass.
 byte getNegotiatedValueAsByte()
          A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a byte.
 double getNegotiatedValueAsDouble()
          A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a double.
 float getNegotiatedValueAsFloat()
          A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a float.
 int getNegotiatedValueAsInt()
          A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a int.
 long getNegotiatedValueAsLong()
          A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a long.
 short getNegotiatedValueAsShort()
          A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a short.
 Class getNegotiatedValueClass()
          Returns the Class of the negotiated value.
 Number getNumber()
          Returns the Number that is currently the valid value for this class.
 Negotiable negotiate(Negotiable other)
          Returns a NegotiableNumeric that contains the value that is common to this NegotiableNumeric and the one supplied, i.e the Number encapsulated in both the NegotiableNumeric are equal.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NegotiableNumeric(byte b)
Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a byte.
b - The byte to be wrapped to implement Negotiable.


public NegotiableNumeric(short s)
Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a short.
s - The short to be wrapped to implement Negotiable.


public NegotiableNumeric(int i)
Creates a NegotiableNumeric given an int.
i - The int to be wrapped to implement Negotiable.


public NegotiableNumeric(long l)
Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a long.
l - The long to be wrapped to implement Negotiable.


public NegotiableNumeric(float f)
Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a float.
f - The float to be wrapped to implement Negotiable.


public NegotiableNumeric(double d)
Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a double.
d - The double to be wrapped to implement Negotiable.


public NegotiableNumeric(Number n)
Creates a NegotiableNumeric given a Number.
n - The Number to be wrapped to implement Negotiable.
IllegalArgumentException - if n is null.
Method Detail


public Number getNumber()
Returns the Number that is currently the valid value for this class. A valid primitive data type value, such as int, will be returned as a member of the corresponding wrapper class, such as Integer.


public Negotiable negotiate(Negotiable other)
Returns a NegotiableNumeric that contains the value that is common to this NegotiableNumeric and the one supplied, i.e the Number encapsulated in both the NegotiableNumeric are equal. If the supplied Negotiable is not a NegotiableNumeric with its element being of the same Class as this class', or if there is no common value (i.e the values are not equal), the negotiation will fail and null will be returned.
Specified by:
negotiate in interface Negotiable
other - The Negotiable to negotiate with.


public Object getNegotiatedValue()
Returns the result of the negotiation as a Number subclass. Values belonging to a base type, such as int, will be returned as a member of the corresponding Number subclass, such as Integer.
Specified by:
getNegotiatedValue in interface Negotiable


public Class getNegotiatedValueClass()
Returns the Class of the negotiated value. Values belonging to a base type, such as int, will be returned as a member of the corresponding Number subclass, such as Integer. The Class returned similarly will be a Number subclass.
Specified by:
getNegotiatedValueClass in interface Negotiable


public byte getNegotiatedValueAsByte()
A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a byte.
ClassCastException - if the value is of a different Class type.


public short getNegotiatedValueAsShort()
A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a short.
ClassCastException - if the value is of a different Class type.


public int getNegotiatedValueAsInt()
A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a int.
ClassCastException - if the value is of a different Class type.


public long getNegotiatedValueAsLong()
A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a long.
ClassCastException - if the value is of a different Class type.


public float getNegotiatedValueAsFloat()
A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a float.
ClassCastException - if the value is of a different Class type.


public double getNegotiatedValueAsDouble()
A convenience method to return the single negotiated value as a double.
ClassCastException - if the value is of a different Class type.