Class TileDecoderImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class TileDecoderImpl
extends Object
implements TileDecoder

A partial implementation of the TileDecoder interface useful for subclassing.

JAI 1.1

Field Summary
protected  String formatName
          The name of the format.
protected  InputStream inputStream
          The InputStream containing the encoded data to decode.
protected  TileCodecParameterList paramList
          The TileCodecParameterList object containing the decoding parameters.
Constructor Summary
TileDecoderImpl(String formatName, InputStream input, TileCodecParameterList param)
          Constructs a TileDecoderImpl.
Method Summary
 TileCodecParameterList getDecodeParameterList()
          Returns the current parameters as an instance of the TileCodecParameterList interface.
 String getFormatName()
          Returns the format name.
 InputStream getInputStream()
          Returns the InputStream associated with this TileDecoder.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
decode, decode

Field Detail


protected String formatName
The name of the format.


protected InputStream inputStream
The InputStream containing the encoded data to decode.


protected TileCodecParameterList paramList
The TileCodecParameterList object containing the decoding parameters.
Constructor Detail


public TileDecoderImpl(String formatName,
                       InputStream input,
                       TileCodecParameterList param)
Constructs a TileDecoderImpl. An IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if param's getParameterListDescriptor() method does not return the same descriptor as that from the associated TileCodecDescriptor's getParameterListDescriptor method for the "tileDecoder" registry mode.

If param is null, then the default parameter list for decoding as defined by the associated TileCodecDescriptor's getDefaultParameters() method will be used for decoding. If this too is null, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if the ParameterListDescriptor associated with the associated TileCodecDescriptor for the "tileDecoder" registry mode, reports that the number of parameters for this format is non-zero.

formatName - The name of the format.
input - The InputStream to decode data from.
param - The object containing the tile decoding parameters.
IllegalArgumentException - if formatName is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if input is null.
IllegalArgumentException - if param's getFormatName() method does not return the same formatName as the one specified to this method.
IllegalArgumentException - if the ParameterListDescriptor associated with the param and the associated TileCodecDescriptor are not equal.
IllegalArgumentException - if param does not have "tileDecoder" as one of the valid modes that it supports.
IllegalArgumentException - if the associated TileCodecDescriptor's includesSampleModelInfo() returns false and a non-null value for the "sampleModel" parameter is not supplied in the supplied parameter list.
Method Detail


public String getFormatName()
Returns the format name.
Specified by:
getFormatName in interface TileDecoder


public TileCodecParameterList getDecodeParameterList()
Returns the current parameters as an instance of the TileCodecParameterList interface.
Specified by:
getDecodeParameterList in interface TileDecoder


public InputStream getInputStream()
Returns the InputStream associated with this TileDecoder.
Specified by:
getInputStream in interface TileDecoder