SOAP with Attachments API for JavaTM
Sample Applications

Specification Version: 1.2
Reference Implementation (RI) Version: 1.2.2

List of Sample Applications


This sample application demonstrates how to send a simple SOAPMessage from a sender (servlet) to a receiver (servlet). This shows a simple round-trip message; the receiver responds with a reply. The messages appear in the directory from which you started the Web container. (On AS8.1 they appear in domains/domain1/config.)


This sample Web application demonstrates how to create and send a SOAPMessage from a sender (servlet) to a receiver (servlet). This sample demonstrates how a DOM document can be used in conjunction with SAAJ. A DOM document is created from information read from an XML file, and the content is added to the body of a message. The messages appear in the directory from which you started the Web container.


This sample uses Altavista's babelfish translation service to translate text. The text to be translated is sent within a SOAPMessage to the TranslationService.

The TranslationService, in turn, talks to, making an HTTP connection, and extracts the translations of the input text string from the response. The text is translated into German, Italian, and French.

The translations can be returned either as attachments to a SAAJ message or within the SOAPBody, depending on which option is chosen through the radio button from the application's index.html file. If you use a proxy, the proxy settings (both host and port) need to be entered.


This sample application is a real-time application that talks to a live UDDI registry. It sends a SOAPMessage query to the registry and prints out the message response using the SAAJ API.

Instructions for running this sample are in a README file in the uddiping directory.


This sample provides an API that implements a SOAPProcessor object, which implements the processing model described in The SOAP Message Exchange Model. The sample consists of a JAR file, which can be used by other sample applications, the associated source code, and API documentation.

For more information about this sample, see the README file in the soapprocessor directory.


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