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Java Web Services Tutorial - History



June 14, 2005 - 1.6 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.6
  • The Java Web Services Tutorial is still a supplement to the J2EE Tutorial.

    This supplement only includes chapters that are not included in the J2EE Tutorial: chapters on the JAXB, XML and Web Services Security, XML Digital Signature, StAX and the Sun Java Streaming XML Parser (SJSXP) implementation, and the Service Registry 3 technologies.

  • Added new chapters for StAX and SJSXP, and Service Registry 3.
  • Removed chapters on Java WSDP Registry Server technology and the Registry Browser.
  • All tutorial examples continue to be shipped with the Java WSDP 1.6 bundle.
  • Revised the instructions for running the JAXB Fix Collides example.
  • Replaced the XML and Web Services chapter with one that reflects the current version of the software (version 2.0 EA).
November 10, 2004 - 1.5 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.5
  • The Java Web Services Tutorial is still a supplement to the J2EE Tutorial.

    This supplement only includes chapters that are not included in the J2EE Tutorial: chapters on the JAXB, XML and Web Services Security, XML Digital Signature, and Java WSDP Registry Server technologies and the Registry Browser.

  • Streamlined the About chapter, including only the information needed to install and, where applicable, integrate the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.0_01, Java WSDP 1.5, J2EE 1.4 Tutorial, and Java Web Services Tutorial 1.5.
  • All tutorial examples continue to be shipped with the Java WSDP 1.5 bundle.
  • Removed the section that explained how to run the JAXB examples manually. This information is still in the JAXB bundled docs, should anyone still need it.
  • Replaced the XML and Web Services chapter with one that reflects the current version of the software.
June 24, 2004 - 1.4 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.4
  • Made the Java Web Services Tutorial a supplement to the J2EE Tutorial.

    This supplement only includes chapters that are not included in the J2EE Tutorial: chapters on the JAXB, XML and Web Services Security, XML Digital Signature, and Java WSDP Registry Server technologies and the Registry Browser.

  • Streamlined the About chapter, including only the information needed to install and, where applicable, integrate the Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8, Java WSDP 1.4, J2EE 1.4 Tutorial, and Java Web Services Tutorial 1.4.
  • Removed the examples directory. All tutorial examples are shipped with the Java WSDP 1.4 bundle.
October 21, 2003 - 1.3 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3
  • Updated the JAXR chapter to add a section and three new examples showing how to publish a WSDL document for a service and an organization that uses it.
  • Added the ten JAXB examples to the bundle and updated the Using JAXB chapter to reflect their new location.
  • Updated the Security chapter and added a new form-based login example.
  • Fixed many minor bugs.
July 31, 2003 - 1.2 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.2
  • Added Chapter 20, "JavaServer Faces Technology," Chapter 21, "Using JavaServer Faces Technology," and Chapter 22, "Creating Custom UI Components."
  • Updated the JAX-RPC chapters for JAX-RPC 1.1 and added new examples.
  • Updated the Coffee Break example to reflect the new JAX-RPC programming model.
  • Updated the Java Servlet Technology chapter and examples to reflect Servlet 2.4 functionality.
  • Updated the JavaServer Pages chapters and examples to reflect JSP 2.0 functionality.
  • Updated the JSTL chapter and examples to reflect JSTL 1.1 functionality.
  • Updated the SAAJ chapter and examples to reflect SAAJ 1.2 functionality.
  • Added examples that show how to add basic and mutual authentication to the helloservice and staticstub JAX-RPC examples.
  • Added information about XML and Web Services Security to Chapter 24, "Security."
  • Updated the instructions for running the JAXB examples.
  • Minor bug fixes.
February 24, 2003 - 1.1 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.1
  • Added Chapter 9, "Binding XML Schema to Java Classes with JAXB," and Chapter 10, "Using JAXB."
  • Removed instructions for using deploytool.
  • Minor bug fixes.
August 7, 2002 - 1.0_01 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.0_01
  • Added section Security for JAX-RPC.
  • Added Index.
  • Minor bug fixes.
June 11, 2002 - 1.0 for Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.0
  • Added the Coffee Break case study application and chapter.
  • Added information on XML Schema validation in SAX and DOM.
  • Added information on XSLTC compiling transformer.
  • Added section on using XSLTC from command line.
  • Revised examples to be compatible with JAXP 1.2
  • Added sections "When to Use SAX" and "When to Use DOM".
  • Updated XML standards information, adding material on JDOM, dom4j, and UBL.
  • Added material to the JAXM chapter explaining the new SAAJ 1.1 API and its relationship to the JAXM 1.1 API.
  • Added a section to the JAXM chapter explaining SOAPFault objects and also added a SOAPFault code example.
  • Added a dynamic proxy example and deploytool instructions for JAX-RPC.
  • Added information and sample programs related to using taxonomies in JAXR.
  • Added information on connection properties for JAXR.
  • Added information on getRegisteredInfo to Registry Server command-line-client section.
  • Added instructions for deploying database-enabled web applications with deploytool.
  • Added material on and an example that uses the JSTL XML tags.
  • Added information on adding an SSL Connector to Web Applications Security chapter.
  • Added tools appendix and chapters on the Web Application Manager, Tomcat Administration, Provider Admin, and Registry Browser tools.
  • Revised the appendix covering Java encodings.
  • Incorporated dozens of feedback comments from helpful readers!
March 18, 2002 - EA2 for Java Web Services Developer Pack EA2
  • Added information on Ant Tomcat manager tasks, deploytool, and admintool to Getting Started and Web Technology chapters.
  • Added more background material and some code examples to the section on JAX-RPC in the "Introduction to Web Services" chapter.
  • Identified differences between JAXP 1.1 and JAXP 1.2.
  • In the JAXM chapter, updated and amplified instructions for running the JAXM samples and the Provider Administration tool.
  • Added a new JAX-RPC example that shows how to pass an array and a JavaBeans component in a remote call.
  • Added the Supported Types section to the Java API for XML-based RPC chapter.
  • Simplified the DII example code in the Java API for XML-based RPC chapter.
  • Updated JAXR and Registry Server chapters from UDDI version 1 to UDDI version 2.
  • Added new examples, revised property and environment information, and added more information on running examples for JAXR chapter.
  • Updated information on command-line client scripts, adding new users, and using the JAXR API for Registry Server chapter.
  • JSTL chapter updated to JSTL 1.0 Specification Public Draft.
  • Added chapter on Web Application Security.
February 4, 2002 - EA1 for Java Web Services Developer Pack EA1
  • First release

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