Java XML Digital Signature (JSR 105) API
Sample Applications

Implementation Version: 1.0 FCS

Building and Running the Sample Applications With Ant

In order to run the sample applications using the supplied Ant build.xml files, simply follow these steps after you've installed JWSDP 1.6:
For Solaris/Linux:
  1. % export JWSDP_HOME=<your JWSDP1.6 installation directory>
  2. % export ANT_HOME=$JWSDP_HOME/apache-ant
  3. % export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH
  4. % cd $JWSDP_HOME/xmldsig/samples/<sample-name>
For WindowsNT/2000/XP:
  1. > set JWSDP_HOME=<your JWSDP1.6 installation directory>
  2. > set ANT_HOME=%JWSDP_HOME%\apache-ant
  3. > set PATH=%ANT_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
  4. > cd %JWSDP_HOME%\xmldsig\samples\<sample-name>
Further details for each sample application are available in the README file located under each sample directory.

List of Sample Applications

This sample application demonstrates how to generate a detached XML Signature using the JSR 105 API.
This sample application demonstrates how to generate an enveloped XML Signature using the JSR 105 API.
This sample application demonstrates how to generate an enveloping XML Signature using the JSR 105 API.
This sample application demonstrates how to validate an XML Signature using the JSR 105 API.