JAX-WS 2.0 Beta

Last Modified: 11/4/2005


1. Declaring Customizations
    1.1 External Binding Declaration
        1.1.1 Root Binding Element
        1.1.2 Child Binding Elements
    1.2 Embedded Binding Declarations
2. Standard Customizations
    2.1 Global Customizations
    2.2 Package Customization
    2.3 Wrapper Style
    2.4 Asynchrony
    2.5 The Provider Interface
    2.6 Class Customization
    2.6.1 The Service Endpoint Interface Class
    2.6.2 The Exception Class
    2.6.3 The Service Class
    2.7 Java Method Customization
        2.7.1 Service Endpoint Interface Methods
        2.7.2 Port Accessor Methods in the Service Class
    2.8 Java Parameter Customization
    2.9 Javadoc Customization
    2.10 XML Schema Customization
    2.11 Handler Chain Customization

The JAX-WS 2.0 specification defines standard XML-based customization for WSDL to Java mapping and to control certain features. These customizations, or binding declarations, can customize almost all WSDL components that can be mapped to Java, such as the service endpoint interface class, method name, parameter name, exception class, etc. The other important thing you can do with these binding declarations is control certain features, such as asynchrony, provider, wrapper style, and additional headers. For example, a client application can enable asynchrony for a particular operation in a portType or all operations in a portType or all portType operations defined in the WSDL file.

The JAX-RPC 1.1 specification did not define a standard customization archictecture. However JAX-RPC 1.x SI had limited WSDL to Java customization support. It allowed a JAX-RPC 1.x application to:

But these customizations were not portable and could not be used across other JAX-RPC implementions. JAX-WS 2.0 SI provides complete support for all the binding declarations defined by the specification.

1. Declaring Customizations

All the binding declaration elements live in http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxws namespace. There are two ways to specify binding declarations. In the first approach, all binding declarations pertaining to a given WSDL document are grouped together in a standalone document, called an external binding file. The second approach consists of embedding binding declarations directly inside a WSDL document. In either case, the jaxws:bindings element is used as a container for JAX-WS binding declarations. The jaxws prefix maps to the http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxws namespace.

1.1 External Binding Declaration

External binding files are semantically equivalent to embedded binding declarations. When wsimport processes the WSDL document for which there is an external binding file, it internalizes the binding declarations defined in the external binding file on the nodes in the WSDL document they target using the wsdlLocation attribute. The embedded binding declarations can exist in a WSDL file and an external binding file targeting that WSDL, but wsimport may give an error if, upon embedding the binding declarations defined in the external binding files, the resulting WSDL document contains conflicting binding declarations.

1.1.1 Root Binding Element

The jaxws:bindings declaration appears as the root of all other binding declarations. This top-level jaxws:bindings element must specify the location of the WSDL file as a URI in the value of wsdlLocation attribute.

Its important that the wsdlLocation attribute on the root jaxws:bindings declaration is same as the WSDL location URI given to wscompile.


1.1.2 Child Binding Elements

The root jaxws:bindings element may contain child jaxws:bindings elements. In this case the child jaxws:bindings element must carry an XPath expression in the node attribute to refer to the WSDL node it customizes.

Here is an excerpt from an external binding file custom-client.xml in the external-customize sample:


<jaxws:bindings node="wsdl:definitions" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">
<jaxws:package name="external_customize.client"/>

In this example the child jaxws:bindings applies package customization. An XPath expression in the node attribute refers to the root node of the WSDL document, which is wsdl:definitions and declares the package external_customize.client for all the generated Java classes mapped from the WSDL file.

1.2 Embedded Binding Declarations

Embedded binding declarations follow different rules compared to the binding declarations declared in the external binding file. Here are some important facts and rules as defined in the JAX-WS 2.0 specification:

Here's an example of embedded binding declarations in the WSDL AddNumbers.wsdl from the inline-customize sample:

<wsdl:portType name="AddNumbersImpl">
<!-- wsdl:portType customizations -->
<jaxws:bindings xmlns:jaxrpc="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxws">
<!-- rename the generated SEI from AddNumbersImpl to MathUtil -->
<jaxws:class name="MathUtil"/>

<wsdl:operation name="addNumber">

The above WSDL file excerpt shows the wsdl:portType customization. jaxws:bindings appears as extension element of portType. It customizes the class name of the generated service endpoint interface. Without this customization, or by default, the service endpoint interface class is named after the wsdl:portType name. The binding declaration jaxws:class customizes the generated class to be named MathUtil instead of AddNumberImpl.

2. Standard Customizations

This section provides the details of all the possible WSDL binding declarations.

2.1 Global  bindings

the global customizations are the customizations that applies to the enitre scope of wsdl:definition in the wsdl referenced by the roo jaxws:bindings@wsdlLocation.

Following customizations have the global scopes:

<jaxws:package  name="..."/>

These can appear as direct child of the root binding declarations in the external customization  file. For example:
<package name="external_customize.client"/>

2.2 Package Customization

By default wscompile generates WSDL artifacts in a package computed from the WSDL targetNamespace. For example, a WSDL file with the targetNamespace http://duke.org without any package customization will be mapped to the org.duke package. To customize the default package mapping you would use a jaxws:package customization on the wsdl:definitions node or it can directly appear inside the top level bindings element.

An important thing to note is that -p option on commandline wsimport.sh tool (pacakge attribute on wsimport ant task), overrides the jaxws:package customization,it also overrides the schema package customization specified using jaxb schema customization.

For example:

<package name="external_customize.client">
<javadoc>Mathutil package</javadoc>


<bindings node="wsdl:definitions">
<package name="external_customize.client">
<javadoc>Mathutil package</javadoc>

2.3 Wrapper Style

wsimport by default applies wrapper style rules to the abstract operation defined in the wsdl:portType, and if an operation qualifies the Java method signature is generated accordingly. Wrapper style Java method generation can be disabled by using jaxws:enableWrapperStyle.

jaxws:enableWrapperStyle can appear on the toplevel bindings element (with @wsdlLocation attribute), it can also appear on the following target nodes:

For example:

<!-- applies to wsdl:definitions node, that would mean the entire wsdl -->

<!-- wsdl:portType operation customization -->
<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name='AddNumbersImpl']/wsdl:operation[@name='addNumbers']">
<!-- change java method name from addNumbers() to add() -->

In the example above the wrapper style is disabled for the addNumbers operation in AddNumbersImpl portType .This is because wsimport processes this binding in the following order: first wsdl:operation, then its parent wsdl:portType, and finally wsdl:definitions. Here wsdl:operation addNumbers has this customization disabled so this is what is applied by wsimport to generate a bare Java method signature.

2.4 Asynchrony

A client application can use the jaxws:enableAsyncMappingbinding declaration so that wsimport will generate async polling and callback operations along with the normal synchronous method when it compiles a WSDL file.

It has the same target nodes as the wrapper style binding declaration described above in section 2.2.

Example :

<!-- applies to wsdl:definitions node, that would mean the entire wsdl -->

<!-- wsdl:portType operation customization -->
<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name='AddNumbersImpl']/wsdl:operation[@name='addNumbers']">
<!-- change java method name from addNumbers() to add() -->

In the above example wsimport will generate async polling and callback methods for the addNumbers operation. In the wsdl:definition node, the async customization is disabled or false but the wsdl:operation node has it enabled or true, and so wsimport generates the async methods of the wsdl:operation addNumbers.

This is how the generated signatures look (annotations are removed from synchronous method for reading simplicity):

    //synchronous method
public int addNumbers(int number1, int number2) throws
org.duke.AddNumbersFault_Exception, java.rmi.RemoteException;

//async polling Method
public Response<AddNumbersResponse> addNumbers(int number1, int number2);

//async callback Method
public Future<?> addNumbers(int number1, int number2, AsyncHandler<AddNumbersResponse>);

2.5 The Provider Interface

By default the value of jaxws:provider binding is false. That is, provider interface generation is disabled. In order to mark a port as provider interface this binding declaration should refer to the wsdl:port node using an XPath expression. Please note that provider binding declaration applies only when developing a server starting from a WSDL file.

2.6 Class Customization

The generated class for wsdl:portType, wsdl:fault, soap:headerfault, and wsdl:server can be customized using the jaxws:class binding declaration. Refer to the external binding declaration file custom-client.xml in the external-customize sample.

2.6.1 The Service Endpoint Interface Class

wscompile will generate the service endpoint interface class MathUtil instead of the default AddNumbersImpl in this example:

    <!-- wsdl:portType customization -->
<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name='AddNumbersImpl']">
<!-- change the generated SEI class -->
<class name="MathUtil">
<javadoc>Perform mathematical computations</javadoc>

2.6.2 The Exception Class

wsimport will generate the MathUtilExceptionclass instead of the default AddNumbersExeption in this example:

    <!-- change the generated exception class name -->
<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name='AddNumbersImpl']/wsdl:operation[@name='addNumbers']/wsdl:fault[@name='AddNumbersException']">
<class name="MathUtilException">
<javadoc>Exception generated during computation</javadoc>

2.6.3 The Service Class

wsimport will generate MathUtilServiceinstead of the default AddNumbersService in this example:

    <!-- wsdl:service customization -->
<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service[@name='AddNumbersService']">
<!-- change the generated service class -->
<class name="MathUtilService">
<javadoc>Service to perform mathematical computations</javadoc>

2.7 Java Method Customization

The jaxrpc:method binding declaration is used to customize the generated Java method name of a service endpoint interface and to customize the port accessor method in the generated Service class. Refer to the external binding declaration file custom-client.xml in the external-customize sample.

2.7.1 Service Endpoint Interface Methods

wsimport will generate a method named addinstead of the default addNumbers in this example:

    <!-- wsdl:portType operation customization -->
<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name='AddNumbersImpl']/wsdl:operation[@name='addNumbers']">
<!-- change java method name from addNumbers() to add() -->
<method name="add">
<javadoc>Adds the numbers</javadoc>

2.7.2 Port Accessor Methods in the Service Class

wsimport will generate the getMathUtil port accessor method in the generated Service class instead of the default getAddNumbersImplPort method in this example:

    <!-- change the port accessor method -->
<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service[@name='AddNumbersService']/wsdl:port[@name='AddNumbersImplPort']">
<method name="getMathUtil">
<javadoc>Returns MathUtil port</javadoc>

2.8 Java Parameter Customization

The jaxws:parameter binding declaration is used to change the parameter name of generated Java methods. It can be used to change the method parameter of a wsdl:operation in a wsdl:portType. Refer to the external binding declaration file custom-client.xml of the external-customize sample.

<bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name='AddNumbersImpl']/wsdl:operation[@name='addNumbers']">
<!-- rename method parameters-->
<parameter part="definitions/message[@name='addNumbers']/part[@name='parameters']" element="tns:number1" name="num1"/>

The above sample renames the default parameter name of the Java method addNumbers from number1 to num1.

2.9 Javadoc customization

jaxws:javadoc sutomization can be used to specify javadoc text for java package, class(SEI, Service or Exception class) and on the methods in SEI and service class. Inorder to do it,it should appear on the corresponding wsdl nodes.

For package level javadoc:

<jaxws:package name="xs:string">?

For class level javadoc:

<jaxws:class name="xs:string">?

For method level javadoc:

<jaxws:method name="xs:string">?

For specific samples on javadoc customization for class, refer SEI, exception and service customization. For javadoc customization on method refer SEI method and service class port accessor method customization and for package level customization refer package customization.

2.10 XML Schema Customization

An XML schema inlined inside a compiled WSDL file can be customized by using standard JAXB bindings. These JAXB bindings can live inside the schema or as the child of a jaxws:bindings element in an external binding declaration file:

    <jaxws:bindings node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xsd:schema[@targetNamespace='http://duke.org']">
<jaxb:package name="fromwsdl.server"/>

External XML schema files imported by the WSDL file can be customized using a JAXB external binding declaration file:

<jxb:bindings schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/jaxws-external-customize/schema1.xsd" node="/xsd:schema">
<jxb:package name="fromjava.client"/>

The external JAXB binding declaration file can be passed to wsimport using the -b switch. See the JAX-WS tools documentation for details.

2.11 Handler Chain Customization

jaxws:bindings customization can be used to customize or add handlers. All that is needed is to inline a handler chain configuration conforming to JSR 181 Handler Chain configuration schema inside jaxws:bindings element.

Below is a sample JAX-WS binding declaration file with JSR 181 handler chain configuration:

<jaxws:bindings node="wsdl:definitions">
When this customization file is passed on to wsimport tool using -b swith togather with the WSDL, wsimport generates all the artifacts togather with a handler configuration file which has everything inside jaxws:bindings element enclosing the jws:handler-chain element. It also add @javax.jws.HandlerChain annotation in the generated SEI class. JAXWS runtime uses the @HandlerChain annotation from the SEI to find the handlers that has to be added into the handle chain.

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