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XML and Web Services Security  2.0 EA2
Release Notes

Revised: 11/30/2005


Read This Section First

Before you work with this release, make sure that you have installed the required software and are on a supported operating system. You can find this information in the JavaTM Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP) home page and Release Notes.

What's New in This Release

The following features are new to the  2.0 EA2 release of XWS-Security:

        <xwss:X509Token certificateAlias="xws-security-client"/>
        <xwss:SignatureTarget type="qname" value="SOAP-BODY"/>

What This Release Includes

This release includes the following XML and Web Services Security (XWS-Security) features:

The XWS-Security release contents are arranged in the following structure within the Java WSDP release:

Directory Name Contents
<jwsdp_install_dir>/xws-security/etc Keystore files, property files, and configuration files.
<jwsdp_install_dir>/xws-security/docs Release documentation for the XWS-Security framework. See also: JWSDP Tutorial.
<jwsdp_install_dir>/xws-security/lib JAR files used by the XWS-Security framework.
<jwsdp_install_dir>/xws-security/samples Example code. See samples.html for details.
<jwsdp_install_dir>/xws-security/bin Command-line tools specific to XWS-Security.

Current Limitations

Known Issues

In this release, the XWS-Security implementation has the following known issues: