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Oracle® OpenSSO STS Administrator's Guide
Release 11gR1. Version

Part Number E17844-01
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6 Managing the OpenSSO STS Authentication Service

The Oracle OpenSSO Security Token Service (OpenSSO STS) Authentication Service retrieves credentials from an end-user, administrator, or client application and validates the credentials against a configured identity repository. Use the Access Control interface to manage the authentication modules and user data stores that OpenSSO STS uses to authenticate incoming security token requests.

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 Configuring Global Authentication Service Properties

The Configuration > Authentication subtab is where you configure global properties for a type of authentication service. The following figures illustrates the subtab in the OpenSSO STS console where you configure global authentication service properties. The figure also lists the types of authentication service supported in OpenSSO STS.

Figure 6-1 Configuration > Authentication Subtab for Configuring Global Authentication Service Properties

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Configuration > Authentication Subtab for Configuring Global Authentication Service Properties"

6.1.1 To Configure Active Directory Authentication Service Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click Active Directory.

  3. Provide values for the Active Directory Authentication Service Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the attributes you can configure.

    Table 6-1 Active Directory Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Primary Active Directory Server

    The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of the primary Active Directory server specified during OpenSSO STS installation. This is the first server contacted for Active Directory authentication. The format is hostname:port. The default port number is 389.

    • To add a new Active Directory server to the list, then click Add.

      If you have OpenSSO STS deployed with multiple domains, you can specify the communication link between specific instances of OpenSSO STS and Directory Server in using the form LocalServerName|Server:PortNumber. For multiple entries, each entry must be prefixed with a local server name. Example:

      local_servername|server:port local_servername2|server2:port2 ...

      For example, if you have two OpenSSO STS instances deployed in different locations (L1-machine1-IS and L2- machine2-IS) communicating with different instances of Directory Server (L1-machine1-DS and L2-machine2-DS), use the form:||

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Secondary Active Directory Server

    The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of a secondary Active Directory server available to the OpenSSO STS platform. If the primary Active Directory server does not respond to a request for authentication, then this server is contacted. If the primary server is up, OpenSSO STS will switch back to the primary server.

    • To add an Active Directory server to the list, in the New Value field Type the name of the new server, and then click Add.

      Use the form hostname:port. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name.

      Caution – When authenticating users from a Directory Server that is remote from the OpenSSO STS server, both the Primary and Secondary LDAP Server Ports must have values. The value for one Directory Server location can be used for both fields.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    DN to Start User Search

    The Current Values list displays the DN of the node where the search for a user starts.

    • To add a new base DN to the list, in the New Value field Type the new DN, and then click Add.

      Use the form servername|searchDN. For performance reasons, this DN should be as specific as possible. The default value is the root of the directory tree. Any valid DN will be recognized. If OBJECT is selected in the Search Scope attribute, the DN should specify one level above the level in which the profile exists. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example:

      servername1|searchDN      servername2|searchDN      servername3|searchDN...

      If multiple entries exist under the root organization with the same user ID, then this parameter should be set so that only one entry can be searched for or found in order to be authenticated. For example, in the case where the agent ID and user ID are under the same root org, this parameter should be ou=Agents for the root organization to authenticate using Agent ID and ou=People, for the root organization to authenticate using User ID.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    DN for Root User Bind

    Specify the DN of the user that will be used to bind to the Directory Server specified in the Primary LDAP Server and Port fields as administrator. The authentication service must bind as this DN in order to search for a matching user DN based on the user login ID. The default is amldapuser.

    Any valid DN will be recognized.

    Make sure that password is correct before you logout. If it is incorrect, you will be locked out. If this should occur, you can login with the super user DN. By default, this the amAdmin account with which you would normally log in, although you will use the full DN. For example:

    uid_amAdmin,ou=People,     OpenSSO-deploy-base

    Password for Root User Bind

    Type the password for the administrator profile specified in the DN for Root User Bind field. There is no default value. Only the administrator's valid Active Directory password is recognized.

    Password for Root User Bind (confirm)

    Type the Root User Bind password again to confirm it.

    Attribute Used to Retrieve User Profile

    Specify the attribute used for the user entry naming convention. By default, OpenSSO STS assumes that user entries are identified by the uid attribute. If your Directory Server uses a different attribute such as givenname, specify the attribute name in this field.

    Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated

    The Current Values list displays the attributes to be used to form the search filter for a user that is to be authenticated, and that allows the user to authenticate with more than one attribute in the user's entry. For example, if this field is set to uid, employeenumber, and mail, then the user could authenticate with any of these names.

    • To add an attribute to the list, in the New Value field Type the attribute, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    User Search Filter

    Displays the attributes to be used to find the user based on the value in the DN to Start User Search field. The filter works with the User Naming Attribute. There is no default value. Any valid user entry attribute will be recognized.

    Search Scope

    Choose the number of levels in the Directory Server that will be searched for a matching user profile. The search begins from the node specified in DN to Start User Search field. The default value is SUBTREE. Choose one of the following:

    • OBJECT searches only the specified node.

    • ONELEVEL searches at the level of the specified node and one level down.

    • SUBTREE searches all entries at and below the specified node.

    SSL Access to Active Directory Server

    When enabled, OpenSSO STS uses the SSL protocol to access the Directory Server specified in the Primary and Secondary Server and Port fields. By default, the box is not checked and the SSL protocol is not used to access the Directory Server.

    If the Active Directory server is running with SSL enabled (LDAPS), you must make sure that OpenSSO STS is configured with proper SSL trusted certificates. Otherwise OpenSSO STS cannot connect to Directory Server using the LDAPS protocol.

    Return User DN to Authenticate

    When enabled, the Active Directory authentication module instance returns the DN instead of the User ID, and no search is necessary.

    Normally, an authentication module instance returns only the User ID, and the authentication service searches for the user in the local OpenSSO STS instance. If the OpenSSO STS directory is the same as the directory configured for Active Directory, this option may be enabled. If an external Active Directory is used, this option is typically not enabled.

    Active Directory Server Check Interval

    Specify the number of minutes per interval in which a thread will "sleep" before verifying that the primary Active Directory server is running. This attribute is used for Active Directory Server failback.

    User Creation Attributes

    The Current Values list displays attributes used by the Active Directory authentication module instance when the Active Directory server is configured as an external Active Directory server. It contains a mapping of attributes between a local and an external Directory Server. The attribute uses the following form:

    attr1|externalattr1 attr2|externalattr2

    • To add a new attribute, in the New Value field Type the attribute and then click Add.

      Use the form:

      attr1|externalattr1 attr2|externalattr2

      When this attribute is populated, the values of the external attributes are read from the external Directory Server, and are set for the internal Directory Server attributes. The values of the external attributes are set in the internal attributes only when the User Profileattribute (in the Core Authentication module type) is set to Dynamically Created and the user does not exist in local Directory Server instance. The newly created user will contain the values for internal attributes, as specified in User Creation Attributes List, with the external attribute values to which they map.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.1.2 To Configure Certificate Authentication Service Realm Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click Certificate.

  3. Provide values for the Certificate Authentication Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-2 Certificate Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Match Certificate in LDAP

    When enabled, the Certificate Authentication Module determines whether a user certificate presented at login is stored in the LDAP Server specified in the "LDAP Server Where Certificates are Stored" field below. If no match is found, then the user is denied access. If a match is found and no other validation is required, the user is granted access.

    By default, this option is disabled and the Certificate Authentication Module does not check for the user certificate.

    Note – A certificate stored in the Directory Server is not necessarily valid. It may be on the certificate revocation list. See Match Certificate to CRL. However, the web container may check the validity of the user certificate presented at login.

    Subject DN Attribute Used to Search LDAP for Certificates

    Specify the attribute of the certificate's SubjectDN value that will be used to search LDAP for certificates. This attribute must uniquely identify a user entry. The actual value will be used for the search. The default is cn.

    Match Certificate to CRL

    When enabled, the Certificate Authentication Module compares the user certificate against the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) in the LDAP Server.

    The CRL is located based on one of the attribute names in the issuer's SubjectDN. If the certificate is on the CRL, then the user is denied access. If the certificate is not on the CRL, then the user is allowed to proceed. By default this option is disabled.

    Certificates should be revoked when the owner of the certificate has changed status and no longer has the right to use the certificate or when the private key of a certificate owner has been compromised.

    Issuer DN Attribute Used to Search LDAP for CRLs

    Specify the attribute of the subjectDN for the certificate's issuer. The subjectDN value will be used to search LDAP for CRLs. This field is used only when the Match Certificate to CRL attribute is enabled. The actual value will be used for the search. The default is cn.

    HTTP Parameters for CRL Update

    Specify the HTTP parameters for obtaining a CRL from a servlet for a CRL update. Contact the administrator of your CA for these parameters.

    OCSP Validation

    When enabled, Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) validation is performed by contacting the appropriate OCSP responder. The OCSP responder is determined during runtime based on the following settings:

    • If this value is set to true, and the OCSP responder is set in the Responder URL attribute, then the value of the attribute will be used as the OCSP responder.

    • If Online Certificate Status Protocol Check is enabled and if the value of this attribute is not set, then the OCSP responder presented in your client certificate is used as the OCSP responder.

    • If Online Certificate Status Protocol Check is not enabled, or if Online Certificate Status Protocol Check is enabled but an OCSP responder can not be found, then no OCSP validation will be performed.

    These settings can be configured on the Servers and Sites tab.

    Before enabling OCSP Validation, make sure that the time of day settings for the OpenSSO STS host and the OCSP responder host are synchronized as closely as possible. Also, the time of day setting for the OpenSSO STS host must be ahead of the time of day setting for the OCSP responder. For example, if the OCSP responder host is set at 12:00:00 PM, then the OpenSSO STS host could be set at 12:00:30 PM.

    LDAP Server Where Certificates are Stored

    The Current Values list displays the name and port number of the LDAP server where the certificates are stored. The default value is the host name and port specified when OpenSSO STS was installed.

    • To add a new LDAP server, in the New Value field type the server identifier, and then click Add.

      Use the form hostname:port. You can specify any LDAP server where the certificates are stored. When entering multiple entries, each entry must be prefixed with a local server name.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    LDAP Search Start DN

    The Current Values list displays the DN of the node where the search for the user's certificate should start.

    • To add a DN to the list, in the New Value field type the new DN, and then click Add.

      Use the format servername|searchDN. There is no default value. You can enter any valid DN. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example:

      servername1|searchDN servername2|searchDN     servername3|searchDN

      If multiple entries exist under the root organization with the same user ID, then this parameter should be set so that the only one entry can be searched for or found in order to be authenticated. For example, in the case where the agent ID and user ID is same under root org, this parameter should be ou=Agents for the root organization to authenticate using Agent ID and ou=People, for the root organization to authenticate using User ID.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Use the format servername|searchDN. There is no default value. You can enter any valid DN. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example:

    servername1|searchDN servername2|searchDN     servername3|searchDN

    LDAP Server Principal User

    Specify the DN of the principal user for the LDAP server where the certificates are stored.

    There is no default value. You can use any valid DN. The principal user must be authorized to read, and search certificate information stored in the Directory Server.

    LDAP Server Principal Password

    Specify the LDAP password associated with the user specified in the LDAP Server Principal User field above.

    There is no default value. You can use any valid LDAP password for the specified principal user. This value is stored as readable text in the directory.

    LDAP Server Principal Password (confirm

    Type the password again to confirm it.

    Use SSL for LDAP Access

    Specifies whether to use SSL to access the LDAP server. The default is that the Certificate Authentication service does not use SSL for LDAP access.

    Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile

    From the following, choose the field in the certificate's Subject DN to be used to search for a matching user profile:

    email address
    subject CN
    subject DN
    subject UID

    For example, if you choose email address, the Certificate Authentication service searches for the user profile that matches the attribute milder in the user certificate. The user logging in then uses the matched profile. The default field is subject CN.

    Other Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile

    This attribute is recognized only if 'other' is selected in the 'Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile' attribute above.

    Specify the attribute that will be selected from the received certificate's subjectDN value. The Certificate Authentication service will then search the user profile that matches the value of that attribute.

    SubjectAltNameExt Value Type to Access User Profile

    RFC822Name - Electronic email address

    UPN - User Principal Name


    When 'none' is selected, the 'Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile' or 'Other Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile' attribute is used to access the User Profile.

    Trusted Remote Hosts

    The Current Values list displays hosts that can be trusted to send certificates to OpenSSO STS.

    OpenSSO STS must verify whether the certificate came from one of these hosts. This attribute is used for the Portal Server gateway, for a load balancer with SSL termination and for Distributed Authentication.

    By default, this attribute is set to 'none,' which disables certificate issuer host verification.

    • To add a host to this list, in the New Value field type one of the following, and then click Add.

      none - Disables certificate issuer host verification. This is set by default.

      all - Accepts Portal Server Gateway-style certificate authentication from any client IP address.

      IP ADDR -Lists the IP addresses from which to accept Portal Server Gateway-style certificate authentication requests (the IP Address of the Gateway(s)). The attribute is configurable on an realm basis.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    SSL Port Number

    Specify the port number for the secure socket layer (SSL). Currently, this attribute is only used by the Gateway servlet. Before you add or change an SSL Port Number, see the "Policy-Based Resource Management" section in the OpenSSO STS Administration Guide.

    HTTP Header Name for Client Certificate

    This attribute is used only when the Trusted Remote Hosts attribute is set to all' or has a specific host name defined. Specify the HTTP header name for the client certificate that is inserted by the load balancer or Secure Remote Access component.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.1.3 To Configure Core Authentication Service Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click Core.

  3. On the Core page, provide values for the Core Authentication Service global attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-3 Core Authentication Service Global Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Pluggable Authentication Module Classes

    The Current Values list displays the Java classes of the available authentication modules.

    • To add a Java class to the list, in the New Value field type a Java class name, and then click Add.

      Use a text string specifying the full class name, including the package name, of the authentication module. If you write a custom authentication module by implementing the OpenSSO STS AMLoginModule or the Java Authentication and Authorization Service [JAAS] LoginModule service provider interfaces, the new class value must be added to this property.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Supported Authentication Modules for Clients

    The Current Values list displays authentication modules supported for a specific client. Formatted as:

    • To add an authentication module to the list, in the New Value field type the client type and module name, and then click Add.

      Use the form clientType | module1,module2,module3

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    LDAP Connection Pool Size

    The Current Values list displays the minimum and maximum connection pool size to be used on a specific LDAP server and port. Formatted as: host:port:min:maxThis attribute is for LDAP and Membership authentication services only.

    • To add an entry to the list, in the New Value field type the entry, and then click Add.

      Use the form host:port:min:max.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Default LDAP Connection Pool Size

    Specify the default minimum and maximum connection pool to be used with all LDAP authentication module configurations. Use the format min:max.

    This value is superseded by a value defined for a specific host and port in the LDAP Connection Pool Size property.

    Remote Auto Security

    When enabled, OpenSSO STS validates the identity of the calling application, and all remote authentication requests require the calling application's SSOToken. This allows the Authentication Service to obtain the username and password associated with the application.

    Keep Post Process Objects for Logout Processing

    When enabled, the remote Auth Client must send the application SSOToken with each request.

    Keep Authentication Module Objects for Logout Processing

    When enabled, the user session continues to hold the instances of authentication modules after authentication is complete. This may be required for special logout processing.

  4. In the Realm Attributes section, values for the Core Authentication Service Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the attributes you can configure.

    Table 6-4 Core Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Property Desription

    User Profile

    Choose a profile status for a successfully authenticated user.

    • Dynamic

      On successful authentication the Authentication Service will create a user profile if one does not already exist. The SSOToken will then be issued. The user profile is created in the realm's configured user data store.

    • Dynamic with User Alias

      On successful authentication the Authentication Service will create a user profile that contains the User Alias List attribute which defines one or more aliases that for mapping a user's multiple profiles.

    • Ignored

      A user profile is not required for the Authentication Service to issue an SSOToken after a successful authentication.

    • Required

      On successful authentication the user must have a user profile in the realm's configured user data store in order for the Authentication Service to issue an SSOToken.

    Administrator Authentication Configuration

    Specify the authentication configuration that is invoked when the user accesses /openssosts/console directly.

    • [empty]

    • ldapService

    User Profile Dynamic Creation Default Roles

    The Current Values list displays DNs of roles to be assigned to a new user whose profile is created when Dynamic or Dynamic with Alias is selected under the User Profile attribute. There are no default values.

    A role can be either an OpenSSO STS or LDAP role, but it cannot be a filtered role.

    • To add a new role, in the New Value field type a role name, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Persistent Cookie Mode

    Determines whether users can return to their authenticated session after restarting the browser. When enabled, a user session will not expire until its persistent cookie expires (as specified by the value of the Persistent Cookie Maximum Time attribute), or the user explicitly logs out. By default, the Authentication Service uses only memory cookies (expires when the browser is closed).

    The client must explicitly request a persistent cookie by appending the iPSPCCookie=yes parameter to the login URL.

    Persistent Cookie Maximum Time

    Specify the number of seconds after which a persistent cookie expires. The interval begins when the user session is successfully authentication. Persistent cookie mode must be enabled. The field will accept any integer value less than the maximum 214748647.

    Alias Search Attribute Name

    The Current Values list displays secondary LDAP attributes to use to search for a user profile when a search using the primary LDAP attribute has failed.

    This attribute is typically used when the user identification returned from an authentication module is not the same as that specified in the User Naming Attribute.

    • To add a new attribute name, in the New Values field enter the new attribute name, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    For example, a Certificate server might return abc1234, but the username is abc. There is no default value for this attribute. The field takes any valid LDAP attribute.

    Default Authentication Locale

    Specify the default language subtype to be used by the Authentication Service. The default value is en_US.

    To use a difference locale, a directory containing authentication templates for that locale must already exist.

    Organization Authentication Configuration

    Choose the default authentication chain used the users in the realm.

    • [empty] - No authentication chain is configured.

    • ldapService - Default authentication chain name for the LDAP authentication module.

    Login Failure Lockout Mode

    When enabled, the user is locked out or prevented from authenticating after repeated unsuccessful login attempt within a specified interval. Lockout criteria are defined in the Login Failure Lockout Count and Login Failure Lockout Interval attributes below.

    Login Failure Lockout Count

    Specify the number of times a user can attempt to authenticate within the interval defined in the Login Failure Lockout Interval property. When the user exceeds this number, the user is locked out or prevented from further authentication attempts.

    Login Failure Lockout Interval

    Specify in minutes the interval during which failed login attempts are counted. The lockout interval begins when a user first attempts to authenticate. The lockout count begins after two consecutive failed logins. The user is locked out if the number of attempts reaches the number specified in the Login Failure Lockout Count. If the user successfully authenticates within the Login Failure Lockout Interval, the lockout count is reset.

    Email Address to Send Lockout Notification

    Specify an email address or multiple email addresses to which notification will be sent if a user lockout occurs.

    For multiple addresses, separate each address with a space.

    For non-English locales, use the following format:


    Warn User After N Failures

    Specify the number of authentication failures that can occur before OpenSSO STS displays a warning message to the user that the user will be locked out.

    Login Failure Lockout Duration

    Specify in minutes how long a user must wait after a lockout before attempting to authenticate again. If you enter a value greater than 0, then memory lockout is enabled and physical lockout is disabled. When memory lockout is enabled, the user account is locked in memory for the number of minutes you specified. The account is unlocked after that time has elapsed.

    Lockout Duration Multiplier

    Specify a value used to multiply the Login Failure Lockout Duration value for each successive lockout. The Lockout Duration is incrementally increased based on the number of times the user has been locked out.

    For example, if the Login Failure Lockout Duration is set to 3 minutes, and the Lockout Duration Multiplier is to 2, then the user will be locked out of the account for 6 minutes. After the 6 minutes has elapsed, if the user again provides the wrong credentials, the lockout duration is now 12 minutes.

    Lockout Attribute Name

    Specify the LDAP attribute to be used for physical lockout. The default value is inetuserstatus even when the field is empty. The Lockout Attribute Value field must also contain an appropriate value.

    Lockout Attribute Value

    Specify the action to taken on the attribute defined in the Lockout Attribute Name. The default value is inactive even if the field is empty. The Lockout Attribute Name field must also contain an appropriate value.

    Default Success login URL

    The Current Values list displays values that specify where users are directed after successful authentication.

    • To add a new URL, in the New Value field type the URL, and then click Add.

      Use the form client-type|URL. The only value you can specify at this time is a URL which assumes the type HTML. The default value is /opensso/console. Values that don't specify HTTP or HTTP(S) are appended to the deployment URL.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Default Failure Login URL

    The Current Values list displays where users are directed after a failed authentication attempt.

    • To add a new URL, in the New Value field type the URL, and then click Add.

      Use the form client-type|URL. The only value you can specify at this time is a URL which assumes the type HTML. The default value is /opensso/console. Values that don't specify HTTP or HTTP(S) are appended to the deployment URL.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Authentication Post Processing Class

    The Current Values list displays a Java class or multiple Java classes to be used for customizing post-authentication processes for either successful or unsuccessful logins.

    • To add a new class, in the New Value field type the class name, and then click Add. Example:

      The Java class must implement the com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.     AMPostAuthProcessInterfaceOpenSSOEnterprise interface. Additionally, a JAR containing the post-processing class must be added to the classpath of the web container instance on which OpenSSO STS is configured.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Generate UserID Mode

    When enabled, if the user identifier entered by a user during the self-registration process is not valid or already existing, the Membership module will generate a list of alternate user identifiers. The user identifiers are generated by the class specified in the Pluggable User Name Generator Class property.

    Pluggable User Name Generator Class

    Specify the name of the class to be used for generating alternate user identifiers when Generate UserID Mode is enabled. The default value is com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.     DefaultUserIDGenerator.

    Identity Types

    Click a box to mark the type or types of identities for which OpenSSO STS will search.

    Pluggable User Status Event Classes.

    The Current Values list displays the Java classes or Java classes used to provide a callback mechanism for user status changes during the authentication process.

    • To add a new class, in the New Value field type the class name, and then click Add. Example:

      The Java class must implement the OpenSSO STS interface com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.     AMAuthCallBack. Account lockout and password changes are supported. Password changes are supported through the LDAP authentication module.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Store Invalid Attempts in Data Store

    When enabled, information regarding failed authentication attempts is stored as the value of the sunAMAuthInvalidAttemptsData attribute in the user data store. To store data in this attribute, the OpenSSO STS schema must be loaded. Information stored includes the number of invalid attempts, time of last failed attempt, lockout time, and lockout duration. Storing this information in the identity repository allows the information to be shared among multiple instances of OpenSSO STS.

    Module Based Authentication

    When enabled, users authenticate using module-based authentication. When disabled, all attempts at authentication using the module=module-instance-name login parameter will fail.

    Use Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute

    The Current Values list displays user identity attributes that are mapped as session attributes in the user's SSOToken.

    • To add a new attribute mapping, in the New Value field type a new attribute-value pair, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Use the form User-Profile-Attribute|Session-Attribute-Name. If Session-Attribute-Name is not specified, the value of User-Profile-Attribute is used. All session attributes contain the am.protected prefix to ensure that they cannot be edited by the Client SDK.

    Default Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  5. Click Save.

6.1.4 To Configure Data Store Authentication Service Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click Data Store

  3. On the Data Store Realm Attributes page, provide the Authentication Level value. The following table provides information about the Authentication Level attribute.

    Table 6-5 Data Store Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  4. Click Save.

6.1.5 To Configure Federation Authentication Service Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click Federation.

  3. On the Data Store Realm Attributes page, provide the Authentication Level value. The following table provides information about the Authentication Level attribute.

    Table 6-6 Data Store Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  4. Click Save.

6.1.6 To Configure JDBC Authentication Service Realm Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click JDBC

  3. On the JDBC Realm Attributes page, provide values for the JDBC Authentication Service Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-7 JDBC Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Connection Type

    Choose the type of connection to be made to the SQL database.

    • Connection pool is retrieved via JNDI

      The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) connection pool uses the configuration from the underlying web container.

    • Non-persistent JDBC connection.

      The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API provides a call-level API for SQL-based database access.

    Connection Pool JNDI Name

    If JNDI is selected in Connection Type, this field specifies the connection pool name. Because JDBC authentication uses the JNDI connection pool provided by the web container, the setup of JNDI connection pool may not be consistent among other web containers. See the OpenSSO STS Administration Guide for examples

    JDBC Driver

    If JDBC is selected in Connection Type, this field specifies the JDBC driver provided by Oracle Database. Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver. The class specified by JDBC Driver must be accessible to the web container instance on which OpenSSO has been deployed and configured. Include the JAR file that contains the JDBC driver class in the OpenSSO-deploy-base/WEB-INF/lib directory.


    Specify the database URL if JDBC is the selected Connection Type. Example: the URL for Oracle Database is jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521/databaseName.

    Connect This User to Database

    Specify the username from whom the database connection is made for the JDBC connection.

    Password for Connecting to Database

    Type the password for the User to Connect to Database.

    Password for Connecting to Database (confirm)

    Type the password again to confirm it.

    Password Column String

    Specify the password column name in the SQL database.

    Prepared Statement

    Specify the SQL statement that retrieves the password of the user that is logging in. For example: select Password from Employees where USERNAME =?

    Class to Transform Password Syntax

    Specify the class name that transforms the password entered by the user for comparison to the password retrieved from the database.

    This class must implement the JDBCPasswordSyntaxTranform interface

    By default, the value of the attribute is com.sun.identity.authentication.modules.jdbc.ClearTextTranform which expects the password to be in clear text.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  4. Click Save.

6.1.7 To Configure LDAP Authentication Service Realm Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click LDAP.

  3. Provide values for the LDAP Realm Attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-8 LDAP Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attributes Description

    Primary LDAP Server

    The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of the primary LDAP server specified during OpenSSO STS installation. This is the first server contacted for authentication. If there is no port number, the default value is 389.

    • To add an LDAP server to the list, in the New Value field type the server identifier, and then click Add.

      Use the form hostname:port. If you have OpenSSO STS deployed with multiple domains, you can specify the communication link between specific instances of OpenSSO STS and Directory Server. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example:

      local_servername|server:port local_servername2|server2:port2 ...

      For example, if you have two OpenSSO STS instances deployed in different locations (L1-machine1-IS and L2- machine2-IS) communicating with different instances of Directory Server (L1-machine1-DS and L2-machine2-DS), type the||

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Secondary LDAP Server

    The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of a secondary LDAP server available to the OpenSSO STS platform. If the primary LDAP server does not respond to a request for authentication, this secondary server is contacted. When the primary server is up, OpenSSO STS will switch back to the primary server.

    • To add an LDAP server to the list, in the New Value field type the server identifier, and then click Add.

      Use the format hostname:port. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name.

      Caution – When authenticating users from a Directory Server that is remote from the OpenSSO STS, it is important that both the Primary and Secondary LDAP Server Ports have values. The value for one Directory Server location can be used for both fields.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    DN to Start User Search

    The Current Values lists displays the DN of the node where the search for a user would start. The default value is the root of the directory tree.

    • To add a DN to the list, in the New Value field type the DN, and then click Add.

      For best performance, use the most specific DN possible. If OBJECT is selected in the Search Scope attribute, then the DN should specify one level above the level in which the profile exists.

      You can use any valid DN. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example: servername1|search dn servername2|search dn servername3|search dn...

      If multiple entries exist under the root organization with the same user ID, then this parameter should be set so that the only one entry can be searched for or found in order to be authenticated. For example the agent ID and user ID are under the same root org, this parameter should be ou=Agents for the root organization to authenticate using AgentID and ou=People, for the root organization to authenticate using User ID.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    DN for Root User Bind

    Specify the DN of the user that will bind as administrator to the Directory Server specified in the Primary LDAP Server and Port field. The authentication service must bind as this DN in order to search for a matching user DN based on the user login ID. The default is amldapuser. You can enter any valid DN.

    Password for Root User Bind

    Type the password for the administrator profile specified in the DN for Root User Bind field. There is no default value. Only the administrator's valid LDAP password will be recognized.

    Password for Root User Bind (confirm

    Type the password again to confirm it.

    Attribute Used to Retrieve User Profile

    Specify the attribute used for the naming convention of user entries. By default, OpenSSO STS identifies user entries by the uid attribute. If your Directory Server uses a different attribute, such as givenname for example, type the attribute name in this field.

    Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated

    The Current Values list displays the attributes to be used to form the search filter for finding a user to be authenticated, and allows the user to authenticate with more than one attribute in the user's entry. For example, if this field is set to uid, employeenumber, and mail, the user could authenticate with any of these attributes. These attributes must be set separately.

    • To add an attribute to the list, in the New Value field type the new attribute, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    User Search Filter

    Specify an attribute to use for finding the user under the 'DN to Start User Search' field. This attribute works with the User Naming Attribute. There is no default value. You can enter any valid user entry attribute.

    Search Scope

    Specify the number of levels in the Directory Server to search for finding a matching user profile. The search begins from the node specified in the 'DN to Start User Search' attribute. The default value is SUBTREE. Choose one of the following:

    OBJECT - Searches only the specified node.

    ONELEVEL- Searches the level of the specified node and one level down.

    SUBTREE - Searches all entries at and below the specified node.

    SSL Access to LDAP Server

    When the OpenSSO STS directory is the same as the directory configured for LDAP, this option may be enabled. If enabled, this option allows the LDAP authentication module to return the DN instead of the User ID, and no search is necessary. Normally, an authentication module returns only the User ID, and the authentication service searches for the user in the local OpenSSO STS LDAP. If an external LDAP directory is used, this option is typically not enabled.

    Return User DN to Authenticate

    When the OpenSSO STS directory is the same as the directory configured for LDAP, this option may be enabled. If enabled, this option allows the LDAP authentication module to return the DN instead of the User ID, and no search is necessary. Normally, an authentication module returns only the User ID, and the authentication service searches for the user in the local OpenSSO STS LDAP. If an external LDAP directory is used, this option is typically not enabled

    LDAP Server Check Interval

    This attribute is used for LDAP Server failback. It defines the number of minutes in which a thread will "sleep" before verifying that the LDAP primary server is running.

    User Creation Attributes

    The Current Values list displays the attribute-pair used by the LDAP authentication module when the LDAP server is configured as an external LDAP server.

    • To add an attribute-pair to the list, in the New Value field type a string that maps a local Directory Server to an external Directory Server, and then click Add.

      Use the format attr1|externalattr1

      The values of the external attributes are read from the external Directory Server and are set for the internal Directory Server attributes. The values of the external attributes are set in the internal attributes only when the User Profile attribute is set to "Dynamically Created" in the Core Authentication module, and the user does not exist in local Directory Server instance. The newly created user will contain the values for internal attributes, as specified in User Creation Attributes List, with the external attribute values to which they map.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Minimum Password Length

    The minimum password length is a value which comes into play when the directory server instance which is being used by the authentication module instance has a password policy to allow the user to reset their password. If the directory server instance returns an LDAP code that the user should reset their password, the new password entered by the user should be equal to or greater than the value of Minimum Password Length.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  4. Click Save.

6.1.8 To Configure OAMAuth Authentication Service Realm Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click OAMAuth.

  3. Provide values for the OAMAuth Authentication Service Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-9 OAMAuth Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Remote User Header Name

    Specify the name of the HTTP header used for an authenticated user. Example OAM_REMOTE_USER

    Allowed Users Values

    The Current Values list displays administrative users who are allowed to access the OpenSSO STS console.

    • To add a user to the list, in the New Value field type a username, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the value and then click Remove.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  4. Click Save.

6.1.9 To Configure WSSAuth Authentication Service Attributes

  1. On the Configuration tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication list, click WSSAuth.

  3. Provide values for the WSSAuth Authentication Service Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-10 WSSAuth Authentication Service Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    User search attribute

    Specify the user attribute that is used to search for a user. Examples: uid or cn

    User realm

    Specify the realm that the user belongs to. For OpenSSO STS it is always root realm indicated by a forward slash (/ ).

    User password attribute

    Specify the password equivalent for the user. The default could be userpassword, it could as well be employeenumber, or mail.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  4. Click Save.

6.2 Configuring the Authentication Service Realm

A realm is the administrative unit for OpenSSO STS. After OpenSSO STS is deployed and configured, a single top-level realm is created. The Top Level Realm contains all configuration data for the OpenSSO STS instance except for bootstrapping information configured during installation. The Top Level Realm cannot contain subrealms.

Use the OpenSSO STS Authentication tab to specify a supported authentication process, and to instantiate an authentication module used for the entire realm. You can also establish an authentication chain. When you configure multiple authentication module instances to form a chain, a user must pass authentication credentials to all of the module instances specified for the realm.

6.2.1 To Configure the Authentication Realm

  1. On the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the General section, provide values for the basic Realm properties. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-11 Basic Realm Properties

    Property Description

    Administrator Authentication Chain

    Specify the authentication chain used by administrators when the process must be different from the authentication chain defined for end-users.

    Default Success Login URL

    The Currents Values list displays URLs that the user will be redirected to upon successful authentication to the realm.

    • To add a new Success Login URL, type a name in the New Value field, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Default Authentication Chain

    Specify the default authentication chain used by the realm's users.

    Administrator Authentication Chain

    Specify the authentication chain used by administrators when the process must be different from the authentication chain defined for end-users.

  3. Click Save.

  4. To configure additional realm attributes, click Advanced Properties.

  5. Provide values for the advanced Realm properties. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-12 Advanced Realm Properties

    Property Description

    User Profile

    Choose a profile status for a successfully authenticated user.

    • Dynamic

      After successful authentication, the Authentication Service creates a user profile if one does not already exist. The SSOToken will then be issued. The user profile is created in the realm's configured user data store.

    • Dynamic with User Alias

      After successful authentication, the Authentication Service creates a user profile that contains the User Alias List attribute. This attribute defines one or more aliases for mapping a user's multiple profiles.

    • Ignored

      A user profile is not required for the Authentication Service to issue an SSOToken after a successful authentication.

    • Required

      After successful authentication, the user must have a user profile in the realm's configured user data store for the Authentication Service to issue an SSOToken.

    Administrator Authentication Configuration

    Specify the authentication configuration that is invoked when the user accesses /openssosts/console directly.

    • [empty]

    • ldapService

    User Profile Dynamic Creation Default Roles

    The Current Values list displays DNs of roles to be assigned to a new user whose profile is created when Dynamic or Dynamic with Alias is selected under the User Profile attribute. There are no default values.

    A role can be either an OpenSSO STS or LDAP role, but it cannot be a filtered role.

    • To add a new role, in the New Value field type a role name, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Persistent Cookie Mode

    Determines whether users can return to their authenticated session after restarting the browser. When enabled, a user session will not expire until its persistent cookie expires as specified by the value of the Persistent Cookie Maximum Time attribute, or the user explicitly logs out. By default, the Authentication Service uses only memory cookies so the session expires when the browser is closed.

    The client must explicitly request a persistent cookie by appending the iPSPCCookie=yes parameter to the login URL.

    Persistent Cookie Maximum Time

    Specify the number of seconds after which a persistent cookie expires. The interval begins when the user session is successfully authentication. Persistent cookie mode must be enabled. The field will accept any integer value less than the maximum 214748647.

    Alias Search Attribute Name

    The Current Values list displays secondary LDAP attributes to use to search for a user profile when a search using the primary LDAP attribute has failed. This attribute is typically used when the user identification returned from an authentication module is not the same as that specified in the User Naming Attribute.

    • To add a new attribute, in the New Values field, type the new attribute name, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    For example, a Certificate server might return abc1234, but the username is abc. There is no default value for this attribute. The field takes any valid LDAP attribute.

    Default Authentication Locale

    Specify the default language subtype to be used by the Authentication Service. The default value is en_US.

    To use a difference locale, a directory containing authentication templates for that locale must already exist.

    Organization Authentication Configuration

    Choose the authentication configuration that is invoked when the user accesses /openssosts/UI/Login.

    • [empty]

    • ldapService

    Login Failure Lockout Mode

    When enabled, the user is locked out or prevented from authenticating after repeated unsuccessful login attempts within a specified interval. Lockout criteria are defined in the Login Failure Lockout Count and Login Failure Lockout Interval properties below.

    Login Failure Lockout Count

    Specify the number of times a user can attempt to authenticate within the interval defined in the Login Failure Lockout Interval property. When the user exceeds this number, the user is locked out or prevented from further authentication attempts.

    Login Failure Lockout Interval

    Specify in minutes the interval during which failed login attempts are counted. The lockout interval begins when a user first attempts to authenticate. The lockout count begins after two consecutive failed logins. The user is locked out if the number of attempts reaches the number specified in the Login Failure Lockout Count. If the user successfully authenticates within the Login Failure Lockout Interval, the lockout count is reset.

    Email Address to Send Lockout Notification

    Specify an email address or multiple email addresses to which notification will be sent if a user lockout occurs.

    For multiple addresses, separate each address with a space.

    For non-English locales, use the following format:


    Warn User After N Failures

    Specify the number of authentication failures that can occur before OpenSSO STS displays a warning message to the user that the user will be locked out.

    Login Failure Lockout Duration

    Specify in minutes how long a user must wait after a lockout before attempting to authenticate again. If you enter a value greater than 0, then memory lockout is enabled and physical lockout is disabled. When memory lockout is enabled, the user account is locked in memory for the number of minutes you specified. The account is unlocked after that time has elapsed.

    Lockout Duration Multiplier

    Specify a value used to multiply the Login Failure Lockout Duration value for each successive lockout. The Lockout Duration is increased incrementally based on the number of times the user has been locked out.

    For example, if the Login Failure Lockout Duration is set to 3 minutes, and the Lockout Duration Multiplier is to 2, then the user will be locked out of the account for 6 minutes. After the 6 minutes has elapsed, if the user again provides the wrong credentials, the lockout duration is now 12 minutes.

    Lockout Attribute Name

    Specify the LDAP attribute to be used for physical lockout. The default value is inetuserstatus even when the field is empty. The Lockout Attribute Value field must also contain an appropriate value.

    Lockout Attribute Value

    Specify the action to be taken on the attribute defined in the Lockout Attribute Name. The default value is inactive even if the field is empty. The Lockout Attribute Name field must also contain an appropriate value.

    Default Success login URL

    The Current Values list displays URLs where users are directed after successful authentication.

    • To add a new URL, in the New Value field type the URL, and then click Add.

      Use the form client-type|URL. The only value you can specify at this time is a URL which assumes the type HTML. The default value is /opensso/console. Values that don't specify HTTP or HTTP(S) are appended to the deployment URL.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Default Failure Login URL

    The Current Values list displays URLs where users are directed after a failed authentication attempt.

    • To add a new URL, in the New Value field type the URL, and then click Add.

      Use the form client-type|URL. The only value you can specify at this time is a URL which assumes the type HTML. The default value is /opensso/console. Values that don't specify HTTP or HTTP(S) are appended to the deployment URL.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Authentication Post Processing Class

    The Current Values list displays a Java class or multiple Java classes to be used for customizing post-authentication processes for either successful or unsuccessful logins.

    • To add a new Java class, in the New Value field type the class name, and then click Add. Example:

      The Java class must implement the interface com.sun.identity.authentication.spi. AMPostAuthProcessInterfaceOpenSSOEnterprise. Additionally, a JAR containing the post-processing class must be added to the classpath of the web container instance on which OpenSSO STS is configured.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Generate UserID Mode

    When enabled, if the user identifier entered by a user during the self-registration process is not valid or already exists, the Membership module generates a list of alternate user identifiers. The user identifiers are generated by the class specified in the Pluggable User Name Generator Class property.

    Pluggable User Name Generator Class

    Specify the name of the class to be used for generating alternate user identifiers when Generate UserID Mode is enabled. The default value is com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.DefaultUserIDGenerator.

    Identity Types

    Click a box to mark the type of identity or types of identities for which OpenSSO STS will search.

    Pluggable User Status Event Classes.

    The Current Values list displays the Java class or Java classes used to provide a callback mechanism for user status changes during the authentication process.

    • To add a Java new class, in the New Value field type the Java class name, and then click Add. Example:

      The Java class must implement the OpenSSO STS interface com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AMAuthCallBack. Account lockout and password changes are supported. Password changes are supported through the LDAP authentication module.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Store Invalid Attempts in Data Store

    When enabled, information regarding failed authentication attempts is stored as the value of the sunAMAuthInvalidAttemptsData attribute in the user data store. To store data in this attribute, the OpenSSO STS schema must be loaded. Information stored includes the number of invalid attempts, time of last failed attempt, lockout time, and lockout duration. Storing this information in the identity repository allows the information to be shared among multiple instances of OpenSSO STS.

    Module Based Authentication

    When enabled, users authenticate using module-based authentication. When disabled, all attempts at authentication using the module=module-instance-name login parameter will fail.

    Use Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute

    The Current Values list displays user identity attributes that are mapped as session properties in the user's SSOToken.

    • To add a new attribute mapping, in the New Value field type a new attribute-value pair, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Use the form User-Profile-Attribute|Session-Attribute-Name. If Session-Attribute-Name is not specified, the value of User-Profile-Attribute is used. All session attributes contain the am.protected prefix to ensure that they cannot be edited by the Client SDK.

    Default Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

  6. Click Save.

6.3 Managing Authentication Module Instances

OpenSSO STS is installed with a set of default authentication module instance types. An authentication module instance is a plug-in that collects user information such as a user ID and password, checks the information against entries in a database, and allows or denies access to the user. You can create new authentication module instances. You can also create multiple authentication instances of the same type, which you can configure separately.

The following figure illustrates the Access > Authentication subtab the OpenSSO STS console where you create and configure new authentication module instances.

Figure 6-2 Access Control > Authentication Subtab for Configuring Individual Authentication Modules

Description of Figure 6-2 follows
Description of "Figure 6-2 Access Control > Authentication Subtab for Configuring Individual Authentication Modules"

The following authentication module types (Module Instances) are supported in OpenSSO STS.

Active Directory Authentication Module

An Active Directory authentication module works similarly to the LDAP authentication module type, but uses the Microsoft Active Directory instead of an LDAP directory. Using this module type makes it possible to have both LDAP and Active Directory coexist under the same realm. See Section 6.3.1, "To Add a New Active Directory Module Instance" and Section 6.3.2, "To Configure an Active Directory Authentication Module Instance."

Certificate Authentication Module

A Certificate authentication module enables a user to log in through a personal digital certificate (PDC). The module instance can require the use of the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) to determine the state of a certificate. Use of the OCSP is optional. The user is granted or denied access to a resource based on whether or not the certificate is valid. See Section 6.3.3, "To Add a New Certificate Authentication Module Instance" and Section 6.3.4, "To Configure a Certificate Authentication Module Instance."

Data Store Authentication Module

A Data Store authentication modules enables OpenSSO STS to authenticate users against the Identity Repository. Using the Data Store module removes the requirement to write an authentication plug- in module, load, and then configure the authentication module if you need to authenticate against the same data store repository. Additionally, you do not need to write a custom authentication module where flat-file authentication is needed for the corresponding repository in that realm. See Section 6.3.5, "To Add a New Data Store Authentication Module Instance" and Section 6.3.6, "To Configure a Data Store Authentication Module Instance."

Federation Authentication Module

The Federation authentication module authenticates and validates Federation protocols. For example, when an Identity Provider sends a SAML2 artifact profile or post profile to a Service Provider, the Federation authentication module retrieves the SAML2 assertion and validates the assertion against the Identity Provider server. See Section 6.3.7, "To Add and Configure a New Federation Authentication Module Instance."

JDBC Authentication Module

A Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) authentication module enables OpenSSO STS to authenticate users through any Structured Query Language (SQL) databases that provide JDBC-enabled drivers. The connection to the SQL database can be either directly through a JDBC driver or through a JNDI connection pool. The JDBC attributes are realm attributes. See Section 6.3.8, "To Add a New JDBC Authentication Module Instance" and Section 6.3.9, "To Configure a JDBC Authentication Module Instance."

LDAP Authentication Module

An LDAP authentication module enables OpenSSO STS to authenticate users using LDAP bind, a Directory Server operation which associates a user ID password with a particular LDAP entry. OpenSSO validates the UserName with a cleartext password contained in a web service request to a web service provider. You can define multiple LDAP authentication configurations for a realm. See Section 6.3.10, "To Add an New LDAP Authentication Module Instance" and Section 6.3.11, "To Configure an LDAP Authentication Module Instance."x

Oracle Authentication Module

The Oracle authentication module enables OpenSSO STS to authenticate and single sign-on an administrator, who previously authenticated to Oracle Access Manager, to OpenSSO STS. The administrator does not have to provide credentials OpenSSO STS.

See Section 6.3.12, "To Add a New Oracle Authentication Module Instance" and Section 6.3.13, "To Configure an Oracle Authentication Module Instance".

Web Service Security Authentication Module

The Web Service Security authentication module enables OpenSSO STS to validate the UserName with a digest password received as an authentication token and contained in a service request from the web service client to a web service provider.

See Section 6.3.16, "To Delete an Authentication Module Instance" and Section 6.3.15, "To Configure a WSSAuth Authentication Module Instance."

6.3.1 To Add a New Active Directory Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this Active Directory module instance.

    The name cannot contain spaces.

  4. For Type, choose Active Directory.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the Active Directory Authentication Module Instance. See Section 6.3.2, "To Configure an Active Directory Authentication Module Instance."

6.3.2 To Configure an Active Directory Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click name of the Active Directory Authentication module instance you want to configure.

  3. Provide values for the Active Directory Authentication Module Instance Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

Table 6-13 Active Directory Authentication Module Instance Realm Attributes

Attribute Description

Primary Active Directory Server

The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of the primary Active Directory server specified during OpenSSO STS installation. This is the first server contacted for Active Directory authentication. The format is hostname:port. The default port number is 389.

  • To add a new Active Directory server to the list, then click Add.

    If you have OpenSSO STS deployed with multiple domains, you can specify the communication link between specific instances of OpenSSO STS and Directory Server in using the form LocalServerName|Server:PortNumber. For multiple entries, each entry must be prefixed with a local server name. Example:

    local_servername|server:port local_servername2|server2:port2...

    For example, if you have two OpenSSO STS instances deployed in different locations (L1-machine1-IS and L2- machine2-IS) communicating with different instances of Directory Server (L1-machine1-DS and L2-machine2-DS), use the form:||

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

Secondary Active Directory Server

The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of a secondary Active Directory server available to the OpenSSO STS platform. If the primary Active Directory server does not respond to a request for authentication, then this server is contacted. If the primary server is up, OpenSSO STS will switch back to the primary server.

  • To add an Active Directory server to the list, in the New Value field Type the name of the new server, and then click Add.

    Use the form hostname:port. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name.

    Caution – When authenticating users from a Directory Server that is remote from the OpenSSO STS server, both the Primary and Secondary LDAP Server Ports must have values. The value for one Directory Server location can be used for both fields.

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

DN to Start User Search

The Current Values list displays the DN of the node where the search for a user starts.

  • To add a new base DN to the list, in the New Value field Type the new DN, and then click Add.

    Use the form servername|searchDN. For performance reasons, this DN should be as specific as possible. The default value is the root of the directory tree. Any valid DN will be recognized. If OBJECT is selected in the Search Scope attribute, the DN should specify one level above the level in which the profile exists. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example:

    servername1|searchDN      servername2|searchDN      servername3|searchDN...

    If multiple entries exist under the root organization with the same user ID, then this parameter should be set so that only one entry can be searched for or found in order to be authenticated. For example, in the case where the agent ID and user ID are under the same root org, this parameter should be ou=Agents for the root organization to authenticate using AgentID and ou=People, for the root organization to authenticate using User ID.

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

DN for Root User Bind

Specify the DN of the user that will be used to bind to the Directory Server specified in the Primary LDAP Server and Port fields as administrator. The authentication service must bind as this DN in order to search for a matching user DN based on the user login ID. The default is amldapuser.

Any valid DN will be recognized.

Make sure that password is correct before you logout. If it is incorrect, you will be locked out. If this should occur, you can login with the super user DN. By default, this the amAdmin account with which you would normally log in, although you will use the full DN. For example:

uid_amAdmin,ou=People,     OpenSSO-deploy-base

Password for Root User Bind

Type the password for the administrator profile specified in the DN for Root User Bind field. There is no default value. Only the administrator's valid Active Directory password is recognized.

Password for Root User Bind (confirm)

Type the Root User Bind password again to confirm it.

Attribute Used to Retrieve User Profile

Specify the attribute used for the user entry naming convention. By default, OpenSSO STS assumes that user entries are identified by the uid attribute. If your Directory Server uses a different attribute such as givenname, specify the attribute name in this field.

Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated

The Current Values list displays the attributes to be used to form the search filter for a user that is to be authenticated, and that allows the user to authenticate with more than one attribute in the user's entry. For example, if this field is set to uid, employeenumber, and mail, then the user could authenticate with any of these names.

  • To add an attribute to the list, in the New Value field Type the attribute, and then click Add.

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

User Search Filter

Displays the attributes to be used to find the user based on the value in the DN to Start User Search field. The filter works with the User Naming Attribute. There is no default value. Any valid user entry attribute will be recognized.

Search Scope

Choose the number of levels in the Directory Server that will be searched for a matching user profile. The search begins from the node specified in DN to Start User Search field. The default value is SUBTREE. Choose one of the following:

  • OBJECT searches only the specified node.

  • ONELEVEL searches at the level of the specified node and one level down.

  • SUBTREE searches all entries at and below the specified node.

SSL Access to Active Directory Server

When enabled, OpenSSO STS uses the SSL protocol to access the Directory Server specified in the Primary and Secondary Server and Port fields. By default, the box is not checked and the SSL protocol is not used to access the Directory Server.

If the Active Directory server is running with SSL enabled (LDAPS), you must make sure that OpenSSO STS is configured with proper SSL trusted certificates. Otherwise OpenSSO STS cannot connect to Directory Server using the LDAPS protocol.

Return User DN to Authenticate

When enabled, the Active Directory authentication module instance returns the DN instead of the User ID, and no search is necessary.

Normally, an authentication module instance returns only the User ID, and the authentication service searches for the user in the local OpenSSO STS instance. If the OpenSSO STS directory is the same as the directory configured for Active Directory, this option may be enabled. If an external Active Directory is used, this option is typically not enabled.

Active Directory Server Check Interval

Specify the number of minutes per interval in which a thread will "sleep" before verifying that the primary Active Directory server is running. This attribute is used for Active Directory Server failback.

User Creation Attributes

The Current Values list displays attributes used by the Active Directory authentication module instance when the Active Directory server is configured as an external Active Directory server. It contains a mapping of attributes between a local and an external Directory Server. The attribute uses the following form:

attr1|externalattr1 attr2|externalattr2

  • To add a new attribute, in the New Value field Type the attribute and then click Add.

    Use the form:

    attr1|externalattr1 attr2|externalattr2

    When this attribute is populated, the values of the external attributes are read from the external Directory Server, and are set for the internal Directory Server attributes. The values of the external attributes are set in the internal attributes only when the User Profileattribute (in the Core Authentication module type) is set to Dynamically Created and the user does not exist in local Directory Server instance. The newly created user will contain the values for internal attributes, as specified in User Creation Attributes List, with the external attribute values to which they map.

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

Minimum Password Length

The minimum password length is a value which comes into play when the directory server instance which is being used by the authentication module instance has a password policy to allow the user to reset their password. If the directory server instance returns an LDAP code that the user should reset their password, the new password entered by the user should be equal to or greater than the value of Minimum Password Length.

Authentication Level

Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.3.3 To Add a New Certificate Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this Certificate authentication module instance.

  4. For Type, choose Certificate.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the Certificate Authentication Module Instance. See Section 6.3.4, "To Configure a Certificate Authentication Module Instance."

6.3.4 To Configure a Certificate Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click name of the Certificate authentication module instance you want to configure.

  3. Provide values for the Certificate Authentication Module Instance Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

Table 6-14 Certificate Authentication Module Instance Realm Attributes

Attribute Description

Match Certificate in LDAP

When enabled, the Certificate Authentication Module determines whether a user certificate presented at login is stored in the LDAP Server specified in the "LDAP Server Where Certificates are Stored" field below. If no match is found, then the user is denied access. If a match is found and no other validation is required, the user is granted access.

By default, this option is disabled and the Certificate Authentication Module does not check for the user certificate.

Note – A certificate stored in the Directory Server is not necessarily valid. It may be on the certificate revocation list. See Match Certificate to CRL. However, the web container may check the validity of the user certificate presented at login.

Subject DN Attribute Used to Search LDAP for Certificates

Specify the attribute of the certificate's SubjectDN value that will be used to search LDAP for certificates. This attribute must uniquely identify a user entry. The actual value will be used for the search. The default is cn.

Match Certificate to CRL

When enabled, the Certificate Authentication Module compares the user certificate against the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) in the LDAP Server.

The CRL is located based on one of the attribute names in the issuer's SubjectDN. If the certificate is on the CRL, then the user is denied access. If the certificate is not on the CRL, then the user is allowed to proceed. By default this option is disabled.

Certificates should be revoked when the owner of the certificate has changed status and no longer has the right to use the certificate or when the private key of a certificate owner has been compromised.

Issuer DN Attribute Used to Search LDAP for CRLs

Specify the attribute of the subjectDN for the certificate's issuer. The subjectDN value will be used to search LDAP for CRLs. This field is used only when the Match Certificate to CRL attribute is enabled. The actual value will be used for the search. The default is cn.

HTTP Parameters for CRL Update

Specify the HTTP parameters for obtaining a CRL from a servlet for a CRL update. Contact the administrator of your CA for these parameters.

Match CA Certificate to CRL

When enabled, the Certificate Authentication Module compares the Certificate Authority-issued certificate against the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) in the LDAP Server.

The CRL is located based on one of the attribute names in the issuer's SubjectDN. If the certificate is on the CRL, then the user is denied access. If the certificate is not on the CRL, then the user is allowed to proceed. By default this option is disabled.

Certificates should be revoked when the owner of the certificate has changed status and no longer has the right to use the certificate or when the private key of a certificate owner has been compromised.

OCSP Validation

When enabled, Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) validation is performed by contacting the appropriate OCSP responder. The OCSP responder is determined during runtime based on the following settings:

  • If this value is set to true, and the OCSP responder is set in the Responder URL attribute, then the value of the attribute will be used as the OCSP responder.

  • If Online Certificate Status Protocol Check is enabled and if the value of this attribute is not set, then the OCSP responder presented in your client certificate is used as the OCSP responder.

  • If Online Certificate Status Protocol Check is not enabled, or if Online Certificate Status Protocol Check is enabled but an OCSP responder can not be found, then no OCSP validation will be performed.

These settings can be configured on the Servers and Sites tab.

Before enabling OCSP Validation, make sure that the time of day settings for the OpenSSO STS host and the OCSP responder host are synchronized as closely as possible. Also, the time of day setting for the OpenSSO STS host must be ahead of the time of day setting for the OCSP responder. For example, if the OCSP responder host is set at 12:00:00 PM, then the OpenSSO STS host could be set at 12:00:30 PM.

LDAP Server Where Certificates are Stored

The Current Values list displays the name and port number of the LDAP server where the certificates are stored. The default value is the host name and port specified when OpenSSO STS was installed.

  • To add a new LDAP server, in the New Value field type the server identifier, and then click Add.

    Use the form hostname:port. You can specify any LDAP server where the certificates are stored. When entering multiple entries, each entry must be prefixed with a local server name.

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

LDAP Search Start DN

The Current Values list displays the DN of the node where the search for the user's certificate should start.

  • To add a DN to the list, in the New Value field type the new DN, and then click Add.

    Use the format servername|searchDN. There is no default value. You can enter any valid DN. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example:

    servername1|searchDN servername2|searchDN     servername3|searchDN

    If multiple entries exist under the root organization with the same user ID, then this parameter should be set so that the only one entry can be searched for or found in order to be authenticated. For example, in the case where the agent ID and user ID is same under root org, this parameter should be ou=Agents for the root organization to authenticate using AgentID and ou=People, for the root organization to authenticate using User ID.

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

Use the format servername|searchDN. There is no default value. You can enter any valid DN. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example:

servername1|searchDN servername2|searchDN     servername3|searchDN

LDAP Server Principal User

Specify the DN of the principal user for the LDAP server where the certificates are stored.

There is no default value. You can use any valid DN. The principal user must be authorized to read, and search certificate information stored in the Directory Server.

LDAP Server Principal Password

Specify the LDAP password associated with the user specified in the LDAP Server Principal User field above.

There is no default value. You can use any valid LDAP password for the specified principal user. This value is stored as readable text in the directory.

LDAP Server Principal Password (confirm

Type the password again to confirm it.

Use SSL for LDAP Access

Specifies whether to use SSL to access the LDAP server. The default is that the Certificate Authentication service does not use SSL for LDAP access.

Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile

From the following, choose the field in the certificate's Subject DN to be used to search for a matching user profile:

email address
subject CN
subject DN
subject UID

For example, if you choose email address, the Certificate Authentication service searches for the user profile that matches the attribute emailAddr in the user certificate. The user logging in then uses the matched profile. The default field is subject CN.

Other Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile

This attribute is recognized only if 'other' is selected in the 'Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile' attribute above.

Specify the attribute that will be selected from the received certificate's subjectDN value. The Certificate Authentication service will then search the user profile that matches the value of that attribute.

SubjectAltNameExt Value Type to Access User Profile

RFC822Name - Electronic email address

UPN - User Principal Name


When 'none' is selected, the 'Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile' or 'Other Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile' attribute is used to access the User Profile.

Trusted Remote Hosts

The Current Values list displays hosts that can be trusted to send certificates to OpenSSO STS.

OpenSSO STS must verify whether the certificate came from one of these hosts. This attribute is used for the Portal Server gateway, for a load balancer with SSL termination and for Distributed Authentication.

By default, this attribute is set to 'none,' which disables certificate issuer host verification.

  • To add a host to this list, in the New Value field type one of the following, and then click Add.

    none - Disables certificate issuer host verification. This is set by default.

    all - Accepts Portal Server Gateway-style certificate authentication from any client IP address.

    IP ADDR -Lists the IP addresses from which to accept Portal Server Gateway-style certificate authentication requests (the IP Address of the Gateway(s)). The attribute is configurable on an realm basis.

  • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

SSL Port Number

Specify the port number for the secure socket layer (SSL). Currently, this attribute is only used by the Gateway servlet. Before you add or change an SSL Port Number, see the "Policy-Based Resource Management" section in the OpenSSO STS Administration Guide.

HTTP Header Name for Client Certificate

This attribute is used only when the Trusted Remote Hosts attribute is set to all' or has a specific host name defined. Specify the HTTP header name for the client certificate that is inserted by the load balancer or Secure Remote Access component.

Authentication Level

Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.3.5 To Add a New Data Store Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this Data Store authentication module instance.

  4. For Type, choose Data Store.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the Data Store authentication module instance. Section 6.3.6, "To Configure a Data Store Authentication Module Instance."

6.3.6 To Configure a Data Store Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click name of the Data Store authentication module instance you want to configure.

  3. Provide values for the Data Store Authentication Module Instance Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-15 Data Store Authentication Module Instance Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.3.7 To Add and Configure a New Federation Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this Federation Authentication module instance.

  4. For Type, choose Federation

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the Federation authentication module instance.

    1. On the Access > Authentication subtab, in the Module Instances section, select the Federation instance you want to configure.

    2. On the Federation Realm Attributes page, type a value in the Authentication Level field.

      Specify a value that indicates how much to trust the Federation Authentication module instance.

      Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSO token for the session. When the SSO token is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access. If the authentication level stored in an SSO token does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level. The default value is 0.

      0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

      If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

    3. Click Save.

  7. Click Back to Authentication.

6.3.8 To Add a New JDBC Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this JDBC authentication module instance.

  4. For Type, choose JDBC.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the JDBC authentication module instance. Section 6.3.9, "To Configure a JDBC Authentication Module Instance."

6.3.9 To Configure a JDBC Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click name of the JDBC authentication module instance you want to configure.

  3. Provide values for the JDBC Authentication Module Instance Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the attributes you can configure.

Table 6-16 JDBC Authentication Module Instance Realm Attributes

Attribute Description

Connection Type

Choose the type of connection to be made to the SQL database.

  • Connection pool is retrieved via JNDI

    The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) connection pool uses the configuration from the underlying web container.

  • Non-persistent JDBC connection.

    The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API provides a call-level API for SQL-based database access.

Connection Pool JNDI Name

If JNDI is selected in Connection Type, this field specifies the connection pool name. Because JDBC authentication uses the JNDI connection pool provided by the web container, the setup of JNDI connection pool may not be consistent among other web containers. See the OpenSSO STS Administration Guide for examples

JDBC Driver

If JDBC is selected in Connection Type, this field specifies the Oracle driver provided by the Oracle Database. Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver. The class specified by Oracle Driver must be accessible to the web container instance on which OpenSSO has been deployed and configured. Include the JAR file that contains the Oracle driver class in the OpenSSO-deploy-base/WEB-INF/lib directory.


Specify the database URL if JDBC is the selected Connection Type. Example: the URL for Oracle Database is jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:1521/databaseName.

Connect This User to Database

Specify the username from whom the database connection is made for the JDBC connection.

Password for Connecting to Database

Type the password for the User to Connect to Database.

Password for Connecting to Database (confirm)

Type the password again to confirm it.

Password Column String

Specify the password column name in the SQL database.

Prepared Statement

Specify the SQL statement that retrieves the password of the user that is logging in. For example: select Password from Employees where USERNAME =?

Class to Transform Password Syntax

Specify the class that transforms the password entered by the user for comparison to the password retrieved from the database.

This class must implement the JDBCPasswordSyntaxTranform interface

By default, the value of the attribute is com.sun.identity.authentication.modules.jdbc.ClearTextTranform which expects the password to be in clear text.

Authentication Level

Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.3.10 To Add an New LDAP Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this LDAP authentication module instance.

  4. For Type, choose LDAP.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the LDAP authentication module instance. Section 6.3.11, "To Configure an LDAP Authentication Module Instance."

6.3.11 To Configure an LDAP Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click name of the LDAP authentication module instance you want to configure.

  3. Provide values for the LDAP Authentication Module Instance Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-17 LDAP Authentication Module Instance Realm Attributes

    Attributes Description

    Primary LDAP Server

    The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of the primary LDAP server specified during OpenSSO STS installation. This is the first server contacted for authentication. If there is no port number, the default value is 389.

    • To add an LDAP server to the list, in the New Value field type the server identifier, and then click Add.

      Use the form hostname:port. If you have OpenSSO STS deployed with multiple domains, you can specify the communication link between specific instances of OpenSSO STS and Directory Server. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example: local_servername|server:port local_servername2|server2:port2 Example: if you have two OpenSSO STS instances deployed in different locations (L1-machine1-IS and L2- machine2-IS) communicating with different instances of Directory Server (L1-machine1-DS and L2-machine2-DS), type the||

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Secondary LDAP Server

    The Current Values list displays the host name and port number of a secondary LDAP server available to the OpenSSO STS platform. If the primary LDAP server does not respond to a request for authentication, this secondary server is contacted. When the primary server is up, OpenSSO STS will switch back to the primary server.

    • To add an LDAP server to the list, in the New Value field type the server identifier, and then click Add.

      Use the format hostname:port. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name.

      Caution – When authenticating users from a Directory Server that is remote from the OpenSSO STS, it is important that both the Primary and Secondary LDAP Server Ports have values. The value for one Directory Server location can be used for both fields.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    DN to Start User Search

    The Current Values lists displays the DN of the node where the search for a user would start. The default value is the root of the directory tree.

    • To add a DN to the list, in the New Value field type the DN, and then click Add.

      For best performance, use the most specific DN possible. If OBJECT is selected in the Search Scope attribute, then the DN should specify one level above the level in which the profile exists.

      You can use any valid DN. Multiple entries must be prefixed by the local server name. Example: servername1|search dn servername2|search dn servername3|search dn...

      If multiple entries exist under the root organization with the same user ID, then this parameter should be set so that the only one entry can be searched for or found in order to be authenticated. For example the agent ID and user ID are under the same root org, this parameter should be ou=Agents for the root organization to authenticate using AgentID and ou=People, for the root organization to authenticate using User ID.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    DN for Root User Bind

    Specify the DN of the user that will bind as administrator to the Directory Server specified in the Primary LDAP Server and Port field. The authentication service must bind as this DN in order to search for a matching user DN based on the user login ID. The default is amldapuser. You can enter any valid DN.

    Password for Root User Bind

    Type the password for the administrator profile specified in the DN for Root User Bind field. There is no default value. Only the administrator's valid LDAP password will be recognized.

    Password for Root User Bind (confirm

    Type the password again to confirm it.

    Attribute Used to Retrieve User Profile

    Specify the attribute used for the naming convention of user entries. By default, OpenSSO STS identifies user entries by the uid attribute. If your Directory Server uses a different attribute, such as givenname for example, type the attribute name in this field.

    Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated

    The Current Values list displays the attributes to be used to form the search filter for finding a user to be authenticated, and allows the user to authenticate with more than one attribute in the user's entry. Example: if this field is set to uid, employeenumber, and mail, the user could authenticate with any of these attributes. These attributes must be set separately.

    • To add an attribute to the list, in the New Value field type the new attribute, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    User Search Filter

    Specify an attribute to use for finding the user under the 'DN to Start User Search' field. This attribute works with the User Naming Attribute. There is no default value. You can enter any valid user entry attribute.

    Search Scope

    Specify the number of levels in the Directory Server to search for finding a matching user profile. The search begins from the node specified in the 'DN to Start User Search' attribute. The default value is SUBTREE. Choose one of the following:

    OBJECT - Searches only the specified node.

    ONELEVEL- Searches the level of the specified node and one level down.

    SUBTREE - Searches all entries at and below the specified node.

    SSL Access to LDAP Server

    When the OpenSSO STS directory is the same as the directory configured for LDAP, this option may be enabled. If enabled, this option allows the LDAP authentication module to return the DN instead of the User ID, and no search is necessary. Normally, an authentication module returns only the User ID, and the authentication service searches for the user in the local OpenSSO STS LDAP. If an external LDAP directory is used, this option is typically not enabled.

    Return User DN to Authenticate

    When the OpenSSO STS directory is the same as the directory configured for LDAP, this option may be enabled. If enabled, this option allows the LDAP authentication module to return the DN instead of the User ID, and no search is necessary. Normally, an authentication module returns only the User ID, and the authentication service searches for the user in the local OpenSSO STS LDAP. If an external LDAP directory is used, this option is typically not enabled

    LDAP Server Check Interval

    This attribute is used for LDAP Server failback. It defines the number of minutes in which a thread will "sleep" before verifying that the LDAP primary server is running.

    User Creation Attributes

    The Current Values list displays the attribute-pair used by the LDAP authentication module when the LDAP server is configured as an external LDAP server.

    • To add an attribute-pair to the list, in the New Value field type a string that maps a local Directory Server to an external Directory Server, and then click Add.

      Use the format attr1|externalattr1

      The values of the external attributes are read from the external Directory Server and are set for the internal Directory Server attributes. The values of the external attributes are set in the internal attributes only when the User Profile attribute is set to "Dynamically Created" in the Core Authentication module, and the user does not exist in local Directory Server instance. The newly created user will contain the values for internal attributes, as specified in User Creation Attributes List, with the external attribute values to which they map.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Minimum Password Length

    The minimum password length is a value which comes into play when the directory server instance which is being used by the authentication module instance has a password policy to allow the user to reset their password. If the directory server instance returns an LDAP code that the user should reset their password, the new password entered by the user should be equal to or greater than the value of Minimum Password Length.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.3.12 To Add a New Oracle Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this Oracle authentication module instance.

  4. For Type, choose OAMAuth.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the OAMAuth authentication module instance. Section 6.3.13, "To Configure an Oracle Authentication Module Instance."

6.3.13 To Configure an Oracle Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click name of the OAMAuth authentication module instance you want to configure.

  3. Provide values for the Oracle Authentication Module Instance Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the attributes you can configure.

    Table 6-18 Oracle Authentication Module Instance Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Remote User Header Name

    Specify the name of the HTTP header used for an authenticated user. Example OAM_REMOTE_USER

    Allowed Users Values

    The Current Values list displays administrative users who are allowed to access the OpenSSO STS console.

    • To add a user to the list, in the New Value field type a username, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the value and then click Remove.

    Authentication level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.3.14 To Add a New Web Service Security Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for this WSSAuth authentication module instance.

  4. For Type, choose WSSAuth.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Configure the WSSAuth authentication module instance.

6.3.15 To Configure a WSSAuth Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, click name of the WSSAuth authentication module instance you want to configure.

  3. Provide values for the WSSAuth Authentication Module Instance Realm attributes. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the attributes you can configure.

    Table 6-19 WSSAuth Authentication Module Instance Realm Attributes

    Attribute Description

    User search attribute

    Specify a user attribute that to be used to search for a user. Examples: uid, cn

    User realm

    Specify the realm the user belongs to. For OpenSSO STS it is always root realm, indicated by a forward slash ( /) .

    User password attribute

    Specify a password attribute (password equivalent) for the user. The default could be userpassword, it could as well be employeenumber or mail.

    Authentication Level

    Specify a value that indicates how much to trust an authentication mechanism. The default value is 0.

    The authentication level is set separately for each method of authentication. Once a user has authenticated, this value is stored in the SSOToken for the session. When the SSOToken is presented to an application the user wants to access, the application uses the stored value to determine whether the level is sufficient to grant the user access.

    If the authentication level stored in an SSOToken does not meet the minimum value required, the application can prompt the user to authenticate again through a service with a higher authentication level.

    0 is a low value. For example, if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:openssoPort/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=0, a selection menu is displayed containing all authentication module instances with an authentication level of 0 or greater, or all authentication module instances. Similarly if the user accesses the URL protocol://openssoServer:port/opensso/UI/Loin?authlevel=50, a selection menu is displayed containing authentication module instances with an authentication level of 50 or greater. Or if only one authentication module instance meets that constraint, a login screen for that authentication module instance is displayed.

    If no authentication level is specified, the SSO token stores the value specified in the Core Authentication attribute Default Authentication Level.

6.3.16 To Delete an Authentication Module Instance

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Module Instances section, select the name of the module instance to be deleted.

  3. Click Delete.

6.4 Managing Authentication Chains

You can configure multiple authentication modules instance so that a user must pass authentication credentials to all of them. This is known as authentication chaining.

When you configure an authentication chain, the user interacts with each of the authentication module instances in the chain, from the top down, in order to pass the authentication process. A criteria flag is assigned to each instance in the chain. The criteria flag defines how authentication proceeds through the ordered group of modules if, for example, authentication to one of the modules fails. Once authentication to all modules in the chain has been successfully achieved, the Authentication Service validates that all user identifiers in the chain are mapped to the same user. After validation occurs, a session token is issued for the user and the policy evaluation process begins. Authentication chains can be assigned to a realm, a user, a role, or a service.

6.4.1 To Create a New Authentication Chain

  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. To add a new chain, in the Authentication Chains section, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type a name for the new authentication chain.

  4. Click OK.

  5. To add an authentication module to the authentication chain, in the ChainName Properties page, in the Items section, click Add.

    The authentication module instance name is displayed in the Items list.

  6. To configure chaining for an authentication module in the Items list, first mark the box that corresponds to the authentication module you want to configure, then provide values for the Required Authentication Module Instance Chaining properties.

    The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-20 Required Authentication Module Instance Chaining Properties

    Property Description


    In the Instance column, a drop down list displays the authentication modules instantiated in the realm. Choose the authentication module instance to be configured.


    In the Criteria column, a dropdown list displays the supported options. Choose the criteria to be used for this authentication module instance.


      Successful authentication to this module instance is required for the authentication process to succeed. The authentication process will continue through the authentication chain whether authentication to the REQUIRED module instance succeeds or fails. However, if authentication to any REQUIRED module instances defined in a chain fails, authentication will ultimately fail and the user is not authenticated.


      Successful authentication to this module instance is required to proceed through the authentication chain. If authentication is successful, the authentication process moves to the next module instance in the authentication chain. If authentication fails, the chain is broken, control returns to the Authentication Service, and the user is not authenticated.


      Successful authentication to this module is not required but, if authentication does succeed, the user is authenticated and the authentication process will not continue through the authentication chain. If authentication to a SUFFICIENT module instance fails, the authentication process continues through the module instances in the authentication chain.


      Successful authentication to this module instance is not required but, whether it succeeds or fails, the authentication process continues through the module instances in the authentication chain.


    In the Options column, you can define additional options for the authentication module instance.

    Type a key=value pair. Example: if the authentication module supports debugging, type debug=true. Multiple options must be separated by a space. More information can be found in the class document.

  7. To reorder the authentications modules in the list, click Reorder.

    The authentication module instances will be invoked in the order listed the authentication configuration. For example, if authentication module instance A which is moved below authentication module instance B, then B will be invoked before A.

    a. In the Reorder Authentication Chains page, click a module instance name and then click Move Up, Move Down, Move to Top, or Move to Bottom until the instance name is in the proper place in the list.

    b. Click OK.

  8. (Optional) Provide values for the optional Authentication Chaining Post-Processing properties. The following table provides a listing and descriptions of the properties you can configure.

    Table 6-21 Optional Authentication Chaining Post-Processing Properties

    Property Description

    Successful Login URL

    The Current Values list displays URLs that the user will be redirected to upon successful authentication.

    • To add a URL to the list, in the New Value field type the URL, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Failed Login URL

    The Current Values list displays URLs that the user will be redirected to upon failed authentication.

    • To add a URL to the list, in the New Value field type the URL, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

    Post Authentication Processing Class

    The Current Values list displays the name of a Java class to be used for customizing any post-authentication processes regardless of whether authentication succeeds or fails.

    • To add a Java class to the list, in the New Value field type the Java class name, and then click Add.

    • To remove an entry from the Current Values list, select the entry and them click Remove.

  9. In the ChainName Properties page, click Save.

6.4.2 To Delete an Authentication Chain


Do not delete ldapService. Deleting ldapService may cause problems with logging into OpenSSO STS administration console.
  1. In the Access Control tab, click the Authentication subtab.

  2. In the Authentication Chains section, select the name of the authentication chain to be deleted.

  3. Click Delete.