46 J2EE JMX-46000 to J2EE JMX-47006

J2EE JMX-46000: It is not possible to start a state-manageable instance while it is being stopped.
Cause: A resource that was being stopped was asked to start.
Action: Wait until the resource is fully stopped before attempting to restart it.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46001: A state-manageable object is not started. The reason is "{0}".
Cause: A resource could not be started.
Action: Correct the root cause cited in the generated message.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46002: It is not possible to stop a state-manageable instance while it is being started.
Cause: A resource that was being started was asked to stop.
Action: Wait until the resource is fully started before attempting to stop it.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46003: A state-manageable object is not stopped. The reason is "{0}".
Cause: A resource could not be stopped.
Action: Correct the root cause cited in the generated message.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46004: The Notifications and Notification annotations cannot be used together.
Cause: An MBean interface was annotated with both the @Notification and @Notifications annotations.
Action: Use either @Notification or @Notifications to annotate the MBean interface, but not both.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46005: The Notifications and Notification annotations cannot be used on both the management and implementation classes.
Cause: The @Notification or @Notifications annotation was used on both the MBean interface and MBean implementation class. Only the MBean interface should be annotated with @Notification or @Notifications.
Action: Remove the conflicting annotation from the implementation class.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46006: Could not find MBean operation "{0}" for MBean registered under "{1}" and implemented by "{2}"
Cause: Operation signature might not match
Action: Verify operation signature against MBean metadata or MBean implementation class

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46007: Error getting MBeanServer for Config MBean "{0}" implemented by "{1}"
Cause: Internal error.
Action: No action is required. The default MBeanServer association will be used.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46008: Error initializing the JMX FRamework SPI "{0}"
Cause: Internal error. See nested exception.
Action: Based on nested exception root cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46009: Error loading the JMX FRamework SPI "{0}"
Cause: Internal error. See nested exception.
Action: Based on nested exception root cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46010: JMX Portable Framework initialized with platform SPI "{0}"
Cause: The message is informational only.
Action: No action is required.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46011: The @Inject annotation can be used only on a method that exposes a single parameter whose type is the type of the resource to be injected.
Cause: The JMX MBean @Inject annotation was used on a method that did not have a single parameter with the proper type.
Action: Change the associated MBean method to have a single parameter with the proper type or replace the @Inject annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46012: Error registering MBean whose ObjectName is "{0}" and implementation class is "{1}"
Cause: See nested exception.
Action: Based on nested exception root cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46013: The {0} argument cannot be null.
Cause: An argument was passed a null value, which is invalid. The name of the argument is specified as part of the generated message.
Action: Change the argument value to be a valid non-null value.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46014: A notification listener for MBean "{0}" cannot be added.
Cause: The MBean did not declare that it sends notifications.
Action: Change the MBean code to declare that it sends notifications or remove the code that attempts to register a notification listener for the MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46015: The resource with key "{0}" and bundle "{1}" declared in the Description annotation on attribute "{2}" of MBean "{3}" cannot be found.
Cause: The resource defined by the Description annotation that was associated with an MBean attribute was missing. The generated message specified the MBean, attribute, resource key and resource bundle.
Action: Ensure that the Description annotation includes the correct resourceBundleBaseName key and that the default resource bundle exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46016: The resource with key "{0}" and bundle "{1}" declared in the Description annotation on operation "{2}" of MBean "{3}" cannot be found.
Cause: The resource defined by a Description annotation that was associated with an MBean operation was missing. The generated message specified the MBean, operation, resource key and resource bundle.
Action: Ensure that the Description annotation includes the correct resourceBundleBaseName key and that the default resource bundle exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46017: The resource with key "{0}" and bundle "{1}" declared in the Description annotation on parameter "{2}" of operation "{3}" of MBean "{4}" cannot be found.
Cause: The resource defined by a Description annotation that was associated with an MBean operation parameter was missing. The generated message specified the MBean, operation, parameter name, resource key and resource bundle.
Action: Ensure that the Description annotation includes the correct resourceBundleBaseName and that the default resource bundle exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46018: The resource with key "{0}" and bundle "{1}" declared in the Description annotation on MBean "{2}" cannot be found.
Cause: The resource defined by a Description annotation that was associated with an MBean interface was missing. The generated message specified the MBean, resource key and resource bundle.
Action: Ensure that the Description annotation includes the correct resourceBundleBaseName key and that the default resource bundle exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46019: The resource with key "{0}" and bundle "{1}" declared in the Description annotation on feature "{2}" of MBean "{3}" cannot be found.
Cause: A resource that was defined in one of the MBean descriptors properties (descriptionResourceKey or descriptionResourceBundleBaseName) was missing. The generated message specified the MBean, resource key and resource bundle.
Action: Add the resource or change the MBean descriptor property.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

J2EE JMX-46020: No PersistenceManager is declared for MBean "{0}".
Cause: The PersistenceManagers were missing.
Action: When PMCompositeConfigMBeanSupport is used, specify a shared PersistenceManager or specify individual PersistenceManagers for the two config files (use injection-name 'file1' and 'file2' in mbeans.xml).

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46021: The Persistable for MBean "{0}" is not defined.
Cause: The expected Persistable for the MBean was missing.
Action: Provide the Persistable for the MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46022: A resource bundle name must be specified in order to use message localization methods.
Cause: The resource bundle name was missing.
Action: Define the resource bundle name.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46023: A shared PersistenceManager and an individual PersistenceManager cannot both be declared for MBean "{0}".
Cause: Both a shared and an individual PersistenceManager were declared for the MBean.
Action: When PMCompositeConfigMBeanSupport is used, specify either one shared persistence manager with no injection name, or two persistence managers with injection names "file1" and "file2", in mbeans.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46024: At least one configuration object used by MBean "{0}" for type "{1}" is not registered.
Cause: At least one of the configuration objects used by a Composite ConfigMBean was not registered.
Action: Register the appropriate configuration object.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46025: The type "{1}" used for MBean "{0}" is not valid for either configuration object "{2}" or "{3}".
Cause: The type used for a configuration object for the MBean was not valid.
Action: Use the correct type for the configuration object.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46026: The configuration file with injection name "{1}" for MBean "{0}" cannot be found.
Cause: The configuration file is missing or the injection name is incorrect.
Action: Verify that the injection name and the configuration file path are properly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46027: The configuration at URI "{0}" cannot be loaded.
Cause: The value for location in the configuration file was invalid.
Action: Verify that the value of location in the configuration file is properly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46028: MBean "{0}" cannot be registered,
Cause: An MBean was already registered with the same name. It should have been removed when the application was either stopped or undeployed.
Action: Examine and correct the errors that resulted when the application was stopped or undeployed, and repeat the stop or undeployment operation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46029: The configuration file "{0}" for MBean "{1}" cannot be found.
Cause: The value for location in the configuration file was invalid.
Action: Verify that the value of location in the configuration file is properly specified.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46030: failure to register MBean "{0}" during application initialization.
Cause: Registering the MBean during application initialization caused an error.
Action: Use the information from the exception stack trace to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46031: failure to unregister MBean "{0}" during application shutdown.
Cause: Unregistering the MBean during application shutdown caused an error.
Action: Use the information from the exception stack trace to determine the cause of the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46032: The RequiredApplicationPermission or RequiredSystemPermission annotation is incorrect.
Cause: The RequiredApplicationPermission or RequiredSystemPermission annotation did not specify a nonempty action array.
Action: Specify a nonempty action array.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46033: The Description annotation on method "{0}" of class "{1}" is incorrect.
Cause: The Description annotation resourceKey was null.
Action: Ensure that the resourceKey for the Description annotation is not null for the method cited in the error message.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46034: No annotation should be put on attribute mutator parameter "{0}".
Cause: The mutator parameter for an attribute has an annotation.
Action: Remove all annotation from the attribute's mutator parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46035: The Description annotations on the mutator and accessor of attribute "{0}" are in conflict.
Cause: Both the mutator and the accessor were annotated. Ideally, only the mutator should be annotated. The message key and the message bundle were not identical on both the mutator and the accessor, and must be if both are annotated.
Action: Either remove the annotation on the accessor or ensure that the message key and the message bundle are identical on both the accessor and the mutator.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46036: OpenType "{0}" cannot be converted to a Class<?> instance.
Cause: The OpenType was not an instance of Class or ParameterizedType or GenericArrayType, and it must be.
Action: Ensure that the OpenType is an instance of Class or ParameterizedType or GenericArrayType.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46037: The class "{0}" cannot be converted to OpenType.
Cause: The custom type was wrong.
Action: Use a custom type that can be converted to OpenType.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46038: There is an OpenType conversion error "{0}".
Cause: An OpenType conversion resulted in an error.
Action: See the information cited within the error message for details about the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46039: The ModelMBeanInfo for class "{0}" does not have a Descriptor.
Cause: The ModelMBeanInfo did not have a Descriptor.
Action: Add a Descriptor to the ModelMBeanInfo.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46040: A key for the resource bundle "{0}" cannot be null.
Cause: The key for the message was null.
Action: Provide a resource bundle key that is not null.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46041: The resource for bundle "{0}" with key "{1}" cannot be found.
Cause: There was no resource found in the resource bundle for the given key.
Action: Add the key to the resource bundle.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46042: The resource in bundle "{0}" for key "{1}" is not a String.
Cause: The resource found for the given key was not a String.
Action: Ensure that the resource is a String.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46043: The JMX Config Session instance passed to the Config MBean Factory is null.
Cause: The JMX Config Session instance passed to the Config MBean Factory was null.
Action: Associate the MBean creation with a valid JMX Config Session instance.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46044: Resource bundle "{0}" cannot be found.
Cause: The resource bundlle was missing.
Action: Provide the resource bundle.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46045: An error occurred while processing MBeanInfo for MBean "{0}".
Cause: The MBeanInfo was not correct.
Action: Use the error information to correct the MBeanInfo.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46046: The ConfigMBean PersistenceManager is not of type DualDataSourcePersistenceManager.
Cause: The PersistenceManager was not of type DualDataSourcePersistenceManager.
Action: Correct the type of the PersistenceManager.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46047: The method "{0}" required by DualDataSourcePersistenceManager cannot be found.
Cause: The required method was missing.
Action: Add the method to the MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46200: federation error: "{0}"
Cause: A federation operation resulted in an error from the federated target.
Action: See the remote exception cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46201: The federation namespace "{0}" cannot be found.
Cause: A Namespace that did not exist was specified during a federation operation.
Action: Use a valid federated namespace name.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46202: The domain of ObjectName "{0}" does not start with "{1}".
Cause: An improper domain was used during federation ObjectName processing.
Action: Use the expected federation domain: oracle.as.jmx.federation

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46203: federation namespace handler registration error: "{0}".
Cause: An error occurred while registering a new federation namespace handler.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46204: namespace handler unregistration error: "{0}".
Cause: An error occurred while unregistering a federation namespace handler.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46205: error closing connection for "{0}": "{1}".
Cause: An error occurred while closing a federation JMX connector.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46206: The "{0}" parameter cannot be null.
Cause: A required method parameter was null.
Action: Provide a non-null parameter to the method.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46207: Removing the federation namespace from "{0}" results in an invalid ObjectName.
Cause: Removing the federation prefix resulted in an invalid ObjectName.
Action: Correct the specified ObjectName.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46208: A federated object is not serializable.
Cause: A nonserializable object was encountered during federation serialization.
Action: Make the object serializable.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46209: A federated object is not serializable because a class cannot be found: "{0}".
Cause: A class needed by federation serialization cannot be found.
Action: Verify that the class can be found using the class path.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46210: The object that is being federated is not serializable: "{0}".
Cause: A nonserializable object was encountered during federation serialization.
Action: Make the object serializable.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46211: The FederationMBeanServerImpl constructor is being called incorrectly.
Cause: The constructor for FederationMBeanServerImpl was called more than once, which is not allowed.
Action: Call the constructor for FederationMBeanServerImpl only once.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46212: The operation "{0}" is not supported for namespace "{1}".
Cause: The operation that was invoked is not supported by the namespace.
Action: Change the calling code so that the operation is not invoked.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46213: The remote namespace handler constructor is being called incorrectly.
Cause: The connection information for the remote MBean server was not correct.
Action: Correct the connection information.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46214: Namespace "{0}" cannot be found.
Cause: A namespace that did not exist was specified during a federation operation.
Action: Use a valid federated namespace name.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46215: ObjectName "{0}" is invalid.
Cause: An ObjectName was created with an invalid constructor argument.
Action: Correct the ObjectName constructor argument.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46216: Error unregistering MBean whose ObjectName is "{0}" and implementation class is "{1}"
Cause: See nested exception.
Action: Based on nested exception root cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46218: An error occurred while persisting the state for the Config MBean registered under "{0}" and implemented by "{1}"
Cause: See associated exception
Action: Fix issue described by the associated exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46219: No registered mapper can convert: "{0}" to an Open MBean Type
Cause: Needed mapper could not be found
Action: Add the required mapper

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46220: Cannot map nongeneric collections to Open MBean Type: "{0}"
Cause: Cannot map nongeneric collections to Open MBean Type
Action: Fix collection type

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46221: JMXFrameworkStateFactory is not initialized. JMXStateFactoryImpl.init() should have been called prior to calling this method
Cause: JMXFrameworkStateFactory in not initialized.
Action: JMXStateFactoryImpl.init() should have been called prior to calling this method.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46222: No such property "{0}" in "{1}"
Cause: Attempted to set a nonexistent property.
Action: Check the name of the property begin set.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46223: Failed to set property "{0}" to value "{1}".
Cause: Could not set the given property.
Action: Check the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46224: No setter for property.
Cause: Could not find the necessary setter method.
Action: Add the needed setter method.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46225: #params for setter != 1.
Cause: Invalid number of parameter for setter method.
Action: Correct the parameter list of the setter call.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46226: Conversion to type "{0}" failed.
Cause: Type conversion failed.
Action: Check the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46227: Cannot find the Config MBeans declaration file {0} in the application.
Cause: The required META-INF/mbeans.xml file is missing from the application.
Action: Add the META-INF/mbeans.xml in the application

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46228: Error processing MBeans associated with mbeans.xml located at: "{0}"
Cause: Format issue, or missing class
Action: Check the exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46229: Only one of two security annotations OperationRequiredGlobalSecurityRole and OperationRequiredCustomSecurityGroup can be applied to MBean operation {0}.{1}
Cause: Two security annotations on the MBean operation
Action: Apply only one or none security annotation the the MBean operation

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46230: The following security Annotation(s) cannot be applied to MBean operation {0}.{1}: {2}
Cause: Invalid security annotation(s) on MBean operation
Action: Remove invalid security annotation(s)

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46231: Only one of two security annotations AttributeGetterRequiredGlobalSecurityRole and AttributeGetterRequiredCustomSecurityGroup can be applied to MBean Attribute Getter {0}.{1}
Cause: Two security annotations on the MBean attribute getter
Action: Apply only one or none security annotations to the MBean attribute getter.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46232: The following security Annotation(s) cannot be applied to MBean attribute getter {0}.{1}: {2}
Cause: Invalid security annotation(s) on MBean attribute getter
Action: Remove invalid security annotation(s)

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46233: Only one of two security annotations AttributeSetterRequiredGlobalSecurityRole and AttributeSetterRequiredCustomSecurityGroup can be applied to MBean Attribute Setter {0}.{1}
Cause: Two security annotations on the MBean attribute setter
Action: Apply only one or none security annotations to the MBean attribute setter.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46234: The following security Annotation(s) cannot be applied to MBean attribute setter {0}.{1}: {2}
Cause: Invalid security annotation(s) on MBean attribute setter
Action: Remove invalid security annotation(s)

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46235: Only one of two security annotations MBeanRequiredGlobalSecurityRole and MBeanRequiredCustomSecurityGroup can be applied to MBean interface {0}
Cause: Two security annotations on the MBean interface
Action: Apply only one or none security annotations to the MBean interface.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46236: Do not know how to map nonserializable type: "{0}" to Open MBean Type.
Cause: A type that does not implement Serializable cannot be mapped by the jmx framework
Action: Implement Serializable

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46237: Error while executing ServletContextListener initialization
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46238: Cannot map nonserializable type "{0}" to Open MBean Type for mbean interface {1}, attribute {2}.
Cause: A type that does not implement Serializable cannot be mapped by the jmx framework
Action: Implement Serializable

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46239: Cannot map nonserializable type "{0}" to Open MBean Type for mbean interface {1}, the return type of operation {2} .
Cause: A type that does not implement Serializable cannot be mapped by the jmx framework
Action: Implement Serializable

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46240: Cannot map nonserializable type "{0}" to Open MBean Type for mbean interface {1}, parameter {2} of operation {3}.
Cause: A type that does not implement Serializable cannot be mapped by the jmx framework
Action: Implement Serializable

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46241: Error while delivering JMX notification "{0}" to listener "{1}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46242: Cannot load class "{0}" for MBean operation "{1}" using ClassLoader "{2}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46243: Cannot find method "{0}" for attribute "{1}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46244: Error converting annotation "{0}" to descriptor. Could not get value for "{1}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46245: Error creating ConstraintValidator "{0}" with ClassLoader "{1}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46246: Error mapping java array or collection of type "{0}" to open type array. Individual element mapping resolved to "{1}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46247: Cannot load class "{0}" using ClassLoader "{1}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46248: Error mapping java Map of type "{0}" to open type TabularData. Key mapping resolved to "{1}", and Value mapping resolved to "{2}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46249: Error mapping java Map entry of TabularType "{0}". Mapped Key instance is {1}", and mapped Value istance is "{2}"
Cause: See embedded root exception
Action: Fix issue related with embedded root exception

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46250: Internal error: the setPersistable() invoked twice on config mbean
Cause: internal error
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

Level: 32


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46251: The MBean is no longer registered so no notification is delivered.
Cause: The mbean has been unregistered.
Action: The notification is no longer delivered.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46252: Error during {0} for MBean {1}
Cause: See nested exception for root cause.
Action: Fix root cause, to ensure that the MBean gets registered.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46300: Class "{0}" is not compatible with the annotation on method "{1}" of class "{2}".
Cause: When a MinValue, MaxValue or LegalValues annotation was used, the class that the annotation applied to did not have either a public static valueOf(String) method or a public constructor with only a String parameter.
Action: Change the class that the MinValue, MaxValue or LegalValues annotation applies to so that it either has a public static valueOf(String) method or a public constructor with only a String parameter.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46301: An object cannot be obtained for the minimum value for "{0}" for method "{1}" of class "{2}".
Cause: An instance of the class that a MinValue annotation applied to was not constructed. The associated IllegalArgumentException indicates the reason.
Action: Examine the associated IllegalArgumentException information to determine what action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46302: An object cannot be obtained for the maximum value for "{0}" for method "{1}" of class "{2}".
Cause: An instance of the class that a MaxValue annotation applied to was not constructed. The associated IllegalArgumentException indicates the reason.
Action: Examine the associated IllegalArgumentException information to determine what action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46303: An object cannot be obtained for the valid value "{0}" for method "{1}" of class "{2}".
Cause: An instance of the class that a LegalValues annotation applied to was not be constructed. The associated IllegalArgumentException indicates the reason.
Action: Examine the associated IllegalArgumentException information to determine what action to take.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46304: The parameters being validated for method "{0}" of class "{1}" based on annotations do not match the method parameter types.
Cause: A constraint declared using the MinValue, MaxValue or LegalValues annotation was being enforced, but the number of arguments passed to the method was wrong.
Action: Change the code that has the call to the method to have the correct number of arguments.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46305: Parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}" is less than the MinValue.
Cause: The value for an attribute or parameter that was annotated with the MinValue annotation failed the minimum value constraint test.
Action: Change the value so that it does not fail the minimum value constraint test or change the annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46306: Parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}" is greater than the MaxValue.
Cause: The value for an attribute or parameter that was annotated with the MaxValue annotation failed the maximum value constraint test.
Action: Change the value so that it does not fail the maximum value constraint test or change the annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46307: Parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}" cannot be compared to the MinValue annotation value.
Cause: The class to which the MinValue annotation applied did not implement the Comparable interface.
Action: Use a different class that implements the Comparable interface or modify the existing class so that it implements the Comparable interface.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46308: Parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}" cannot be compared to the MaxValue annotation value.
Cause: The class to which the MaxValue annotation applied did not implement the Comparable interface.
Action: Use a different class that implements the Comparable interface or modify the existing class so that it implements the Comparable interface.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46309: Parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}" does not match any value in the LegalValues annotation.
Cause: The value for an attribute or parameter that was annotated with the LegalValues annotation did not match any valid value.
Action: Change the value so that it is one of the valid values, or change the annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46310: Parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}" violates the constraint that the LegalValues annotation cannot be used with a MinValue or MaxValue annotation.
Cause: The LegalValues annotation was used at the same location with either a MaxValue or MinValue annotation.
Action: Either use the LegalValues annotation, or use the MaxValue or MinValue annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46311: The value of the MinValue annotation is greater than the value of the MaxValue annotation for parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}".
Cause: The value used for the MinValue annotation was greater than the value used for the MaxValue annotation.
Action: Change the annotations so that the value used for MinValue annotation is less than the value used for the MaxValue annotation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46312: The type used for parameter "{0}" of method "{1}" of class "{2}" is improper.
Cause: The value passed to an attribute or method parameter that was annotated with the MinValue or MaxValue annotation was not compared with an instance of the class used for the annotation because the type of the value was incorrect.
Action: Use the correct value for the attribute or method call, or change the annotation type.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46313: The delegate MBeanServerConnection cannot be null.
Cause: A PatternBaseDelegationHandler was being constructed without the required MBeanServerConnection argument.
Action: Change the code to supply the required MBeanServerConnection argument.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46314: No handler for ObjectName "{0}" is registered.
Cause: No handler existed for the object name being used.
Action: Register a handler that is appropriate for the object name that is used, or use a different object name.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46315: There is no registered handler to instantiate class "{0}".
Cause: No handler was found to instantiate the class for the object name being used.
Action: Register a handler that is appropriate for the object name that is used, or use a different object name.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46318: An error occurs when registering an MBean with the ObjectName "{0}" and the implementation class "{1}".
Cause: An error occurred when the MBean was being registered.
Action: See the associated Throwable exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46319: An error occurs when unregistering an MBean with the ObjectName "{0}" and implementation class "{1}".
Cause: An error occurred when the MBean was being unregistered.
Action: See the associated Throwable exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46320: An error occurs when parsing an mbeans.xml file.
Cause: The mbeans.xml file had incorrect XML syntax.
Action: Correct the XML syntax in the mbeans.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46324: The MBeanServer object parameter for the MBeanServerForwarder is null, or it is equal to the MBeanServerForwarder, or an MBeanServer object is already set.
Cause: The MBeanServer argument was not valid.
Action: Correct the MBeanServer argument.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46329: Error when parsing {0}.
Cause: The META-INF/mbeans.xml is empty or has syntax error.
Action: Correct the META-INF/mbeans.xml with the correct syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46330: Cannot find any jmx config mbeans in parsed mbeans.xml file
Cause: No config mbeans declared in META-INF/mbeans.xml in the application.
Action: Declare the config mbeans class, interface, config files in META-INF/mbeans.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46331: The numbers of configuration files and persistence managers for the mbean {0} in mbeans.xml do not match
Cause: The injectNames for configuration files and persistence managers in mbeans.xml is inconsistent.
Action: Update the mbeans.xml to use correct configuration files and persistence managers.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46333: Cannot find config file {0} in the application for mbean {1}
Cause: The location of config file is not correct or the config file is missing in the application.
Action: Fix the application.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46334: This helper class "{0}" only supports a single config file per MBean. However the MBean "{1}" specifed "{2}" config files.
Cause: Only one confile file par MBean is supported from this helper class
Action: Fix the calling code

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46335: MBean attribute access denied. MBean: {0} {1} for attribute {2} Detail: {3}
Cause: Security check failed.
Action: Access the MBean attribute with the user in right role or group.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46336: MBean operation access denied. MBean: {0} Operation: {1} Detail: {2}
Cause: Security check failed.
Action: Access the MBean operation with the user in right role or group.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46337: RegisterMBean denied: MBean: {0} Detail: {1}
Cause: Security check failed.
Action: RegisterMBean is allowed to the user ADMIN role.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46338: DeregisterMBean denied: MBean: {0} Detail: {1}
Cause: Security check failed.
Action: DeegisterMBean is allowed to the user ADMIN role.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46339: Cannot find any jmx runtime mbeans in parsed mbeans.xml file
Cause: No runtime mbeans declared in META-INF/mbeans.xml in the application.
Action: Declare the config mbeans class, interface, config files in META-INF/mbeans.xml.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46340: EntityResolver "{0}" failed to retrieve mbeans.xml xsd "{1}"
Cause: Either XSD is invalid, or proper Java Security Permissions have not been granted to JMX Framework jars if Security Manager is turned on.
Action: Verify xsd in mbeans.xml file, and ensure proper Security Permissions are granted to JMX Framework jars if Security Manager is turned on.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46341: Failed to create application stripe Id. Missing key: {0}, MBean: {1}
Cause: The key is missing from MBean ObjectName.
Action: Check MBean interface security annotation, make sure the key is available.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46342: Failed to remove old backup of config file {0}
Cause: unknown.
Action: regular backup config directory may help in this case.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46343: Failed to rename old config file {0} to backup file {1}
Cause: unknown.
Action: regular backup config directory may help in this case.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46344: Access denied. Current subject: {0}; Required app roles: {1}
Cause: Current user is not member of any required application roles.
Action: Try again with the user that is member of any of required application roles.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46345: Internal error: invalid security object. type {0}, value {1}
Cause: unknown.
Action: Contact support.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46346: EntityResolver "{0}" failed to retrieve the JMX Framework configuration xsd "{1}"
Cause: Either XSD is invalid, or proper Java Security Permissions have not been granted to JMX Framework jars if Security Manager is turned on.
Action: Verify xsd in JMX Framework configuration file, and ensure proper Security Permissions are granted to JMX Framework jars if Security Manager is turned on.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46347: An error occurs when parsing the JMX Framework configuration file.
Cause: The JMX Framework configuration file had incorrect XML syntax.
Action: Correct the JMX Framework configuration file XML syntax.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46348: Unexpected xml tag {0}, when parsing the JMX framework configuration file.
Cause: Invalid JMX Framework configuration file.
Action: Make sure your JMX Framework Configuration file is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46349: Missing JMX Framework configuration file
Cause: Cannot find the JMX Framework configuration file.
Action: Ensure that you either specify a valid configuration location, or that the default configuration is included in jmxspi.jar under the META-INF directory

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46350: Error parsing JMX Framework Configuration. Invalid value "{0}" for attribute "{1}" defined in XML element "{2}".
Cause: The value for the attribute is not valid
Action: Please correct the value in the JMX Framework configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46351: Invalid ID "{0}". No internal MBean interceptor is associated with that ID.
Cause: The wrong value was specified.
Action: Please correct the value in the JMX Framework configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46352: Invalid URL for custom MBean interceptor "{0}" jar location "{1}"
Cause: The wrong value was specified in the JMX Framework configuration file for the MBean interceptor jar location.
Action: Please correct the value in the JMX Framework configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46353: Custom MBean interceptor "{0}" jar file cannot be found at the specified location "{1}"
Cause: Missing jar file, or incorrect location specified in the JMX Framework configuration file.
Action: Please correct the value in the JMX Framework configuration file, or make sure the jar file is present

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46354: An error was raised while instantiating the JMX Framework MBean interceptor chain.
Cause: See root exception.
Action: Please correct the issue associated with the root exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46355: An error occured while initializing the JMX Framework MBean level logging interceptor.
Cause: See root exception.
Action: Please correct the issue associated with the root exception.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46383: Error while merging configuration for files "{0}" and "{1}" with ConfigMerger instance {2}.
Cause: See nested exception for root cause.
Action: Fix root cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46400: The Config MBean jar file "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The configuration MBeans jar file specified in the "location" attribute of the "config-mbeans" tag did not exist
Action: Correct the path to the configuration MBeans jar file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46401: Attribute "{0}" is unexpected.
Cause: An unexpected attribute was encountered in the MBeans XML file.
Action: Remove the unexpected attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46402: Tag "{0}" is unexpected.
Cause: An unexpected tag was encountered in the MBeans XML file.
Action: Remove the unexpected tag.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46403: Tag "{0}" is missing the required attribute "{1}"
Cause: A required attribute was missing from the MBeans XML file.
Action: Add the missing attribute.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46404: Tag "{0}" is missing the required tag "{1}"
Cause: A required tag is missing from the MBeans XML file.
Action: Add the missing tag.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46406: Class "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: A jmx-config-mbean class or management-interface specified in the MBeans XML file did not exist.
Action: Correct the class reference.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46407: Multiple persistence managers are not allowed for single configuration file.
Cause: Multiple persistence managers were specified for a single configuration file.
Action: Specifiy only one persistence manager.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46408: An invalid location is defined in mbeans.xml for the config file: "{0}"
Cause: An invalid jmx-config-mbean config-file path was encountered in the MBeans XML file.
Action: Correct the path to the configuration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46409: The Runtime MBean jar file "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The Runtime MBeans jar file specified in the "location" attribute of the "runtime-mbeans" tag did not exist
Action: Correct the path to the Runtime MBeans jar file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46410: When specifying multiple "{0}" elements, the injection-name attribute is required
Cause: Your MBean must include a name as part of the @Injection annotations to match resources defined in mbeans.xml
Action: Correct the @Inject annotations in your MBean to reference resources defined in your mbeans.xml

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46502: internal session error: "{0}".
Cause: A session operation resulted in an error.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

J2EE JMX-46503: The "{0}" call to the MBean with ObjectName "{1}" is not made in the context of a JMX configuration session.
Cause: The call that was made needed to be made in the context of a JMX configuration session.
Action: Create a JMX configuration session and then make the call.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46504: A call to commit or roll back the sesssion is not made by the owner of the JMX configuration session.
Cause: The call was not made by the owner of the JMX configuration session.
Action: This call must be made by the owner of the JMX configuration session.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46505: The Config MBean implementation object "{0}" for ObjectName "{1}" does not implement MBeanServerSupport.
Cause: The Config MBean implementation did not implement MBeanServerSupport.
Action: Correct the Config MBean implementation so that it implements MBeanServerSupport.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46506: The parent MBean for "{0}" cannot be found.
Cause: The MBean specified a parent MBean that was missing.
Action: Correct the MBean implementation so that it specifies the correct parent.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46507: The ObjectName "{0}" is specified when adding or removing a notification listener in a JMX configuration session.
Cause: Specifying ObjectName when adding or removing a notification listener is not supported in a JMX configuration session.
Action: Add or remove the notification listener without specifying ObjectName.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46508: The createMBean method is called for the ObjectName "{0}".
Cause: An attempt was made to create a ConfigMBean using the createMBean method.
Action: Use the registerMBean method.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46509: MBean custom persistence method error for ObjectName"{0}": "{1}"
Cause: An MBean custom persistence operation resulted in an error.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46510: JAXB persistence method error: "{0}"
Cause: An MBean JAXB Persistence operation resulted in an error.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46511: MBean validation error prior to committing for ObjectName"{0}": "{1}"
Cause: An error occurred during validation of an MBean before committing it.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46512: MBean session life-cycle callback error for ObjectName "{0}": "{1}"
Cause: This error occurred when the MBean session life-cycle callback was called.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46513: unexpected error: "{0}"
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Other

J2EE JMX-46514: An MBean of type "{0}" implements Persistable directly or implements an unknown subclass of Persistable.
Cause: The MBean must not implement Persistable directly and must not implement an unknown subclass of Persistable.
Action: Remove the use of Persistable.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46515: A configuration session already exists.
Cause: A configuration session was started when one was already active.
Action: Do not attempt to start a second configuration session. Use the prevously started configuration session.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46516: configuration session start error: "{0}".
Cause: There was a failure to start the JMX configuration session due to an error.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46517: configuration session commit error: "{0}".
Cause: There was a failure to commit the JMX configuration session due to an error.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46518: configuration session roll back error: "{0}".
Cause: There was a failure to roll back the JMX configuration session due to an error.
Action: See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46519: cannot lock MBean: "{0}"
Cause: The MBean was in special domain oracle.as.jmx or was a delegate MBean.
Action: Provide an MBean whose object name is not in the special domain oracle.as.jmx and is not a delegate MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46520: MBean "{0}" cannot be found in the session MBean server.
Cause: The MBean was not registered in the session MBean server.
Action: Register the MBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46600: The groupby attribute "{0}" is invalid.
Cause: The groupby attribute or property specified did not exist.
Action: Ensure that the groupby attribute specified refers to an MBean attribute or property.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46601: An aggregation attribute or property such as groupbyAttrs, aggOps, or aggAttrs is null.
Cause: An aggregation attribute or property was null.
Action: Ensure that the specified aggregation attribute or property exists.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46602: The aggregation operation "{0}" is invalid.
Cause: An invalid aggregation operator was specified.
Action: Verify that the aggregation operator specified is among OPERATION_AVG through OPERATION_GROUPBY defined in oracle.as.jmx.framework.bulkoperations.BulkOperationsMBean.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46603: The groupby key "{0}" cannot be used for aggregation.
Cause: Aggregation was incorrectly specified on a groupby attribute or property.
Action: Specify either aggregation key or groupby key, but not both, on the attribute or property.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46604: BulkOperationsMBean NamespaceHelper instance creation error: "{0}"
Cause: The provided MBean server is invalid.
Action: Correct the MBean server that is being provided. See the base exception information cited within the error message for details on the error.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46605: Parameter count ("{0}") does not match mbean count ("{1}")
Cause: The number of parameter arrays passed in does not match the number of mbeans that should be invoked
Action: Ensure that the correct number of parameter arrays are being passed.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46606: non-numeric attribute {0} in aggregation
Cause: BukpOperationMBean Aggregation operation requires all attributes to have numeric values
Action: Do not use attributes with non-numeric values when using the aggregation operation provided by the BulkOperationMBean

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46607: In BukpOperationMBean Aggregation operation, aggOps and aggAttrs need to be the same length
Cause: In BukpOperationMBean Aggregation operation, aggOps and aggAttrs need to be the same length
Action: Ensure that aggOps and aggAttrs are the same length

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-46608: A "null" value was passed to a BulkOperationsMBean method as part of an ObjectName[] parameter. We will ignore that value, as it would cause all MBeans to be selected. If this is the intended behavior use new ObjectName("*:*") in place of null
Cause: This could be due to some user code logic error, and not intended.
Action: If this is the intended behavior use new ObjectName("*:*") in place of null

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-47000: Property "{0}" is not set.
Cause: The expected property was not set.
Action: Add the expected property to the mbeans.xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-47001: A JAXB error occurred during unmarshalling.
Cause: Some data in the xml file is invalid.
Action: Use the JAXB error information to correct the xml file.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-47002: A JAXB error occurred during marshalling of "{0}".
Cause: Some data to be marshalled is invalid.
Action: Correct the data to be marshalled.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-47003: An error occurred during initializion of the JAXB context using the contextpath "{0}"
Cause: The contextpath in the mbeans.xml file is invalid.
Action: Correct the contextpath.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

J2EE JMX-47006: Persistance manager "{0}" does not implement "{1}".
Cause: Persistance manager implementation inheritance incorrect.
Action: Correct the persistance manager implementation.

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic