16 Manager Settings File

This section covers the following topics:

16.1 About the Manager Settings File

The manager settings file is an XML file that provides a number of configuration options that site designers can use to control the available features in Manager.

Designers can modify a number of settings in this file using a Form view that appears when the file is edited from the Site Assets pane. More advanced settings can be made when editing this file in Source view.

16.3 <ssm:general> Tag

The <ssm:general> tag contains general purpose configuration settings.


  • contributorOnly: true to indicate the Manager application should only be displayed when the browser is in Contribution Mode, false to indicate the Manager application can be displayed in both Contribution and Consumption Mode.

  • autoManage: true to indicate the Manager application should automatically connect to the server and gather the information it needs to manage the site when first displayed, false to indicate the Manager application should wait for the user to click the "(manage site)" link before communicating with the server.

  • hierarchy: controls the display of the hierarchy in the Manager application. Must be one of the following values:

    • hide: do not show the site hierarchy.

    • showAll: show the entire site hierarchy.

    • showCurrentSectionOnly: show only the current section (and its children)

    • displayConsole: true to display a console that lists all server communication between the Manager application and the Site Studio component. Used for debugging purposes only.

    • updateTitle: true to update the browser title bar with the currently selected section and action tab, false to leave title bar alone.

    • updateUrl: true to update the URL with the currently selected section and action tab state, false to leave URL alone.

Child Tags

The <ssm:general> tag contains no child tags.

16.4 <ssm:addSection> Tag

The <ssm:addSection> tag contains configuration settings for the Add New Section feature.


  • hidden: true to hide this feature from the manager.

Child Tags

The <ssm:addSection> tag can contain the following optional child tags to control the behavior of the Add New Section feature:

  • <ssm:urlDirName> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:id> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:primaryUrl> contains the following optional parameters:

    • inherit: true or false for the new section to inherit the primary URL of its parent section

    • default: provides a default value for the primaryUrl for the new section.

  • <ssm:secondaryUrl> contains the following optional parameters:

    • inherit: true or false for the new section to inherit the secondary URL of its parent section

    • default: provides a default value for the secondaryUrl for the new section.

  • <ssm:secondaryUrlVariableField> contains the following optional parameters:

    • inherit: true or false for the new section to inherit the secondaryUrlVariableField of its parent section

    • default: provides a default value (true or false) for the secondaryUrlVariableField for the new section.

16.5 <ssm:removeSection> Tag

The <ssm:removeSection> tag contains configuration settings for the "Remove Section" feature.


  • hidden: true to hide this feature from the manager.

Child Tags

The <ssm:removeSection> tag contains no child tags.

16.6 <ssm:moveSection> Tag

The <ssm:moveSection> tag contains configuration settings for the "Move Section" feature (including drag & drop moves).


  • hidden: true to hide this feature from the manager.

Child Tags

The <ssm:moveSection> tag contains no child tags.

16.7 <ssm:setErrorHandler> Tag

The <ssm:setErrorHandler> tag contains configuration settings for the "Set Error Handler" feature.


  • hidden: true to hide this feature from the manager.

Child Tags

The <ssm:setErrorHandler> tag contains no child tags.

16.8 <ssm:editProperties> Tag

The <ssm:editProperties> tag contains configuration settings for editing the standard section properties.


  • hidden: true to hide this feature from the manager.

Child Tags

The <ssm:editProperties> tag can contain the following optional child tags:

  • <ssm:id> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:label> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:active> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:contributorOnly> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:urlDirName> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:urlPageName> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

  • <ssm:maxAge> contains the following optional parameters:

    • hidden: true or false

    • disabled: true or false

16.9 <ssm:editCustomProperties> Tag

The <ssm:editCustomProperties> tag contains configuration settings for the Custom Properties feature.


  • hidden: true to hide this feature from the manager.

Child Tags

The <ssm:editCustomProperties> tag contains no child tags.

16.10 <ssm:primaryLayout> Tag

The <ssm:primaryLayout> tag contains configuration settings to control the behavior of the Choose Primary Layout feature.


  • hidden: true to hide the Layout tab from the Manager application.

  • externalHidden: true to hide the ability to choose an External URL as the primary layout for a section

  • previewHidden: true to hide the preview IFrame on the Layout tab.

Child Tags

The <ssm:primaryLayout> tag can contain the following optional child tags.

  • <ssm:presentation> contains a CDATA section that provides a simple HTML presentation string for displaying the layout information in the choose layout combo box. Simple inline HTML is allowed along with metadata field declarations marked as $field$. Some examples include:

    • $dDocTitle$

    • $dDocName$

    • $dDocTitle$ (<i>$dDocName$</i>)

    • <b>$dDocName$</b>

  • <ssm:queryText> contains a CDATA section that provides the query string used for populating the choose layout combo box. In addition it can contain the following optional parameter:

    • limitscope: true to perform a search limited to items in the current web site only.

16.11 <ssm:secondaryLayout> Tag

The <ssm:secondaryLayout> tag contains configuration settings to control the behavior of the Choose Secondary Layout feature.


  • hidden: true to hide the Secondary Layout tab from the Manager application.

  • previewHidden: true to hide the preview IFrame on the Secondary Layout tab.

Child Tags

The <ssm:secondaryLayout> tag can contain the following optional child tags.

  • <ssm:presentation> contains a CDATA section that provides a simple HTML presentation string for displaying the layout information in the choose layout combo box. Simple inline HTML is allowed along with metadata field declarations marked as $field$. Some examples include:

    • $dDocTitle$

    • $dDocName$

    • $dDocTitle$ (<i>$dDocName$</i>)

    • <b>$dDocName$</b>

  • <ssm:queryText> contains a CDATA section that provides the query string used for populating the choose layout combo box. In addition it can contain the following optional parameter:

    • limitscope: true to perform a search limited to items in the current web site only.

16.12 <ssm:sectionOverride> Tag

The <ssm:sectionOverride> tag contains configuration settings for a particular web site section that override the default settings described earlier:


  • nodeId: the ID for the section that is being overridden.

Child Tags

The <ssm:sectionOverride> tag can contain any of the following optional child tags. The details of which have already been described in these sections:

The parameters and contents of the subsections within the <ssm:sectionOverride> are identical to their use in the general case with the following exception:

  • The <ssm:moveSection> can contain 2 additional parameters that apply to the section being overridden only:

    • source: false if this section cannot be used as a source of a move action.

    • target: false if this section cannot be used as a target of a move action.

16.13 Example Manager Settings File

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<ssm:settings xmlns:ssm="http://www.stellent.com/sitestudio/managersettings/">
     <ssm:general contributorOnly="false"
          updateUrl="true" />

     <ssm:addSection hidden="false">
          <ssm:urlDirName hidden="false" disabled="false" />
          <ssm:id hidden="false" disabled="false" />
          <ssm:primaryUrl inherit="true" default="" />
          <ssm:secondaryUrl inherit="true" default="" />
          <ssm:secondaryUrlVariableField inherit="true" default="" />

     <ssm:removeSection hidden="false" />
     <ssm:moveSection hidden="false" />
     <ssm:setErrorHandler hidden="false" />

     <ssm:editProperties hidden="false" >
          <ssm:id hidden="false" disabled="true" />
          <ssm:label hidden="false" disabled="false" />
          <ssm:active hidden="false" disabled="false" />
          <ssm:contributorOnly hidden="false" disabled="false" />
          <ssm:urlDirName hidden="false" disabled="false" />
          <ssm:urlPageName hidden="false" disabled="false" />
          <ssm:maxAge hidden="false" disabled="false" />

     <ssm:editCustomProperties hidden="false" />

     <ssm:primaryLayout hidden="false" externalHidden="false" previewHidden="false">
               <![CDATA[$dDocTitle$ (<i>$dDocName$</i>)]]>
          <ssm:queryText limitScope="true">

     <ssm:secondaryLayout hidden="false" previewHidden="false">
               <![CDATA[$dDocTitle$ (<i>$dDocName$</i>)]]>
          <ssm:queryText limitScope="true">

     <ssm:sectionOverride nodeId="42">
          <ssm:addSection hidden="true" />
          <ssm:removeSection hidden="true" />
          <ssm:moveSection hidden="true" />
          <ssm:setErrorHandler hidden="true" />
          <ssm:setErrorHandler hidden="true" />
          <ssm:editProperties hidden="false" />
          <ssm:editCustomProperties hidden="true" />
          <ssm:primaryLayout hidden="true" />
          <ssm:secondaryLayout hidden="true" />
