3 Working with Project Lifecycle Workbench

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Introduction to Project Lifecycle Workbench

As a part of the Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA) development methodology and lifecycle, functional designs are created to specify requirements and functionality that need to be implemented for an integration project.

Users, such as solution architects and functional product managers, can use Project Lifecycle Workbench to perform functional decompositions to break down overall projects into business tasks, each of which will be implemented by a collection of composites and services, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Functional Decomposition of a Project into Actual Implemented Services

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Project Lifecycle Workbench complements any existing design and analysis process with its various modeling and functional analysis mechanisms. The functional decomposition, the final output of the design and analysis process, is captured and persisted in Project Lifecycle Workbench.

The primary building blocks that enable functional decomposition in Project Lifecycle Workbench are:

  • Project

    A project is a named effort to deliver a solution conforming to the AIA methodology and guidelines. The components of a project must be packaged and deployed on a middleware solution.

  • Business Task

    A business task represents a reusable unit of work that is arrived at based on analysis of reference process models. These could be business processes, business activities, or business tasks and are loosely added to a project in the Project Lifecycle Workbench as business tasks.

  • Service Solution Component

    A service solution component is a chunk of functionality within the scope of a business task that is implemented as an AIA service artifact. For example, a service solution component corresponds to an Application Business Connector Service (ABCS), Enterprise Business Service (EBS), or Enterprise Business Flow (EBF). A service solution component conveys the functionality that the AIA service artifact needs to fulfill.

For more information about the overall Oracle AIA Project Lifecycle, see Chapter 2, "Building AIA Integration Flows."

3.2 Adding Project Lifecycle Workbench Lookup Values

This section includes the following topic: Chapter 3, "How to Add Lookup Values."

3.2.1 How to Add Lookup Values


Project Lifecycle Workbench is delivered with the following sets of lookup values:

  • Industry code, for use with projects

  • Status, for use with projects

  • Product code, for use with service solution components

  • Service type, for use with service solution components

  • Scope, for use with business tasks

These lookup values are available for assignment to projects, business tasks, or service solution components. If a required lookup value is not available, use this procedure to add it.

For more information about working with projects, see Section 3.3, "Working with Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects."

For more information about working with service solution components, see Section 3.4, "Working with Project Lifecycle Workbench Service Solution Components."

Prerequisites and Recommendations

Obtain confirmation from the Project Lifecycle Workbench user community that the lookup value to be added is necessary and valid.


System administrator

To add your own lookup values:

  1. Run an SQL statement, as shown in Example 3-1, to insert the required lookup value into the AIA_LOOKUPS_B table.

    Example 3-1 SQL Statement Used to Insert Lookup Values into AIA_LOOKUPS_B

    SELECT '<lookup value type>', '<lookup value code>', null, 
    WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = '<lookup value type>'
    AND LOOKUP_CODE = '<lookup value code>');
    1. Replace the bold <lookup value type> variable with the type of lookup code that you want to use: INDUSTRY, PROJECT_STATUS, SERVICE_TYPE, TASK_SCOPE, or PRODUCT_CODE.

    2. Replace the bold <lookup value code> variable with the lookup value code that you want to add. This value has a 30-character limit.

  2. Run an SQL statement, as shown in Example 3-2, to insert the required lookup value code, meaning, and description into the AIA_LOOKUPS_TL table. After running this SQL statement, a message displays to notify you of the number of rows that were created. If this value is correct, enter commit.

    Example 3-2 SQL Statement Used to Insert Lookup Values into AIA_LOOKUPS_TL

    SELECT '<lookup value type>', '<lookup value code>', 
    '<lookup value in UI>', '<lookup value description>', SYS_CONTEXT
    IDENTITY'), sysdate, 1
    WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = '<lookup value type>'
    AND LOOKUP_CODE = '<lookup value code>');
    1. Replace the bold <lookup value type> variable with the type of lookup code that you used in step 1.

    2. Replace the bold <lookup value code> variable with the lookup value code that you added in step 1. This value has a 30-character limit.

    3. Replace the bold <lookup value in UI> variable with the actual lookup value that you want to appear in the UI. This value has an 80-character limit.

    4. Replace the bold <lookup value description> variable with a description of the lookup value. This is optional. This value has a 240-character limit.

  3. Project Lifecycle Workbench lookup values are configured with the following language settings: LANGUAGE = US and SOURCE_LANG = US. By default, an AIA Installer-based Foundation Pack installation will have the supporting US language installed.

    If your implementation uses a value other than LANGUAGE = US, you must run an SQL statement, as shown in Example 3-3, to populate the AIA_LOOKUPS_TL table with the internationalized text for the lookup value that you added in step 2.

    Example 3-3 SQL Statement to Insert Internationalized Text for Lookup Values into AIA_LOOKUPS_TL

    SELECT <lookup value type>', '<industry code>', 
    '<industry lookup value in UI>', '<industry description>', <language code>
    IDENTITY'), sysdate, 1
    WHERE LOOKUP_TYPE = '<lookup value type>'
    AND LANGUAGE = '<language code>' 
    AND LOOKUP_CODE = '<industry code>');
    1. Replace the bold <language code> values with the actual language code.

      For more information, see "Setting Up a Globalization Support Environment" in Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide.

    2. Replace the bold <lookup value type> variable with the type of lookup code that you used in step 1.

    3. Replace the bold <industry code> variable with the lookup value code that you added in step 1. This value has a 30-character limit.

    4. Replace the bold <industry lookup value in UI> variable with the internationalized industry value that you want to appear in the UI. This value has an 80-character limit.

    5. Replace the bold <industry description> variable with an internationalized description of the industry. This is optional. This value has a 240-character limit.

3.3 Working with Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects

This section includes the following topics:

3.3.1 How to Define Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects


Define a project that you want to functionally decompose into business tasks and service solution components.

Prerequisites and Recommendations

Ensure that all required lookup values are available. If not, contact your system administrator to add required values.

For more information, see Section 3.2.1, "How to Add Lookup Values."


  • Functional product manager

  • Solution architect

To define a project:

  1. Access the AIA Home page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Project tab. Click the Add Project button, as shown in Figure 3-2.

    Figure 3-2 Add Project Button

    This image is described in surrounding text
  2. The Add Project page displays, as shown in Figure 3-3.

    Figure 3-3 Add Project Page

    This image is described in surrounding text

    In the Project Name field, enter a descriptive project name.

    In the Project Code field, enter a code (one word with no spaces) for your project. The project code value appears as a root-level attribute of the bill of material generated for the project. Per Process Integration Pack (PIP) development best practices, this project code value must be used by development as the project file directory name in their source control system for downstream automation features, such as the Deployment Plan Generator, to work as designed.

    In the Implementation Vendor field, enter the vendor that is responsible for implementing the project, whether it is Oracle or another vendor.

    In the Industry drop-down list box, select the industry that is targeted by the project. If the required industry value is not available, users should be able to contact their system administrator to have an approved industry added.

    For more information about how to add industry codes lookup values, see Section 3.2.1, "How to Add Lookup Values."

    In the Type field, select the type of project that you are defining.

    In the Status field, select the project status.

    In the Version field, enter the AIA release to which this project belongs.

    Upon adding a project, the system assigns a Project UID (unique ID) value. Upon saving the project, the value is stored in the AIA_OER_PROCESSES table. This ID can be used in downstream processing. For example, you can choose to export BOM and functional decomposition data by project unique ID value.

    For more information about exporting BOM and functional decomposition data, see Section 7.3, "How to Export Seed Data."

  3. Click Save to save your work and continue entering more information about the project.

  4. To enter a project description, click the Description link. In the text field, enter information about the project, such as the features and requirements of the project. You may choose to copy-and-paste information from a functional design document.

  5. To enter project assumptions, click the Assumption link. In the text field, describe any assumptions involved in implementing the project. You can choose to copy-and-paste information from a functional design document.

  6. To define the business tasks into which you want to decompose the project, click the Business Tasks link.

    To add a business task, click the Add Business Task button. Enter a business task name. Expand the business task to display scope options and to enter a description.

    Use the In Scope and Out of Scope options to indicate whether the business task is in scope to be implemented as a part of the project. As development of this project progresses, a business task may move in and out of scope. Only business tasks with the In Scope value selected are included in a generated project bill of material (BOM).

    For more information, see Chapter 6, "Working with Project Lifecycle Workbench Bills of Material."

    To delete a business task, click the Delete Business Task button.

  7. To provide links to supporting project documentation, click the Document Links link.

    To add a document link, click the Add Document Link button. For each document, enter a document name and URL location.

    To delete a document link, click the Delete Document Link button.

  8. Click Save and Return to save your work and access the Project page.

    For more information about the Project page, see Section 3.3.3, "How to Access Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects."

3.3.2 How to Update Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects


Update an existing project for which a BOM has not been generated.

For information about how to update a project for which a BOM has already been generated, see Section 3.3.4, "How to Edit a Locked Project."


  • Functional product manager

  • Solution architect

To update a project:

  1. Access the AIA Home Page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Project tab.

  2. Locate the project that you want to update and click the Update Project button to access the Update Project page, as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 Update Project Page

This image is described in surrounding text

For more information about the elements available on the Update Project page, see Section 3.3.1, "How to Define Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects."

3.3.3 How to Access Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects


Access project summaries, access pages that enable you to create projects, update projects, and generate BOMs for projects.



To access projects:

  1. Access the AIA Home Page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Project tab, as shown in Figure 3-5.

    Figure 3-5 Project Tab

    This image is described in surrounding text
  2. Use the query criteria in the Search area to locate the project with which you want to work.

  3. The Detail area displays project summaries and provides access to the following details and functionality. Hover over a project name link to display project details.

    • Click the Add Project button to access the Add Project page, where you can define a project.

      For more information, see Section 3.3.1, "How to Define Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects."

    • Click the Update Project button to access the Update Project page, where you can update a project.

      For more information, see Section 3.3.2, "How to Update Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects."

      The Update Project button is inactive if the Implementation Vendor value for the project is Oracle and you are logged into the system using a non-Oracle user ID, as shown in Figure 3-6.

      Figure 3-6 Inactive Update Project Button

      This image is described in surrounding text
    • To leverage an Oracle-delivered project as the basis of a new custom project while using a non-Oracle user ID, you must first copy the project. To copy the project, click the Copy Project button for the project, as shown in Figure 3-7.

      Figure 3-7 Copy Project Button

      This image is described in surrounding text

      The Copy Project page displays, as shown in Figure 3-8.

      Figure 3-8 Copy Project Page

      This image is described in surrounding text

      Update project values to reflect the characteristics of your new project. You must provide a unique project name in the Project Name field.

      All project data is copied to the new project. You can then modify the new project while using a non-Oracle user ID. You can revise the functional decomposition data by adding and dropping business tasks and service solution components or by directly adding, dropping, and revising associated composites in the replicated project's BOM.

      Once copied, the Edit button will be active for the project on the Project tab. This functionality ensures that customized projects will be unaffected by upgrades to Oracle-delivered projects.

    • The Bill Of Material column provides access to controls that enable you to work with BOMs.

      For information about generating, editing, and viewing BOMs, see Chapter 6, "Working with Project Lifecycle Workbench Bills of Material."

  4. The Business Tasks & Document Links area provides access to the following details and functionality.

    • Select the Business Tasks tab to expand a business task and display the task's description and associated service solution components.

    • Click the Add Service Solution Component button to access the Create Service Solution Component page, as shown in Figure 3-9.

      Figure 3-9 Add Service Solution Component Button

      This image is described in surrounding text

      For more information, see Section 3.4.1, "How to Define Project Lifecycle Workbench Service Solution Components."

    • Click the Document Links tab to access documents associated with the business task.

3.3.4 How to Edit a Locked Project

Once a BOM has been generated for a project, the project is locked and cannot be edited without manual intervention.

If you must edit a locked project, follow this manual procedure in the exact order presented. In this procedure, you will make a copy of the locked project, delete the locked project, edit the copied project as necessary, and regenerate the BOM.

Data shown in screenshots is for illustrative purposes only.

To edit a locked project:

  1. Access the AIA Home page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Project tab. Locate the project that requires editing.

    The presence of the Edit Bill of Material link, as shown in Figure 3-10 tells us that the BOM has already been generated for this project. Prior to BOM generation, the Generate Bill of Material link would have displayed instead.

    Figure 3-10 Sample Project Containing Three Business Tasks

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  2. Click the Edit Bill of Material link to access the BOM. In taking a closer look at the BOM, notice that some harvested composites have already been associated with the project's business tasks, as shown in Figure 3-11. In this example, each business task contains 3 composites, resulting in a total of 9 composites in the BOM.

    Figure 3-11 Nine Composites in the BOM Generated from the Project

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  3. Create a copy of the project that requires editing by selecting the project and clicking the Copy Project button, as shown in Figure 3-12.

    Figure 3-12 Copy the Project

    This image is described in surrounding text

    As a part of creating a copy of the project, you will be prompted to rename the project. Although it is not the name we want for our final project, for now, name the copied project Sample PIP Project -Newly Copied, as shown in Figure 3-13.

    Figure 3-13 Rename the Copied Project

    This image is described in surrounding text
  4. Before making any revisions on the copied project, delete the original Sample PIP Project.

    For information about deleting projects, see Section 3.3.5, "How to Delete Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects."

  5. Edit the copied project as necessary, including defining its final project name. Select the copied project to be edited and click the Update Project button, as shown in Figure 3-14.

    Figure 3-14 Select to Update the Copied Project

    This image is described in surrounding text

    You can edit every field, such as the project name, business task names, various descriptions, assumptions, and add and remove business tasks. In this example, we'll rename project from Sample PIP Project - Newly Copied to Sample PIP Project v2.

    You may also rename business tasks per PIP naming standards.

    For this example, we will append <new name per the naming standard #> to the original business task names, as shown in Figure 3-15.

    Figure 3-15 Update Business Task Names

    This image is described in surrounding text
  6. Regenerate the BOM for the copied and edited project by clicking the Generate Bill Of Material link for the project, as shown in Figure 3-16.

    Figure 3-16 Generate Bill Of Material Link Available for the Edited Project

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    When prompted to generate the BOM, click Generate, as shown in Figure 3-17.

    Figure 3-17 Click Generate

    This image is described in surrounding text
  7. You have now performed all necessary edits to a copy of the locked project, which has become the project of record. You have deleted the original locked project. The harvested and associated composites in the original project have been carried forward as-is to BOM for the copied and edited project, as shown in Figure 3-18.

    Figure 3-18 Composites in the Copied and Edited Project

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  8. After performing this procedure, we recommend that you also:

    • Export the regenerated BOM.xml from the Project Lifecycle Workbench.

    • Regenerate <ProjectCode>DeploymentPlan.xml.

    • Test the regenerated <ProjectCode>DeploymentPlan.xml.

    • Source control the regenerated <ProjectCode>DeploymentPlan.xml back to the ADE.

    • Repackage <ProjectCode>DeploymentPlan.xml.

3.3.5 How to Delete Project Lifecycle Workbench Projects

You can delete a project at any time, whether or not a BOM has been generated for the project.

When you delete a project, the following aspects of the project are deleted:

  • The project itself.

  • All business tasks associated with the project.

  • All service solution components associations with deleted business tasks.

You will achieve the deletion by running the DeleteProject.sql script located in $AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/sql directory against the Project Lifecycle Workbench database instance in which the project to be deleted resides. The SQL script requires one input, the Project Unique ID of the project to be deleted.

To delete a Project Lifecycle Workbench project:

  1. Identify the Project Unique ID assigned to the project you want to delete. You can do this by hovering over the project on the Project tab, as shown in Figure 3-19.

    To access the Project tab, access the AIA Home page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Project tab.

    Figure 3-19 Project Unique ID Displayed in the Project Lifecycle Workbench

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  2. Run DeleteProject.sql, located in <FMW_HOME>/AIAHOME/Infrastructure/LifeCycle/sql, against the Project Lifecycle Workbench database instance in which the project to be deleted resides.

  3. When prompted, provide the Project Unique ID value.

  4. Validate that the project was successfully deleted by checking the database and the Project Lifecycle Workbench.

3.4 Working with Project Lifecycle Workbench Service Solution Components

This section includes the following topics:

3.4.1 How to Define Project Lifecycle Workbench Service Solution Components


Define the service solution components that make up a business task in a Project Lifecycle Workbench project. Each service solution component that you define should correspond to a single composite or service that will be built or reused. These composites and services collectively accomplish the functionality and logic required by their parent business task.

Prerequisites and Recommendations


  • Developers

  • Functional product managers

  • Solution architects

Developers work with functional product managers and solution architects to validate the project design and decomposition. The developers ultimately take on the task of implementing the service solution component as composites

To define service solution components for Project Lifecycle Workbench project business tasks:

  1. Access the Add Service Solution Component page in one of two ways:

    • Access the AIA Home page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Service Solution Component tab. Click the Add Service Solution Component button, as shown in Figure 3-20.

      Figure 3-20 Add Service Solution Component Button on the Service Solution Component Tab

      This image is described in surrounding text
    • Access the AIA Home page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Project tab. Click the project link for the project for which you want to define service solution components. Business tasks assigned to the selected project display on the Business Tasks tab. Locate the business task for which you want to define service solution components. Click the Add Service Solution Component button, as shown in Figure 3-21.

      Figure 3-21 Add Service Solution Component Button on the Business Tasks Tab on the Project Tab

      This image is described in surrounding text

    The Add Service Solution Component page displays as shown in Figure 3-22.

    Figure 3-22 Add Service Solution Component Page

    This image is described in surrounding text
  2. Select a Service Type value: Requestor ABCS, Provider ABCS, Enterprise Business Flow, Enterprise Business Service, Composite Business Process, or Others.

    The actual composite or service that is built from this service solution component definition will inherit the service type value. Developers can override this inherited attribute when working in Service Constructor.

    For more information, see Chapter 4, "Working with Service Constructor."

    For example, selecting a Requestor ABCS service type will result in a requester Application Business Connector Service being queued for construction later in the AIA lifecycle flow.

    If you select Requestor ABCS or Provider ABCS, an autogenerated globally unique identifier (GUID) is assigned to the service solution component. The composite built for this service solution component is tagged with the GUID when it is created by the Service Constructor. When the implemented composite is harvested for display in the Oracle Enterprise Repository, the GUID on the composite is used to associate the composite back with its originating service solution component in the Project Lifecycle Workbench.

    The Product Code field displays. Select the product code that corresponds to the participating application for which the service solution composite is being defined. For example, if you are defining a requester service solution component, the product code that you select should correspond to the requesting participating application.

    The Deployment Plan Generator uses the product code value in carrying out its logic.

    For more information about the Deployment Plan Generator, see Chapter 8, "Generating Deployment Plans and Deploying Artifacts."

    Available product code values are derived from the Application Object Library directory names in your source control system. If the required product code is not available, users should be able to contact their system administrator to have a product code added.

    For more information about making product code values available to the Project Lifecycle Workbench, see Section 3.2.1, "How to Add Lookup Values."


    For service solution components with Service Type field values set to Provider ABCS or Requestor ABCS, the Service Constructor can function based on the information captured on this page.

    For more information, see Chapter 4, "Working with Service Constructor."

  3. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the service solution component. This is not meant to be the actual service implementation name.

  4. To associate the service solution component with projects and business tasks, click the Project and Business Tasks link.

    If you accessed this page from the Business Task tab, the business task that you selected to access this page will display relevant project and business task values.

    If you accessed this page from the Service Solution Component page, you can associate the service solution component with one or more project and business task combinations.

  5. To provide a description of the service solution component, click the Description link. In the text field, enter information about the service solution component, such as the functionality that it intends to provide and implementation assumptions.

  6. To search for and add existing composites that you are qualified to reuse to your service solution component, click the Reuse Artifacts link.

  7. If you do not know the name of the composite you want to use, you can search for it in the Oracle Enterprise Repository or another solution that your organization may use to store information about existing composites.

    1. If an Oracle Enterprise Repository instance has been defined as a part of your AIA Installer installation, the Link to OER button displays, as shown in Figure 3-23.

      Figure 3-23 Link to OER Button

      This image is described in surrounding text

      Click the Link to OER button to access the Oracle Enterprise Repository and search for existing AIA interface assets that you can reuse for your integration project. If you find a match in Oracle Enterprise Repository, make a note of its service name value.

    2. If an Oracle Enterprise Repository instance exists, but was not defined as a part of your AIA Installer installation, access it manually to perform this search for the service name value.

      For more information about loading AIA interfaces into Oracle Enterprise Repository, see Section 10.1, "Introduction to Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

    3. If an Oracle Enterprise Repository instance does not exist, you will not be able to use it to browse for and research which existing services are available for reuse. However, your organization may have an alternate means of sharing information about existing services. If applicable, you can use these means to search for the service name value.


    You will use the service name to search for the existing composite in Project Lifecycle Workbench. These service names likely correspond to composite names in Project Lifecycle Workbench.

    If no composite exists that is appropriate for reuse for your project, proceed to step 8.

  8. Click the Add Service button to add a new row to the page.

    If you know the name of the composite you want to add, enter its name in the Composite Name field.

    If you want to search for the composite, click the Composite button to access the Search and Select: Composite Name page, where you can use the service name value you obtained in step 6 to search for the reusable composite in the Project Lifecycle Workbench database. Select the existing composite and click OK to add it to the service solution component.

    If no composite exists that is appropriate for reuse for your project, proceed to the next step.

  9. Click Save and Return to save your work and access the Service Solution Component page.

    For more information about the Service Solution Component page, see Section 3.4.3, "How to Access Service Solution Components."

3.4.2 How to Update Project Lifecycle Workbench Service Solution Components


Update service solution components.


  • Functional product manager

  • Developers

  • Solution architect

To update service solution components:

  1. Access the AIA Home Page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Service Solution Component tab.

  2. Locate the service solution component that you want to update and click the Update Service Solution Component button, as shown in Figure 3-24.

    Figure 3-24 Update Service Solution Component Button

    This image is described in surrounding text

    The Update Service Solution Component page displays, as shown in Figure 3-25.

Figure 3-25 Update Service Solution Component Page

This image is described in surrounding text

For more information about the elements available on the Update Service Solution Component page, see Section 3.4.1, "How to Define Project Lifecycle Workbench Service Solution Components."

3.4.3 How to Access Service Solution Components


Access service solution component summaries. Access pages that enable you to create and update service solution components.



To access service solution component summaries:

  1. Access the AIA Home Page. Click Go in the Project Lifecycle Workbench area. Select the Service Solution Component tab as shown in Figure 3-26.

    Figure 3-26 Service Solution Component Page

    This image is described in surrounding text
  2. Use the query criteria in the Search area to locate the service solution component with which you want to work.

  3. The Detail area displays service solution component summaries and provides access to the following details and functionality.