16.10 Installing and Configuring Only OIM Design Console on Windows

Table 16-1 lists the steps required to install and configure only Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) Design Console on Windows operating systems.

Table 16-1 Design Console Installation and Configuration Workflow

Task For more information

Installing the Oracle Identity Management 11g Release 1 ( suite containing Oracle Identity Manager, Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, Oracle Authorization Policy Manager, and Oracle Identity Navigator on the Windows machine where you want to install only Design Console

See Installing OIM, OAM, OAAM, OAPM, and OIN (

Configuring Oracle Identity Manager Server on a local or remote machine

Note: The Oracle Identity Manager Server must be up and running when you configure only Design Console.

See Configuring OIM Server.

Configuring Oracle Identity Manager Design Console on the Windows machine where you want to install only Design Console

See Configuring OIM Design Console.

Completing any post-configuration steps

See Post-Configuration Steps.