Title and Copyright Information
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Understanding Message-driven Beans
JCA-Based MDBs
MDB Life Cycle
MDBs and Concurrent Processing
Limitations for Multi-threaded Topic MDBs
MDBs and Messaging Models
Point-to-Point (Queue) Model: One Message Per Listener
Publish/Subscribe (Topic) Model
Exactly-Once Processing
Deploying MDBs
Destination and MDBs: Collocation vs. non-Collocation
Collocated Destination/MDBs
Non-Collocated Destination/MDBs
JMS Distributed Destinations
Best Practice
Programming and Configuring MDBs: Main Steps
Required JMS Configuration
Create MDB Class and Configure Deployment Elements
Programming and Configuring MDBs: Details
Configuring Destination Type
Configuring Transaction Management Strategy for an MDB
Configuring MDBs for Destinations
Whether to Use Foreign JMS Server Mappings
How to Set provider-url
How to Set initial-context-factory
How to Set destination-jndi-name
How to Set connection-factory-jndi-name
Common Destination Scenarios: Illustrations and Key Element Settings
Configuring Message Handling Behaviors
Ensuring Message Receipt Order
Preventing and Handling Duplicate Messages
Redelivery and Exception Handling
Using the Message-Driven Bean Context
Configuring Suspension of Message Delivery During JMS Resource Outages
Manually Suspending and Resuming Message Delivery
Configuring the Number of Seconds to Suspend a JMS Connection
How the EJB Container Determines How Long to Suspend a JMS Connection
Turning Off Suspension of a JMS Connection
Configuring a Security Identity for a Message-Driven Bean
Using MDBs With Cross Domain Security
Configuring EJBs to Use Logical Message Destinations
Configuring Logical JMS Message Destinations for Individual MDBs
Configuring Application-Scoped Logical JMS Message Destinations
Using EJB 3.0 Compliant MDBs
Implementing EJB 3.0 Compliant MDBs
Programming EJB 3.0 Compliant MDBs
MDB Sample Using Annotations
Migration and Recovery for Clustered MDBs
Using Batching with Message-Driven Beans
Configuring MDB Transaction Batching
How MDB Transaction Batching Works
Configuring and Deploying MDBs Using JMS Topics
Supported Topic Types
The Most Commonly Used MDB Attributes
Setting the JMS Destination, Destination Type, and Connection Factory
Setting Subscription Durability
Setting Automatic Deletion of Durable Subscriptions
Setting Container Managed Transactions
Setting Message Filtering (JMS Selectors)
Controlling MDB Concurrency
Setting Subscription Identifiers
Setting Message Distribution Tuning
Setting topicMessagesDistributionMode
Setting distributedDestinationConnection
Best Practices
Warning about Non-Transactional MDBs in Compatibility Mode
Warning About Using Local RDTs with Durable MDBs
Warning about Changing Durable MDB Attributes, Topic Type, EJB Name
Choosing Between Partitioned and Replicated Topics
Choosing an MDB Topic Messages Distribution Mode
Managing and Viewing Subscriptions:
Handling Uneven Message Loads and/or Message Processing Delays
Configuring for Service Migration
Upgrading Applications from Previous Releases
Topic MDB Sample
Deployment Elements and Annotations for MDBs
Topic Deployment Scenarios
How Configuration Permutations Determine Deployment Actions
Typical Scenarios
Standalone (Non-distributed) Topic Scenarios
Replicated Distributed Topic Scenarios
Scenario 1: Replicated DT, One Copy Per Server, Local Deployment, Local Only Consumption
Scenario 2: Replicated DT, One Copy Per Server, Local Deployment, Every Member Consumption,
Scenario 3: Replicated DT, One Copy Per Server, Remote Deployment
Scenario 4: Replicated DT, One Copy Per Application, Local Deployment, Local Only Consumption
Scenario 5: Replicated DT, One Copy Per Application, Local Deployment, Every Member Consumption
Scenario 6: Replicated DT One Copy Per Application, Remote Deployment
Partitioned Distributed Topic Scenarios
Scenario 7: Partitioned DT, One Copy Per Server, Local Deployment, Local Only Consumption
Scenario 8: Partitioned DT, One Copy Per Server, Local Deployment, Every Member Consumption
Scenario 9: Partitioned DT, One Copy Per Server, Remote Deployment
Scenario 9: Partitioned DT, One Copy Per Application, Local Deployment, Local Only Consumption
Scenario 11: Partitioned DT, One Copy Per Application, Local Deployment, Every Member Consumption
Scenario 12: Partitioned DT, One Copy Per Application, Remote Deployment
Topic Subscription Identifiers
How WebLogic MDBs Leverage WebLogic JMS Extensions
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