MySQL Connector/J 5.1 Developer Guide

8.4 Advanced Load-balancing and Failover Configuration

Connector/J provides a useful load-balancing implementation for MySQL Cluster or multi-source deployments, as explained in Section 8.2, “Configuring Load Balancing with Connector/J” and Support for Multiple-Source Replication Topographies. As of Connector/J 5.1.12, this same implementation is used for balancing load between read-only replicas with ReplicationDriver.

When trying to balance workload between multiple servers, the driver has to determine when it is safe to swap servers, doing so in the middle of a transaction, for example, could cause problems. It is important not to lose state information. For this reason, Connector/J will only try to pick a new server when one of the following happens:

  1. At transaction boundaries (transactions are explicitly committed or rolled back).

  2. A communication exception (SQL State starting with "08") is encountered.

  3. When a SQLException matches conditions defined by user, using the extension points defined by the loadBalanceSQLStateFailover, loadBalanceSQLExceptionSubclassFailover or loadBalanceExceptionChecker properties.

The third condition revolves around three new properties introduced with Connector/J 5.1.13. It allows you to control which SQLExceptions trigger failover.

While the three failover conditions enumerated earlier suit most situations, if autocommit is enabled, Connector/J never re-balances, and continues using the same physical connection. This can be problematic, particularly when load-balancing is being used to distribute read-only load across multiple replicas. However, Connector/J can be configured to re-balance after a certain number of statements are executed, when autocommit is enabled. This functionality is dependent upon the following properties: