MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide

5.17.1 Evolution of Partial Trust Support Across Connector/NET Versions

The partial trust support for MySQL Connector/NET has improved rapidly throughout the 6.5.x and 6.6.x versions. The latest enhancements do require some configuration changes in existing deployments. Here is a summary of the changes for each version.

6.6.4 and Above: Library Can Be Inside or Outside GAC

Now you can install the MySql.Data.dll library in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) as explained in Section 5.17.2, “Configuring Partial Trust with Connector/NET Library Installed in GAC”, or in a bin or lib folder inside the project or solution as explained in Section 5.17.3, “Configuring Partial Trust with Connector/NET Library Not Installed in GAC”. If the library is not in the GAC, the only protocol supported is TCP/IP.

6.5.1 and Above: Partial Trust Requires Library in the GAC

Connector/NET 6.5 fully enables our provider to run in a partial trust environment when the library is installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). The new MySqlClientPermission class, derived from the .NET DBDataPermission class, helps to simplify the permission setup.

5.0.8 / 5.1.3 and Above: Partial Trust Requires Socket Permissions

Starting with these versions, Connector/NET can be used under partial trust hosting that has been modified to allow the use of sockets for communication. By default, partial trust does not include SocketPermission. Connector/NET uses sockets to talk with the MySQL server, so the hosting provider must create a new trust level that is an exact clone of partial trust but that has the following permissions added:

Prior to 5.0.8 / 5.1.3: Partial Trust Not Supported

Connector/NET versions prior to 5.0.8 and 5.1.3 were not compatible with partial trust hosting.