MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide

5.12 Using the Connector/NET Trace Source Object

The .NET 2.0 tracing architecture consists of four main parts:

To use tracing MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlTrace can be used as a TraceSource for Connector/NET and the connection string must include "Logging=True".

To enable trace messages, configure a trace switch. Trace switches have associated with them a trace level enumeration, these are Off, Error, Warning, Info, and Verbose.

MySqlTrace.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.Verbose;

This sets the trace level to Verbose, meaning that all trace messages will be written.

It is convenient to be able to change the trace level without having to recompile the code. This is achieved by specifying the trace level in application configuration file, app.config. You then simply need to specify the desired trace level in the configuration file and restart the application. The trace source is configured within the system.diagnostics section of the file. The following XML snippet illustrates this:

      <source name="mysql" switchName="MySwitch"
              switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch" />
      <add name="MySwitch" value="Verbose"/>

By default, trace information is written to the Output window of Microsoft Visual Studio. There are a wide range of listeners that can be attached to the trace source, so that trace messages can be written out to various destinations. You can also create custom listeners to allow trace messages to be written to other destinations as mobile devices and web services. A commonly used example of a listener is ConsoleTraceListener, which writes trace messages to the console.

To add a listener at runtime, use code such as the following:

ts.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());

Then, call methods on the trace source object to generate trace information. For example, the TraceInformation(), TraceEvent(), or TraceData() methods can be used.