MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes

18.8 Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 1.0.4 (2005-01-20)

Bugs Fixed

  • MySqlReader.GetInt32 throws exception if column is unsigned. (Bug #7755)

  • Quote character \222 not quoted in EscapeString. (Bug #7724)

  • GetBytes was not working. (Bug #7704)

  • MySqlDataReader.GetString(index) returns non-Null value when field is Null. (Bug #7612)

  • Clone method bug in MySqlCommand. (Bug #7478)

  • Problem with Multiple resultsets. (Bug #7436)

  • MySqlAdapter.Fill method throws error message Non-negative number required. (Bug #7345)

  • MySqlCommand.Connection returns an IDbConnection. (Bug #7258)

  • Calling prepare causing exception. (Bug #7243)

  • Fixed problem with shared memory connections.

  • Added or filled out several more topics in the API reference documentation.

  • Fixed another small problem with prepared statements.

  • Fixed problem that causes named pipes to not work with some blob functionality.