MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes

17.8 Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 5.1.1 (2007-05-23)

Bugs Fixed

  • Running the statement SHOW PROCESSLIST would return columns as byte arrays instead of native columns. (Bug #28448)

  • Installation of the MySQL Connector/NET on Windows failed if VisualStudio had not already been installed. (Bug #28260)

  • MySQL Connector/NET would look for the wrong table when executing User.IsRole(). (Bug #28251)

  • Building a connection string within a tight loop would show slow performance. (Bug #28167)

  • The UNSIGNED flag for parameters in a stored procedure would be ignored when using MySqlCommandBuilder to obtain the parameter information. (Bug #27679)

  • Using MySQLDataAdapter.FillSchema() on a stored procedure would raise an exception: Invalid attempt to access a field before calling Read(). (Bug #27668)

  • DATETIME fields from versions of MySQL before 4.1 would be incorrectly parsed, resulting in a exception. (Bug #23342)

  • Fixed password property on MySqlConnectionStringBuilder to use PasswordPropertyText attribute. This causes dots to show instead of actual password text.