MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes

13.1 Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 6.2.6 (Not released)

Bugs Fixed

  • When creating a tableadapter through a Dataset form in Visual Studio, the MaxLength of the field for a CHAR column could be set to 3 times the length of the table column. Although this many bytes could be needed to hold a UTF-8 character value, the length value was not appropriate for restricting the length of a TextBox. (Bug #12860224, Bug #62094)

  • Executing a LINQ to Entity query could result in a NullReferenceException error. (Bug #12776598, Bug #61729)

  • Using a combination of ListView, EntityDataSource with TypeFilter and Include EntityCollection Navigation Property, and DataPager caused a NullReferenceException error in the System.Web.UI.WebControls.EntityDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect function. (Bug #12776517, Bug #61714)

  • MySqlScript was modified to enable correct processing of the DELIMITER command when not followed by a new line. (Bug #61680, Bug #12732279)

  • The ASP.NET membership provider was modified to create and query all related tables using lowercase names. (Bug #61108, Bug #12702009)

  • On Model First changed column types generated in SQL scripts to produce more suitable MySql types. (Bug #59244, Bug #12707104)