MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes

6.4 Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 6.8.5 (2015-03-03, General Availability)

Bugs Fixed

  • With Entity Framework 6, passing in a string reference to the StartWith clause would return incorrect results. (Bug #20129927, Bug #20334228, Bug #20334274, Bug #74918)

  • The GetTimeZoneOffset method would return an incorrect value depending on the server Time and TimeZone, as it did not take into account the day into the context of the time difference. (Bug #20065691, Bug #20362040, Bug #20362036, Bug #74905)

  • A memory leak was fixed. (Bug #19467233, Bug #19474480, Bug #19474510, Bug #73122)

  • The CreateUser function did not trim whitespace before storing values into the database, while MembershipUser did return trimmed values. The trimming is now performed before the data is stored. (Bug #19453313, Bug #19459461, Bug #19459436, Bug #73411)

  • Queries with collations using the _utf16le character set were not read correctly and instead yielded a "not presented key in dictionary" error. (Bug #19446614, Bug #19355906, Bug #19446571, Bug #72737)

  • MySQL Connector/NET would sometimes attempt to call stored procedures when it should not. (Bug #19446554, Bug #19446523, Bug #19325120, Bug #72736)

  • A connection string that included Chinese characters for a database or uid property would emit the following exception; "MySqlException: Unknown database '???'". (Bug #18141356, Bug #20508130, Bug #70041)

  • Loading two nested collections could be reported as an invalid SQL query as MySQL Connector/NET only generated a partial query. (Bug #18049862, Bug #20409538, Bug #20409528, Bug #70941)