MySQL Connector/ODBC Release Notes

6.11 Changes in MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.0.1 (2006-06-05)

Bugs Fixed

  • SQLSetDescField

  • SQLCloseCursor

  • SQLGetTypeInfo

  • SQLExecDirect

  • SQLGetConnectAttr

  • SQLDisconnect

  • SQLColAttribute

  • SQLGetStmtAttr

  • SQLSetEnvAttr

  • SQLExecute

  • Connector/ODBC is currently limited to basic applications. ADO applications and Microsoft Office are not supported.

  • SQLFreeHandle

  • Connector/ODBC must be used with a Driver Manager.

  • SQLTables

  • SQLGetFunctions

  • SQLRowcount

  • SQLGetDiagField

  • SQLConnect

  • SQLGetDescRec

  • SQLFreeStmt

  • SQLSetConnectAttr

  • SQLCopyDesc

  • SQLGetEnvAttr

  • SQLNumResultCols

  • SQLFetch

  • Connector/ODBC 5.0 is Unicode aware.

  • SQLGetData

  • SQLGetDiagRec

  • SQLAllocHandle

  • SQLSetStmtAttr

  • SQLGetDescField

  • SQLPrepare

  • The following ODBC API functions are implemented:

    • SQLAllocHandle

    • SQLCloseCursor

    • SQLColAttribute

    • SQLColumns

    • SQLConnect

    • SQLCopyDesc

    • SQLDisconnect

    • SQLExecDirect

    • SQLExecute

    • SQLFetch

    • SQLFreeHandle

    • SQLFreeStmt

    • SQLGetConnectAttr

    • SQLGetData

    • SQLGetDescField

    • SQLGetDescRec

    • SQLGetDiagField

    • SQLGetDiagRec

    • SQLGetEnvAttr

    • SQLGetFunctions

    • SQLGetStmtAttr

    • SQLGetTypeInfo

    • SQLNumResultCols

    • SQLPrepare

    • SQLRowcount

    • SQLTables

    The following ODBC API function are implemented, but not yet support all the available attributes/options:

    • SQLSetConnectAttr

    • SQLSetDescField

    • SQLSetDescRec

    • SQLSetEnvAttr

    • SQLSetStmtAttr

  • SQLColumns

  • SQLSetDescRec