MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide Using MySQL and memcached with Ruby

There are a number of different modules for interfacing to memcached within Ruby. The Ruby-MemCache client library provides a native interface to memcached that does not require any external libraries, such as libmemcached. You can obtain the installer package from

To install, extract the package and then run install.rb:

shell> install.rb

If you have RubyGems, you can install the Ruby-MemCache gem:

shell> gem install Ruby-MemCache
Bulk updating Gem source index for:
Install required dependency io-reactor? [Yn]  y
Successfully installed Ruby-MemCache-0.0.1
Successfully installed io-reactor-0.05
Installing ri documentation for io-reactor-0.05...
Installing RDoc documentation for io-reactor-0.05...

To use a memcached instance from within Ruby, create a new instance of the MemCache object.

require 'memcache'
memc = MemCache::new ''

You can add a weight to each server to increase the likelihood of the server being selected during hashing by appending the weight count to the server host name/port string:

require 'memcache'
memc = MemCache::new ''

To add servers to an existing list, you can append them directly to the MemCache object:

memc += [""]

To set data into the cache, you can just assign a value to a key within the new cache object, which works just like a standard Ruby hash object:

memc["key"] = "value"

Or to retrieve the value:

print memc["key"]

For more explicit actions, you can use the method interface, which mimics the main memcached API functions, as summarized in the following table.

Ruby MemCache Method Equivalent memcached API Functions
get() Generic get().
get_hash(keys) Get the values of multiple keys, returning the information as a hash of the keys and their values.
set() Generic set().
set_many(pairs) Set the values of the keys and values in the hash pairs.
add() Generic add().
replace() Generic replace().
delete() Generic delete().
incr() Generic incr().
decr() Generic decr().