MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide Creating Tables Externally

There are different reasons for creating InnoDB tables externally; that is, creating tables outside of the data directory. Those reasons might include space management, I/O optimization, or placing tables on a storage device with particular performance or capacity characteristics, for example.

You can create an InnoDB table in an external directory by specifying a DATA DIRECTORY clause in the CREATE TABLE statement.

CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY) DATA DIRECTORY = '/external/directory';

The DATA DIRECTORY clause is supported for tables created in file-per-table tablespaces. Tables are implicitly created in file-per-table tablespaces when the innodb_file_per_table variable is enabled, which it is by default.

mysql> SELECT @@innodb_file_per_table;
| @@innodb_file_per_table |
|                       1 |

For more information about file-per-table tablespaces, see Section, “File-Per-Table Tablespaces”.

Be sure of the directory location you choose, as the DATA DIRECTORY clause cannot be used with ALTER TABLE to change the location later.

When you specify a DATA DIRECTORY clause in a CREATE TABLE statement, the table's data file (table_name.ibd) is created in a schema directory under the specified directory, and an .isl file (table_name.isl) that contains the data file path is created in the schema directory under the MySQL data directory. An .isl file is similar in function to a symbolic link. (Actual symbolic links are not supported for use with InnoDB data files.)

The following example demonstrates creating a table in an external directory using the DATA DIRECTORY clause. It is assumed that the innodb_file_per_table variable is enabled.

mysql> USE test;
Database changed

mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY) DATA DIRECTORY = '/external/directory';

# MySQL creates the table's data file in a schema directory
# under the external directory

shell> cd /external/directory/test
shell> ls

# An .isl file that contains the data file path is created
# in the schema directory under the MySQL data directory

shell> cd /path/to/mysql/data/test
shell> ls
db.opt  t1.frm  t1.isl
Usage Notes: