MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide The ndbinfo logbuffers Table

The logbuffer table provides information on NDB Cluster log buffer usage.

The logbuffers table contains the following columns:


Beginning with NDB 7.6.5, logbuffers table rows reflecting two additional log types are available when performing an NDB backup. One of these rows has the log type BACKUP-DATA, which shows the amount of data buffer used during backup to copy fragments to backup files. The other row has the log type BACKUP-LOG, which displays the amount of log buffer used during the backup to record changes made after the backup has started. One each of these log_type rows is shown in the logbuffers table for each data node in the cluster. These rows are not present unless an NDB backup is currently being performed. (Bug #25822988)