MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide Replication and max_allowed_packet

max_allowed_packet sets an upper limit on the size of any single message between the MySQL server and clients, including replicas. If you are replicating large column values (such as might be found in TEXT or BLOB columns) and max_allowed_packet is too small on the source, the source fails with an error, and the replica shuts down the I/O thread. If max_allowed_packet is too small on the replica, this also causes the replica to stop the I/O thread.

Row-based replication currently sends all columns and column values for updated rows from the source to the replica, including values of columns that were not actually changed by the update. This means that, when you are replicating large column values using row-based replication, you must take care to set max_allowed_packet large enough to accommodate the largest row in any table to be replicated, even if you are replicating updates only, or you are inserting only relatively small values.