MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual Including MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 Startup Options and Replication Channels

This section describes startup options which are impacted by the addition of replication channels.

The master_info_repository and relay_log_info_repository system variables must not be set to FILE when you use replication channels. In MySQL 8.0, the FILE setting is deprecated, and TABLE is the default, so the system variables can be omitted. From MySQL 8.0.23, they must be omitted because their use is deprecated from that release. If these system variables are set to FILE, attempting to add more sources to a replica fails with ER_SLAVE_NEW_CHANNEL_WRONG_REPOSITORY.

The following startup options now affect all channels in a replication topology.

The values set for the following startup options apply on each channel; since these are mysqld startup options, they are applied on every channel.