MySQL™ Cluster Manager 1.3.6 User Manual

4.8.1 The import cluster Command

import cluster [--dryrun|-y] cluster_name

This command imports a MySQL Cluster created independently of MySQL Cluster Manager into a cluster named cluster_name that has been created in MySQL Cluster Manager. You are strongly advised to create cluster_name using the create cluster command's --import option; see that command's description for more information about the --import option and its effects.

import cluster requires a single argument, the name of the cluster created using MySQL Cluster Manager (cluster_name) into which you wish to import a MySQL Cluster created externally into MySQL Cluster Manager and bring it under MySQL Cluster Manager control. The cluster named in the command must already exist in MySQL Cluster Manager.

import cluster also supports a --dryrun option. When this option is used, only the checks required for importation are performed against the existing cluster. This makes it possible to test a given configuration without actually placing any cluster processes under MCM control. -y is supported as a short form of this option beginning with MySQL Cluster Manager 1.3.1.

For more information about importing clusters into MySQL Cluster Manager, including examples, see Section 3.5, “Importing MySQL Clusters into MySQL Cluster Manager”.