Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database

A.11 Changes in Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database (2015-05-01)

Functionality Added or Changed

  • The compliance framework for MySQL Configuration Metrics is added in this release. See Chapter 8, MySQL Compliance Framework for more information.

  • The following metrics are added in this release. These are computed metrics which evaluate based on predefined thresholds.

    • Replication Master Activity

      • Exceeded Binary Log Space Limit

    • Replication Slave Activity

      • Slave Error: Unknown or Incorrect Time Zone

      • Slave Execution Position Behind Read Position

      • Slave Has Been Stopped

      • Slave Has Experienced A Replication Error

      • Slave Has Problem Communicating With Master

      • Slave Has Stopped Replicating

      • Slave I/O Thread Not Running

      • Slave Relay Log Space

      • Slave Seconds Behind Master

      • Slave SQL Thread Not Running

      • Slave Waiting To Free Relay Log Space

    • Response

      • Status (up/down)

    • Binary Logs Summary

      • Binary Log File Count

      • Binary Log Space

    • Connection Activity

      • Failed Attempted Connections To The Server

    • DML Statement Activity

      • Prepared Statements Not Being Closed

      • Prepared Statements Not Being Used Effectively

    • Handler Activity

      • Indexes Not Being Used Efficiently

    • Instance Activity

      • MySQL Server Has Been Restarted

    • InnoDB Activity

      • InnoDB Buffer Cache Sub-Optimal Hit

      • InnoDB Buffer Pool Writes Bottleneck

      • InnoDB Log Waits Bottleneck

    • Performance Schema Activity

      • Host Cache Size

    • Table Activity

      • Table Cache Not Optimal

      • Table Lock Contention

      • Temporary Disk Table

    • Threads Activity

      • Connection Limit Usage (Rate)

      • Thread Pooling Not Enabled

      • Too Many Concurrent Queries Running

    • Trx Statement Activity

      • XA Distributed Transaction Support For InnoDB

Bugs Fixed

  • All thresholds used the > (greater than) operator. This is replaced with != (not equal to).