Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database

A.9 Changes in Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database (2016-09-12)


This version requires the Oracle Enterprise Manager Extensibility Development Kit

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Several performance enhancements were made in this release.

  • The thresholds of the following metrics have been changed from critical to warning, and from warning to info:

    • Table Cache Not Optimal

    • Thread Cache Size Not Optimal

Bugs Fixed

  • Path-related errors occurred when using Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database on Oracle Enterprise Manager 13CR1. (#23499577)

  • On Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c it was not possible to upgrade from Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database to If using Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c, it is strongly recommended to upgrade from Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database to

  • The InnoDB Redo Log Pending Writes graph was not displayed for MySQL 5.7 instances.

  • The Warnings Not Being Logged metric help text was updated.

  • The underlying calculation of Prepared statements not being used effectively was incorrect.

  • Excessive debug messages were logged. This was due to an issue with the Connector/J component.

  • The help text of the Binary Log Space Exceeds Specified Limit metric was updated.

  • Under certain circumstances, the MyISAM Full Text Configuration metric did not return accurate information. A warning was also logged in the agent logs.

  • On the All Metrics page, any attempt to retrieve the Innodb Transaction Activity metrics resulted in the following error:

    Metric has no keys, but result has multiple rows

    The metrics were not displayed.