Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL Database

7.6 Connection Configuration Metrics

Lists the Connection configuration metrics and provides a brief description of each.

Table 7.6 Connection Configuration Metrics

Back LogThe number of outstanding connection requests MySQL can have.
Connect TimeoutThe number of seconds that the MySQL server waits for a connect packet before responding with 'Bad handshake'.
Init ConnectA string to be executed by the server for each client that connects.
Interactive TimeoutThe number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it.
Max Connect ErrorsIf there are more than this number of interrupted connections from a host, that host is blocked from further connections.
Max ConnectionsThe maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections.
Max User ConnectionsThe maximum number of simultaneous connections permitted to any given MySQL user account.
Net Buffer LengthEach client thread is associated with a connection buffer and result buffer. Both begin with a size given by net_buffer_length but are dynamically enlarged up to max_allowed_packet bytes as needed.
Net Read TimeoutThe number of seconds to wait for more data from a connection before aborting the read.
Net Retry CountIf a read on a communication port is interrupted, retry this many times before giving up.
Net Write TimeoutThe number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a connection before aborting the write.
Offline Mode EnabledWhether the server is in offline mode, where connected client users who do not have the SUPER privilege are disconnected on the next request.
Session Track GtidsEnables a tracker for capturing GTIDs and returning them in the OK packet.
Session Track Schema EnabledThe server can track changes to the default schema (database) name within the current session and make this information available to the client when changes occur. This variable controls whether notification occurs.
Session Track State Change EnabledWhether the server tracks changes to the session state and notifies the client when changes to state information occur.
Session Track System VariablesThe server can track changes to the session system variables and make this information available to the client when changes occur. The variable value is a comma-separated list of variables for which to track changes. By default, notification is enabled for time_zone, autocommit, character_set_client, character_set_results, and character_set_connection.
Skip Name Resolve EnabledWhether MySQL resolves host names when checking client connections.
Wait TimeoutThe number of seconds the server waits for activity on a non-interactive connection before closing it.