MySQL Enterprise Backup User's Guide (Version 3.12.5)

Chapter 14 mysqlbackup Command-Line Options

The following sections describe the command-line options for the different modes of operation of mysqlbackup.

The table below list all the command options for mysqlbackup. Use the hyperlinks at the option names to jump to the detailed descriptions for the options.


The command options can also be specified in configuration files; see explanations in Chapter 15, Configuration Files and Parameters. mysqlbackup follows the MySQL standard practice for handling duplicate options, whether specified in a configuration file, on the command line, or both. Options are processed first from configuration files, then from the command line. If an option is specified more than once, the last instance takes precedence.

Table 14.1 List of All Options

Option Name Description Introduced
--backup-dir The directory to store the backup data.
--backup-image Specifies the path name of the backup image.
--backup_innodb_checksum_algorithm The name of the checksum algorithm used for validating InnoDB tablespaces.
--backup_innodb_data_file_path Specifies Innodb system tablespace files' path and size in backup.
--backup_innodb_data_home_dir Backup base directory for all InnoDB data files in the system tablespace.
--backup_innodb_log_file_size The size in bytes of each InnoDB backup log file.
--backup_innodb_log_files_in_group Number of InnoDB log files in backup.
--backup_innodb_log_group_home_dir Backup directory for InnoDB log files.
--backup_innodb_page_size The page size for all InnoDB tablespaces in a MySQL instance.
--backup_innodb_undo_directory The relative or absolute directory path where InnoDB creates separate tablespaces for the undo logs.
--backup_innodb_undo_logs Number of rollback segments in the system tablespace that InnoDB uses within a transaction.
--backup_innodb_undo_tablespaces The number of tablespace files that the undo logs are divided between when a non-zero innodb_undo_logs setting is used.
--character-sets-dir Directory for character set files.
--cloud-access-key-id AWS access key ID for logging onto Amazon S3.
--cloud-aws-region Region for Amazon Web Services that mysqlbackup access for S3.
--cloud-bucket The storage bucket for the backup image.
--cloud-ca-info Absolute path to the CA bundle file for host authentication for SSL connections. 3.12.3
--cloud-ca-path CA certificate directory, in addition to the system's default folder. 3.12.3
--cloud-container The Swift container for the backup image.
--cloud-identity-url The URL of the Keystone identity service.
--cloud-object The storage object for the backup image.
--cloud-object-key The Amazon S3 object key for the backup image.
--cloud-password Password for user specified by --cloud-user-id.
--cloud-proxy Proxy address and port number for overriding the environment's default proxy settings for accessing cloud service.
--cloud-region The Keystone region for the user specified by --cloud-user-id.
--cloud-secret-access-key AWS secret access key.
--cloud-service Cloud service for data backup or restoration.
--cloud-tempauth-url The URL of the identity service for authenticating user credentials with Swift's TempAuth authentication system.
--cloud-tenant The Keystone tenant for the user specified by --cloud-user-id.
--cloud-trace Print trace information for cloud operations.
--cloud-user-id User ID for accessing Swift.
--comments Specifies comments string.
--comments-file Specifies path to comments file.
--compress Create backup in compressed format.
--compress-level Specifies the level of compression.
--compress-method Specifies the compression algorithm.
--connect-if-online Use connection only if available.
--connect_timeout Connection timeout in seconds.
--databases [Legacy] Specifies the list of non-InnoDB tables to back up.
--databases-list-file [Legacy] Specifies the pathname of a file that lists the non-InnoDB tables to be backed up.
--datadir Path to mysql server data directory.
--debug Print debug information.
--decrypt Decrypt backup image written in an MEB Secure File.
--default-character-set Set the default character set.
--defaults-extra-file Read this file after the global files are read.
--defaults-file Only read default options from the given file.
--defaults-group-suffix Also read option groups with the usual names and a suffix of str.
--disable-manifest Disable generation of manifest files for a backup operation.
--dst-entry Used with single-file backups to extract a single file or directory to a user-specified path.
--encrypt Encrypt backup image and write it in an MEB Secure File.
--exclude-tables Exclude in a backup or restore tables whose names match the regular expression REGEXP.
--exec-when-locked Execute the specified utility in the lock phase near the end of the backup operation.
--force Force overwriting of data, log, or image files, depending on the operation.
--free-os-buffers Free filesystem cache by syncing the buffers 3.12.3
--help Display help.
--host Host name to connect.
--include [Legacy] Backup only those per-table innodb data files which match the regular expression REGEXP.
--include-tables Include in a backup or a restore tables whose names match the regular expression REGEXP.
--incremental Specifies that the associated backup or backup-to-image operation is incremental.
--incremental-backup-dir Specifies the location for an incremental directory backup.
--incremental-base The specification of base backup for --incremental option.
--incremental-with-redo-log-only Specifies the incremental backup of InnoDB tables to be based on copying redo log to the backup, without including any InnoDB data files in the backup.
--innodb_checksum_algorithm The name of the checksum algorithm used for validating InnoDB tablespaces.
--innodb_data_file_path Specifies InnoDB system tablespace files' path and size.
--innodb_data_home_dir Specifies base directory for all InnoDB data files in the shared system tablespace.
--innodb_log_file_size The size in bytes of each InnoDB log file in the log group.
--innodb_log_files_in_group The number of InnoDB log files.
--innodb_log_group_home_dir The directory path to InnoDB log files.
--innodb_page_size The page size for all InnoDB tablespaces in a MySQL instance.
--innodb_undo_directory The directory path to InnoDB undo tablespaces.
--key The symmetric key used for encryption and decryption.
--key-file The pathname of a file that contains the symmetric key used for encryption and decryption.
--limit-memory The memory in MB available for the MEB operation.
--lock-wait-timeout Specify the timeout in seconds for the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement that mysqlbackup issues during the final stage of a backup. 3.12.4
--log-bin-index Specifies the absolute path of the index file that lists all the binary log files.
--login-path Read options from the named login path in the .mylogin.cnf login file.
--master-info-file Specifies the absolute path of the information file in which a replica records information about its source (for offline backups of replica servers only).
--messages-logdir Specifies the path name of an existing directory for storing the message log.
--no-connection Do not connect to server.
--no-defaults Do not read default options from any given file.
--no-history-logging Disable history logging even if connection is available.
--no-locking Disable all locking of tables during backups.
--number-of-buffers Specifies the exact number of memory buffers to be used for the backup operation.
--on-disk-full Specifies the behavior when a backup process encounters a disk-full condition.
--only-innodb Back up only InnoDB data and log files.
--only-innodb-with-frm [Legacy] Back up only InnoDB data, log files, and the .frm files associated with the InnoDB tables.
--only-known-file-types Includes only files of a list of known types in the backup.
--optimistic-busy-tables Perform an optimistic backup, using the regular expression specified with the option to select tables that will be skipped in the first phase of an optimistic backup.
--optimistic-time Perform an optimistic backup with the value specified with the option as the optimistic time—a time after which tables that have not been modified are believed to be inactive tables.
--page-reread-count Maximum number of page re-reads.
--page-reread-time Wait time before a page re-read.
--password Connection password.
--pipe alias for –protocol=pipe.
--port TCP portnumber to connect to.
--print-defaults Print a list of option values supplied by defaults files and exit.
--process-threads Specifies the number of process-threads for the backup operation.
--progress-interval Interval between progress reports in seconds.
--protocol Connection protocol.
--read-threads Specifies the number of read-threads for the backup operation.
--relay-log-index Specifies the absolute path of the index file that lists all the relay log files.
--relaylog-info-file Specifies the absolute path of the information file in which a replica records information about the relay logs (for offline backups of replica servers only).
--rename Rename a single table when it is selected by the --include-tables option to be restored
--safe-slave-backup-timeout When backing up a replica server, the timeout value for waiting for the replication SQL thread to drop its temporary tables. 3.12.3
--sbt-database-name Used as a hint to the Media Management Software (MMS) for the selection of media and policies for tape backup.
--sbt-environment Comma separated list of environment variable assignments to be given to the SBT library.
--sbt-lib-path Path name of the SBT library used by software that manages tape backups.
--secure-auth Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old (pre-4.1.1) protocol.
--shared-memory-base-name It designates the shared-memory name used by a Windows server to permit clients to connect using shared memory (Windows only).
--show-progress Instructs mysqlbackup to periodically output short progress reports known as progress indicators on its operation.
--skip-binlog Do not include binary log files during backup, or do not restore binary log files during restore.
--skip-final-rescan Skip the final rescan for InnoDB tables that are modified by DDL operations. 3.12.4
--skip-messages-logdir Disable logging to teelog file.
--skip-relaylog Do not include relay log files during backup, or do not restore relay log files during a restore.
--skip-unused-pages Skip unused pages in tablespaces when backing up InnoDB tables.
--slave-info Capture information needed to set up an identical replica server.
--sleep Time to sleep in milliseconds after copying each 1MB of data.
--socket Socket file to use to connect.
--src-entry Identifies a file or directory to extract from a single-file backup.
--ssl Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with other --ssl- flags).
--ssl-ca CA file in PEM format (implies –ssl).
--ssl-capath CA directory (check OpenSSL docs,implies --ssl).
--ssl-cert X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl).
--ssl-cipher SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl).
--ssl-key X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl).
--ssl-verify-server-cert Verify server's "Common Name" in its cert against hostname used when connecting.
--start-lsn Specifies the highest LSN value included in a previous backup.
--suspend-at-end Pauses the mysqlbackup command when the backup procedure is close to ending.
--trace Trace level of messages by mysqlbackup.
--uncompress Uncompress a backup during an operation.
--use-tts Enable selective backup of InnoDB tables using transportable tablespaces (TTS).
--user Database user name to connect.
--verbose Print more verbose information.
--version Display version information.
--with-timestamp Create a subdirectory underneath the backup directory with a name formed from the timestamp of the backup operation.
--write-threads Specifies the number of write-threads for the backup operation.