MySQL Enterprise Backup User's Guide (Version 8.4.1)

8.4 Working with Encrypted Binary and Relay Logs

MySQL Enterprise Backup supports encrypted binary and relay logs, which are handled in a similar way as the encrypted InnoDB tables are (see Chapter 6, Working with Encrypted InnoDB Tablespaces for details).

When backing up encrypted binary or relay logs, the option --encrypt-password is required for the following purposes:

When restoring encrypted binary or relay logs, the same password used for backing up the database must be supplied with the --encrypt-password option. mysqlbackup restores the encrypted keyring data file to its proper location on the server. If the backed up server used the component_keyring_file keyring component. mysqlbackup creates a manifest file and the configuration file component_keyring_file.cnf (which contains the password used with the --encrypt-password option during the restore) on the restored server, so that the server will load component_keyring_file when it restarts. Otherwise, mysqlbackup creates a manifest file and the configuration file component_keyring_encrypted_file.cnf (which contains the password used with the --encrypt-password option during the restore) on the restored server, so that the server will load component_keyring_encrypted_file when it restarts.

If you want to use another keyring plugin or component (for example, the backed-up server was using keyring_aws and you want the restored server to use it too, or you simply want to switch to a new component or plugin), a keyring migration can be performed.

For Incremental Backups.  For a series of incremental backups, if a keyring plugin or component other than component_keyring_encrypted_file is being used on the server, users can provide a different value for --encrypt-password for any of the full or incremental backup in the backup sequence. However, the password used to make the specific full or incremental backup must be provided to restore that backup. When starting the server after restoring a series of incremental backups, the password used for the restore of the last incremental backup should be supplied to the server.