MySQL for Visual Studio Release Notes

3.4 Changes in MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6 (2016-01-07, General Availability)

Bugs Fixed

  • With MySQL for Visual Studio installed, attempting to create MSSQL connections would fail and throw an exception. (Bug #22122881, Bug #77441)

  • The Tools, Extensions and Updates, Installed, Tools window always reported "1.0.0" as the current MySQL for Visual Studio version number. (Bug #22114385)

  • Executing Generate Database from Model from an existing Entity Framework model would throw an exception related to an error with the T4 template file, when then aborted the creation of the database. The Connector/NET Entity Framework assembly (MySql.Data.Entity.EF6.dll) path was fixed in the MySQL T4 template file ( (Bug #20234532, Bug #74388)

  • With Visual Studio 2012, generating a database from a model would fail and throw an exception. However, clicking OK after the error would cause the action to succeed. (Bug #18181649)